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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. This is intentionally a very simple, basic song. It is a little story about a girl who has been hearing rumours that her boy has been cheating on her. The song is his response. Ya, I know, this is a common theme in many songs. It is done up in a style that might be described as Bluesabilly meets mid 1960's Bubblegum. Ya, I know -- bad idea. Clocking in at 2:49 it is a brief listen compared to my previous posting of almost 8:00. Anyway, it is just for fun and I certainly had fun putting it together. As always, I would appreciate any feedback as I am still learning this stuff. THANKS! BABY'S GOT RED EYES https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  2. I too like this one. There is a lot going on but the central theme brings it back home to briefly settle for another aural adventure in this song. Nice!! Oh ya, what are those horns?
  3. I think that Jim (above) hit the nail on the head. It does have a Ventures/Shadows sound to it. However, you own personal touch and good playing come shining through. Well done!!!
  4. Very pleasant and enjoyable song indeed! Well done!
  5. Thanks very much Paul! Lynn's contributions to this song added tremendously to what was initially a so-so mix. I glad that you noted that little lyrical twist at the end. Thanks again for listening and for the kind words.
  6. Hi Lynn! I almost missed this song and that would have been a shame. I love it . Great lyrics (and advice) and your vocals are excellent. Stellar job on the arrangement and instrumentation. So -------- "the fat lady has sung", "stick a fork in it, it is done" --- it sounds very well done to me. It sure deserves airplay.
  7. Paul - I love this song. To me it is a child of the late 1950's pop-dowop style. The lyrics and music absolutely complement each other and carry the style previously mentioned. I agree with some of the comments above that some BGV's would carry this song a bit further --- not to mention carry the style solidly in the pop-dowop style. I do like the lack of "over production" in this song. The feeling and emotion of the song is better served by not overdoing the technology--- IMHO. Ya, I know. I am dwelling too much on the style. I can't help it. I have never been a big fan of commercial pop music but I do take a real fancy to this style. I was introduced to it by a friend and he left me some cassettes (cassettes - really! ?) of songs similar to this. Very nice work Paul!
  8. Thank you Makke. It is a bit long, as is most afrobeat music. It could definitely be improved by adding in a bit more variety to keep one's attention. I am on a steep learning curve with this kind of music and using MIDI and MIDI type VST's. Hi Nigel. Tom's comments are always helpful to me. As I mentioned to Makke, I am on a vertical learning curve in trying to capture the nuances of this style of music. I have been watching much more of this music on YouTube. As far as the horns, there is also a lot to learn there -- e.g., the various available vsts, how to capture the timing, breathing etc., and that doggone piano roll view. I am a guitar player (some might disagree with that) and this stuff is very much different. However, the rhythms of this music have captured me and I will continue making feeble attempts at pursuing this style of music. Thanks much for listening and I very much appreciate your comments. Hi RobertWS. Thanks for responding. While I do enjoy a good discussion, Wookiee brings up a good point (stated above) and I would hate to mess things up for others on this forum. Therefore, I shall not continue this particular dialogue. Thanks again for your input. Hi Wookiee. You are absolutely right and I have not carried this discussion further. My passion for this topic overwhelmed my good judgement. Thanks for the reminder. Hello Myriad Rocker. I have a lot to learn in this style of music. I appreciate your comments and have added notes of your comments for use in re-doing this number or in new attempts. Thanks for listening Lynn. I appreciate the encouragement and will continue my attempts at this style of music.
  9. Wow Bjorn! Your pictures have captured volumes of words and make a compelling statement. A person in a wheel chair sleeping on the streets - wow! BTW, the composition of your pictures is very good and the music a perfect match. This is an excellent piece of work and deserves recognition.
  10. freddy j

