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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. that right there so jsg if I said heads and tails would that mean anything to you? Also, what is so cool about this, and most will miss, is that you included the sheet music! I have never seen that before this forum, or any forum I can't read music, but when I look at the score, it comes in waves, page by page, like a good painting The file wouldn't play for me, but I saw it with my eyes
  2. This is #12 I Don't Play that Way https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14117402 I'm really tired and my head hurts. The biggest impediment is having a job. Also, my ME quit 2 weeks ago!?
  3. This is #11 Get Off your Knees https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14117048
  4. This is #10 Admit It https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14116462
  5. this is what I'm going to tell you I imagined a book torn in half strewn across a divide except that the pages was all mixed up and then a little lady came along and put everything in order and the whole story became more clear than a dewy spring morning in April
  6. me thinks you need a bran muffin existence is the BOMB, the BOMB I tell you I would change the name of this to "Just Around the Bend"
  7. well, the thing about this is always be a bigger Vamp this song is a transporter doot getting your wag on
  8. Jesse Screed


    Howl or go Home git yer chit down bull A man yep
  9. I love me some bjorn I really like this it made me relax I needed to relax I hope this melody visits me tonight when I wake up with the frights thanks man
  10. I love the underlying dissonance this makes you think I like that that is a cool guitar sound you have there it took me a while to focus on it
  11. I didn't mean to quote this, but I guess it all works out in the end. This is #9 I'm on Fire (Love Siren) https://soundclick.com/r/s8ejvv
  12. Yep, David will do that to you, he will.
  13. do not gnash your teeth you only have two pair and the baby teeth are so transient I like a good murder ballad? or did I get something wrong I think you should call T Bone Burnett I do gooder than honey in September
  14. I could never do this chuck mangione says "nice laid back spectral romp on a bed of daffodils and sage" the choir was right there
  15. If Andy Warhol ever heard you, your likeness would be hanging in the Louvre. you are like midnight on Route 9 with a star child sister of benevolence
  16. I played this for a friend, and he gushed over the guitar tones killer dude killer reload and fire away again there's no better time than now
  17. wookiee Have I ever told you that you put the "woo" in wookiee? the drive is there, pedal down, and the expressive lead is heartfelt Woo WOO wookiee
  18. well, I think the thing is you expressed yourself, I love the spontaneity, in a car no less this is a great song and I really dig the vocal go, especially after 3 minutes, you hit your stride there. rock on dude I
  19. very cool many people will like the guitar and the use of effects lucky for you to have others to work with or is that you? the singer I mean
  20. freddy, keep running baby I'm running too........actually.....no, I'm not running, I'm going to stand and fight. I'm tired of running, I know I am out of context, and you are a fighter too I guess what I mean is, get to it when you can, you know me already
  21. This is #8 Where are you Tonight https://soundclick.com/r/s8ejhf
  22. This is #7 Intrinsic I like the lyrics https://soundclick.com/r/s8ej7r
  23. I had to go down and dirty, recorded on a hand held recorder because I didn't have time, imported into sonar to finish. #6 I watched a video about a girl called ST. Theresa, she liked roses and simplicity. empty vases https://soundclick.com/r/s8eiv6
  24. This is going to be more difficult than I presumed.
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