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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. just to be honest, I feel like a dog with foreleg limp. Thanks you guys
  2. Jesse Screed

    right place

    https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14020295 i think if you speed it up you could understand the lyrics
  3. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14014082 yes we do
  4. Bjorn, I hope your wife didn't ask you to listen on headphones. she has never wanted to sing another one of my songs since, I'm searching for another, I'll find her
  5. That's what Eve said. Adam too? Snakes can be anywhere, and so there is that too. It's easy to proselytize when you never leave the safety of your controller. Smart people can be ignorant too.
  6. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14007888
  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/bidets-canada-toilet-paper-shortage-covid-panic-1.5495258 I'm not sure about the carbon footprint equivalency, but I have been to France.
  8. I am kind of, but Wizard of Oz make me cautious.
  9. If I have to be taken, then the Girls Scouts will be fine by me. It is better than being taken by surprise.
  10. that you have toe jam football, so there!
  11. Is this the cat that controls the internet, or the one that is nuking us? Why does he(?) eat so fast but the tub never gets empty? Oh Mio Oh Myo
  12. Very good! I still have a hard time pronouncing phenomenology. It is a very big word, and so objectively subjective.
  13. A Haiku (I'm just freestylin' right now) IF I thought like you The world would suck eggs and die Nothing to see here ?
  14. Oh, pray tell? What didn't you include? Don't be so timid! Focus Craig, Focus! It is your duty! go whole hog or go away, I say.
  15. Holy Moly Zolie! You tell Private Interest that I am not down with his(hers) goal.
  16. Where is the proof? Easy to say, but why?
  17. 'm wondering if this is a two way street? "believing things for completely different reasons that are hidden from them" What is hidden from you? Who is the Arbiter?
  18. I'm so glad you didn't back away. Without diverse ideas we will never come to an understanding. The key to communication is learning to speak other people's language.
  19. Two forum legends working together! Give me Graham Parsons baby! But then I keep hearing Mick too. Good work on the bed Bjorn Maybe needs some oohs and aahs
  20. Thanks Bit, Volcano is complicated, agreed. But it is also random abstract friendly if you don't care about the inner workings. I'll check out that Melda plug. Thanks for the reply.
  21. I'd say Bapu is more like a practical joke.? or joker whichever
  22. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Robert Burns No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. Check out this movie, it is very germane to this discussion. Very entertaining too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_Monkeys
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