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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. I commented on several songs about a week or 2 ago and none of them seem to have been posted?? Including my admiration of this song!! Anyway - this song was like all of the others that you have posted --- TERRIFIC! you have a wonderful sense of taking sounds and sculpting (to borrow from another art forum) them to create some interesting and great music. Well done!
  2. Hi Wookiee! Thanks very much for the kind words --- very much appreciated! I hope that you are feeling better and the infection has been vanquished!!
  3. Wow what a production indeed!! The music was complex, well played and fun. The lyrics were also. The visuals were also a treat and also well done. The whole thing was a treat and most enjoyable. Oh ya, and it also sounded very Beatlesque (quite an accomplishment! Excellent work.
  4. freddy j


    This number has a bit of an edge on it and it sounds great. I always enjoy your playing. You make that S. Telecaster sound mighty good. Oh yes, I like the fade out at the end!
  5. I echo the comments comments above. Great playing, arrangement, mix etc. Love those bass lines!
  6. Outstanding production --- both visually and musically!!! Great and poignant lyrics! I think that all of us have felt that way at one time or another. I hope the album is doing well!
  7. Hi tom. Thanks very much for commenting both on the forum and on YouTube. I appreciate your very kind comments. It means a lot coming from you! Hi Old Joad. I also thank you for commenting both on the forum and on YouTube. I was practicing that little "squeak technique while recording this. I first heard this technique on an old record by the Hawks (later to become The Band). Robby Robertson was the guitarist and some credit him as being the first to do this but that is up for discussion. Anyway, I thought it was cool and tried it out! Thanks again and I enjoyed and commented on your recent post! Hey Jack C. Thanks for listening and I appreciate the kind words. I really liked your recent post on this forum! Hi Bjorn. You are right -- no it is not the usual synth nature music. Mostly because of the love/hate relationship that I have with MIDI and for some reason, I don't (or can't) always conform. I am glad that you liked it and thanks for your kind comments!
  8. freddy j

    Sugar Crash

    1977 Punk is back. Raw, urgent, in your face, and with an edge. Love guitar work and overall sound. Y'all must have had a blast doing this song!
  9. I will certainly join the chorus of kudos above. I always look forward to listing to your posts. You always put out quality songs and accompanying videos. Best of luck with the album! 1
  10. freddy j

    Late evening

    Another smooth instrumental piece! I like the touch of surf guitar sound in this one. Like some of your previous posts it also has a touch of the Shadows style (a strong complement), Very good song Makke!
  11. Ah - Jack you have outdone yourself. I love this. The bass sounds really carry the song along very well. That organ gives it a bit of a 1960's edge. Your vocals really present the lyrics very well. The message is cutting but is softened up (by presentation musically and vocally) so that it does not cause bleeding. Great stuff Jack!!
  12. It all sounds perfect to me. I echo the kudos above. Great work!
  13. You do write very good love songs! Your vocals are excellent and I always like that little touch of the country sound!
  14. Sounds good to me also. I particularly like the panning of the Back Ground Vocals!
  15. freddy j

    Leaves On Water

    I haven't posted on the forum for quite a while. For the past several weeks I have been fighting a doggone sinus and ear infection. Trying to listen to music or anything else was a bit weird and echo like. However, after several doctor visits and medications it is finally starting to approach somewhat normal. All of these words are to set up a caution that the mix might be a bit ragged. This post was put on YouTube and is definitely different for me. It follows a trip that a leaf might take from falling from the tree into a stream and riding the stream to its final destination -- a pond. The whole thing is intended to be very relaxing and mellow. No --- I am not getting soft but I just thought I would try something different. Given that this was done while my ear was still on the mend, I would be grateful for any comments, crit.'s, suggestions. Thanks! LEAVES ON WATER
  16. freddy j


    Thanks Kevin. I very much appreciate your kind words. It is nice to know that I got close to what I had intended! Hey Bjorn. Thanks for listening and the kind comments. Hate is an emotion and subject that does indeed concern me.
  17. freddy j


    I have not listened very much to this style of music at all. Therefore, I can't comment on song structure, instrumentation, etc. However, I must say that i found it very intriguing. In spite of my ignorance, I found the sound setting up a reflective, introspective mood that pulled me into the music Well done Bjorn!!
  18. Excellent work. Love the guitar sounds and playing. The vocals/harmonies/BGVs are also excellent.
  19. freddy j

    Man Alive

    Your tinkering sounds excellent. The lyrics are excellent, and particularly poignant. Well done!!
  20. A great video indeed! I believe that I have never heard a Ukulele playing the Blues! It sounded doggone good - for sure!
  21. Another aural treat by Jesse! It is a bit different for you and I luv it! Thanks for your honest comments. I too can not read music (I ain't no spot man - beatnik slang). It was only upon retirement that I picked up the guitar again. I would love to read and know more music theory but it's too late now. Personally, for me, music is therapy. Instead of yelling at my wife and kicking my dog (if I had one), I pick up a guitar and a few minutes later -- all is well! I know I am not an artist. I guess that is why I must have fun with my music. A few minutes listening to my preferred genre and all is well. Enjoy doing your music Jesse and have fun doing it -- and -- keep them coming!
  22. freddy j


    Hi noynekker. Thanks very much - first for listening and secondly for the kind comments. I appreciate it!
  23. Doggone Jesse this was great! one of your best. It got me all edgy! Cool stuff!!!
  24. freddy j

    Nest of the wind

    An other nice one Makke! I always enjoy your playing. Keep them coming!
  25. Maybe I am beginning to sound like an old vinyl record that is stuck but you have put out another very professional production (music and video). All of them are different but have a commonality gives them your excellent signature. This particular song is excellent (again) and has its own melancholy, reflective feel to it! Great stuff Nigel
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