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Everything posted by Soundwise

  1. This company has already got all most popular amps modeled, but I think that most users don't really need another take on Fender/Marshall/Vox/MB amp. I like that they started adding unique pieces of gear. Hope, they will keep on modelling amps like this one.
  2. Judging by the size (each of these come with only 45MB of samples) I didn't expect it to be any good. In fact, these instruments are way more usable than most bigger and more detailed libraries. How is this possible? NB! By "usable" I mean just playing and using a general MIDI controller keyboard (mine is semi-weighted M-Audio Oxygen). With better keyboards and/or for production purposes, you might want full versions of these instruments or just use what you already have and are happy with.
  3. I tried it on as many sources as seemed reasonable, including sampled instruments like drums. The EQ section is designed for plucked and strummed acoustic instruments, but other sections work well with basically anything. As MrFigg pointed out, you might not need it, that is, unless you like what it does to your tracks and the simplicity of the workflow. IME, I like it even with sampled acoustic guitars. NB! We all approach working with software from different perspectives. I am more of a creator than engineer, and would rather keep things simple to stay in the flow. YMMV.
  4. I finally was able to test these fivers. Honestly, I didn't expect anything spectacular, but MorphVerb and QuickAG proved to be too good to pass by. No wonder, Fleer mentioned this reverb plugins so much. Might not be your most transparent reverb, but it's light on CPU, very easy to use and enables users to create unique soundscapes in just a few seconds.
  5. I was not making it up. That's what a pop-up message stated.
  6. Scheduled maintenance. Nothing to worry about. https://status.ilok.com/
  7. I figured, that endlessly scrolling through available presets was counterintuitive for my workflow. EZMix 3 looks a bit more promising. However, instrument categories shown on its page indicate that the plugin is rock-band centered and might not fit all usage scenarios.
  8. This makes perfect sense. Kudos to FMI/Presonus for creating this upgrade path.
  9. They've been around long enough to know, that money talks. On the other hand, we've been around long enough to know, that it's a two-way street.
  10. They have also reduced number of pedals that comes with free version of AL. Looks like ODX, EQ and two delay pedals are no longer there.
  11. Deals like this one from IK usually indicate that major version updates are around the corner. As Larry pointed out, MAX tier is the cheapest way to get the latest and greatest once it comes out.
  12. Nice deal! Here is another option to consider: With JP price can be reduced by 15% (€12), making it €67.99 for all 53 units.
  13. I said, I'm sorry and tried to be as peaceful and understanding as I could, to the best of my ability. Whatever your problem is, it is not with me.
  14. Oh, I'm sorry. Had no idea how severe your condition is. Now I see, you are not attacking anyone and your messages are completely ethical. Have a nice day!
  15. Frankly speaking, I find your feud with Andrew Aversa and Impact Soundworks to be kind of childish. None of my business, mind you. Go on, if you wish to do so. I tested all guitar libraries and instruments that I had or could get a demo, and they all sounded good. But only Shreddage instruments sounded natural, to the point, that I'd be hard-pressed to tell them from real human performance. I think, the value of virtual instruments and virtual guitars in particular to the end user is determined by the purpose of using such tools. For mockups, I'd definitely go with something else, like NI Session series, Ample Sound, AAS GS-2, Musiclab or, maybe, OTS (they don't provide demo versions, so I don't know if they are easy to use). If I need to program electric guitar parts that sound natural, ISW Shreddage it is.
  16. I have 3 (three) full Shreddage libraries (or virtual instruments). Never noticed TV sounds in the background. Although, some samples are not perfect if you listen to them separately, in the context of a guitar (or bass) part they work unexpectedly well. IME, Shreddage instruments blow the competition out of the water. YMMV.
  17. Does it really matter which DAW you use for recording? PS 10+ years ago it was popular to discuss which DAW sounds best; people would null-test multitracks summed in various DAWs, trying to prove that they made the best choice by joining a certain camp. Hope, we've not come full circle and are not back to square one.
  18. You never reported them as installed. How was I supposed to know? ?
  19. Isn't it cheaper to just use S1 with Mix Engine FX? Sonar's PC is also very capable. And then there is Harrison Mixbus with their take on analog-ish summing.
  20. I got LUNA in my Windows. Not over the moon, though. Maybe Apple based LUNA provides a more pleasing experience, but here it's not as much fun as Cakewalk. Yet, I hope.
  21. That's a dealbreaker for me. No matter how good their plugins are, launching updates in the middle of a recording session is not appropriate. I steer away from UAD plugins and never use them.
  22. That's how it starts. Then they want a little more, then they start craving other things, available in other products. But you're right, horses for courses.
  23. Analogue-ish summing is cool, but can it really compete with other DAWs?
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