    Autumn rain

    I always like your songs and playing Makke. This is no exception. It does have a bit of the 1960's sound. Luv that '60's style distortion on the guitar.
  11. Hey Jesse! This is a bit different for you. It all works lyrics, and the various instrumentation all to give the song an introspective, wistful feel. Nice one pal!
  12. Love it Wookiee! I love that little thingy (voice?) in the beginning panned center. The fact that it was pulled back, in sound, made it intriguing to me. It certainly did build from there. After you defined the Sleeper and Dark Ones, the darkness and edge of this song seemed perfect. My wife calls be a Gas Giant but that is for different reasons!?
  13. Hello RobertWS: I am not quite sure what you mean by your comment? If you are referring to the subject, of this song I have based and confirmed my lyrics on the conclusions of the IPCC Sixth Report on Climate Change (available for downloading on the IPCC website). This report is from one of three panels and deals with the physical aspects of Global Climate Change (GCC). Their information is an update on their 5th Report (2014). They are not publishing original research but a review and conclusions drawn from over 14,000 published, peer reviewed scientific articles published since the 7 years since the previous report. There were 234 primary authors from 66 countries and 517 contributing authors that participated in producing this report. In addition, a total of 78,007 expert and governmental reviewer comments were received. These are all experts in the broad discipline of GCC with the requisite education and experience as their credentials. Therefore, given this rigorous process, if my assumption above is correct, perhaps you can understand my confusion. However, I am always open for alternative ideas, if the same level of rigor can be demonstrated! BTW, other than subject matter, given that this is my first real attempt at afrobeat music, I would appreciate any suggestions you might have concerning the music, mix, etc. Thanks. Hi tom: Thanks very much for listening and for your comments. They are always insightful and helpful. I have jotted your suggestions down. I was hoping for more comments from others but when I re-address this song I will be using your suggestions. Thanks again my friend!!! Hey Jack: As I am discovering, there is quite a South American afrobeat movement in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, etc. I love the addition of the Latin beat to the African and funk contributions to this style music. Thanks very much for your suggestions!
  14. You are back indeed Jesse! Love the guitar work on this Jesse!
  15. I certainly agree with the comments above --- great job on the vocals. This is a powerhouse and dynamic song! Well done!!!
  16. freddy j

    Agua Fria

    Not only is the water cool but this song is very cool. It does indeed have that Brazilian feel to it. The new Yamaha sounds great as does your playing.
  17. freddy j


    You have received some good advice in the comments above. I agree with Bjorn that there is ">>>a very promising song in there..." and with a wee bit of work it will come out!
  18. Very good number Maake! It is different from that which I have heard from you previously. I love the initial reverb and the melody in infectious. Nice one indeed!!
  19. Good heavens Nigel - I can not understand how this video would be offensive at all. Certainly, there is stuff on Google's YouTube that could be taken as more offensive than this!? This is a song that has been wonderfully done and your intern has done and excellent job. To me the images are "strong" but when a point is being made sometimes strong images are best to use to make the point. Well done Nigel and please keep encouraging that intern!
  20. I remember the amount of airplay that this song used to get "back in the day". Rogers was quite a showman and I loved this song. And congratulations, on an absoflippinlutely great cover. Great guitar playing and you really put some expression in the vocals. Well done!!!
  21. Hi tom. Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments! Hi Jack. Thanks very much for the comments and suggestions. Hey Lynn. It is a treat to work with you and initially you really added to the song with your instrumental and vocal additions. I appreciate that you took time to do a re-do on the mix. It might have a few more calories but the new mix is a delicious treat for the ears.
  22. Here is a song about a situation that can not be ignored. It follows nicely with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Report just issued last Monday, August 9, 2021. I know -- here goes Freddy J with more social observations and ranting. However, this one is a wee bit different. I have been listening to a lot of afrobeat music during the past few months and due to its rhythmic quality, it has captured me. I have used Newen Afrobeat, Kokoroko, and Fela Kuti as models in this feeble attempt to do this song in afrobeat style. It is a bit rough (especially since I had to use MIDI and Cakewalk TTS-1 for the horns). Also the ending is a bit different. Therefore, comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. would be much appreciated. By way of warning --- most afrobeat songs can be very long (e.g., 15-20 minutes +). I would not subject you to that length but this is a long one (7:59). I hope that this number makes a point and still is entertaining. Thanks! GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  23. Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from Lynn with a link to a re-mix of "It's All For Sale". I thought the original mix that he did was doggone good but he has outdone himself on this one. It has more bottom which enhances the rhythm of the song. His lead guitar work really comes through as well. He even makes the old man doing the singing and bass work sound OK. Thanks for your help and participating in this song Lynn. I hope y'all enjoy the improvements! IT'S ALL FOR SALE https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14226864
  24. Great to see you back Jesse. Can't say I'm a huge fan of hip-hop but when it is done-up and experimentalized by Jesse --- I love it!! You're the man!!
  25. Hi John. Thanks for listening and thanks for the kind words. Hi Lynn. Aw, shucks, it was just a little bit of social observation. I appreciate the kind comments and support. Thanks very much pal!!
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