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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. Check the folder preferences for project templates, then look in that folder using file explorer for the actual <project>.cwt files. I have had certain odd things get hashed in my global preferences after a few of the application updates over the last couple years. Worth a look.
  2. When this happens, try the <WINDOWS KEY + TAB> or <ALT +TAB> to see if it is behind something or maybe thinking it is on another monitor.
  3. If you encounter a device with a female combo XLR/Phono (Neutrik) input, unless it is EXPLICITLY labeled otherwise, it will be balanced TRS, per AES/IEEE guidelines.
  4. Somewhere in the midi track is a CC or NRPN data bit causing that, and it should show itself in the event editor list.
  5. As a work-around you could insert a CC to turn off (bypass) the reverb section at the beginning. Also try the VSTi in a new, empty project to confirm EW is the culprit.
  6. Just for clarification; real engineers do not confuse these two. A channel is mono (or now two channels, ie: stereo) and as such only has one input... mono or stereo. A bus is an aggregator device which creates a 'summing' of multiple input signals. ?now you know. ?
  7. I gotta tell ya... my UE 7 Pro IEM's sound 'almost' as good as my big monitors... "ear-buds" they ain't.
  8. Next up... a plugin that emulates a 1962 handheld transistor AM radio!
  9. Samsung drives inevitably failed at least a month out of warranty, so I didn't even bother. Just trashed 'em into the circular file of unwanted parts. Seagate RMA support was excellent. Haven't had a reason to send anything back to WD yet.?
  10. I DL'd a week ago and also really like it (for a freebie). All instruments & sections setup in my scoring template (each one wrapped in Komplete Kontrol) only footprints at 226Mb total. They are not completely dry however. You can still hear the room RT on most articulations.
  11. I've had too many failures with Samsung SSD's. I only use WD Black for 4 years now. No issues.
  12. If it would not load in safe mode then the project may be corrupted. If you have set preferences for auto-save and/or versioning try to load one of those (look in the help system for "recover") Copy all the tracks into a new, empty project, close the bad one, see what happens. Check in preferences that your proper audio I/O drivers are selected. (You can do this before opening the project) Delete any master (out to hardware busses), insert new stereo master bus, assign to your audio hardware outputs, then assign all tracks to the master bus. This is a bit drastic, but if the project contains MIDI tracks, try saving as MIDI 1 file. Then if it also contains audio, check <Project><Audio Files> for the locations of the audio clips in the project. Open a new project, import the midi file, then locate and import the audio files from the above location and rebuild the project. If that works, consider 'auto-save' and/or save as 'bundle' CWB file in future.
  13. Thanks to release 2022.06 and the option to have downloaded local help all the time (set in preferences), I rarely even use the local PDF anymore. Tho I still have a shortcut to it in my Win10 menu.
  14. I posted an item for discussion in Feature Requests if anyone would care to chime in pros/cons on the idea. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/47893-synth-rack-icons-fr/ Cheers!
  15. Excuse me if this has been covered before... I know the difference between setting a 'default' synth icon, in that it will always load the same icon with the synth when another instance is loaded. I also know that if several instances of the same synth are loaded in the synth rack, each with different icons, and saved in the project, they will return on next open with the saved icons. I would like to propose some discussion on having different synth icons saved when exporting a track template and how difficult that would be for the Bakers. Let us assume this is my preferred BBCSO string setup (in a folder) to be saved as a Track Template: ...and this is my Synth Rack Layout for above tracks: It would be really nice if the icons pasted into the Synth Rack could be saved and recalled in a Track Template. Thoughts anyone?
  16. The current version of Cakewalk by Bandlab is very similar to Sonar (5 to Platinum) so you will recognize most of it. It has lots of new features, but the core is identical. If your old CW Bundle files contained separate MIDI & Audio tracks, they should expand and be available (sans plugins & other minor items), if you open one and it only contains a single 'mixdown', then that was the way it was saved years ago. If an opened CWB appears usable to you, immediately save it as a standard CWP (project) file and get to work! Good luck!
  17. Hey... it could be much worse... like a popup advert every 5 mouse clicks. ?
  18. Have you tried to open the project in safe mode? (hold <shift>, then click on the filename; do not load any plugins when prompted).
  19. @Promidi I'm assuming that the "defaultLength" is in ticks, but what color wheel does the 10 digit "color" entry relate to??? [It's not hex RGBA, so...?]
  20. FWIW; I use an ASIO M-Audio driver that was last updated early in Win7 and have OS system sounds, CbB, my video sled, Windows Media, and YT (in a browser) all running through it simultaneously for years with no issues. Someday the other shoe (x86) will drop, but so far, so good.
  21. I suspect that, because your audio I/O is Behringer, the audio driver is ASIO4ALL, which is not really a 'genuine' ASIO driver and is just a 'wrapper' for the OS WDM driver, which has no "shared" mode. At the sacrifice of some latency, you could try WASAPI (shared) and see if it works. Then consider an upgrade to a better interface with real ASIO drivers.
  22. I just tried this several ways, including closing and reopening CbB and the project and also cannot duplicate your issue. All hidden tracks STAY hidden as set. Even when changing to any other view.
  23. Accidental notes outside of a scale are used all the time in composition in passing to create tension, but generally not as a resolving part of a chord structure. IE; glissando, or grace notes.
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