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Everything posted by Soundwise

  1. +1 for the Deals forum. How about adding some navigation goodies like menu with the recent post, post popular post, recently visited threads, etc?
  2. I hope there will be the studio section with all the usual suspects. Looking forward to it.
  3. You can't change the displayed name directly if you used your existing BandLab account to log in. However you can change the BandLab name and by default this change will be reflected in this forum. That is, change your real name for a desired nickname. If you wish to use you real name for the Bandlab, you need to untcik " Update my display name here when my BandLab username changes", then go back to you BandLab account and change your name back.
  4. CbB needs a refined Solo exclusive function. AB-ing tracks, busses settings is a common practice. Currently Solo Exclusive function in CbB lets users to switch between a selected track and a group of other tracks. There is no way to solo or mute any track/buss exclusively and then choose another track/buss and solo or mute it exclusively instead of the preciously selected track or buss. I hope it won't take too much time or effort to implement this functionality into our beloved CbB.
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