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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. In my habit of attempting (a-hem...) to sketch out a track everyday, I pasted together this stinger for a video game developer client of mine this afternoon in 6 hours and 10 minutes. (FYI; I just got emailed back & they will use it! Kool beans!) Piano - NI Noire Guitars - Shreddage 3.5 Stratus (x2) Bass - NI Monark Drums & Perc - Loops Strings - Amadeus Symphony Orchestra FX - Izotope Vinyl, The Finger
  2. Any available LFO modulator like those available in Guitar Rig 6 and some clip/track automation would do the trick. But those EFX are not stock in CbB AFAIK. Or you could kinda hack it with just volume/pan automation.
  3. True, but I often peruse the manual without having CbB open. I know... I'm a little nutty that way. ?
  4. Impact Soundworks confirm bug in NKS script found last Thursday. Update to be released soon. If anyone else has Shreddage 3.5 Stratus, see if you can confirm a possible issue in the NKS: Power Chords Sustain articulation, notes from low E to C# octave are only making release noises, not actual pwrchrds. From D on up to D in the next octave is fine. In Power Chords Mute articulation the octave issue is reversed. Releases only in top octave, pwrchrd mutes in bottom octave. I'm trying to confirm if it is just my installation, or if some grouping got messed up in the script on this update (3.5 was released about 2 weeks ago). Thanks.
  5. If using an external disc for tracking on USB3 ports, properly 'eject' the drive before physically disconnecting. That allows the OS time to finish housekeeping.
  6. You will be much happier down the road if you invest in a reliable external HW I/O. For years I did location recording with a Presonus Audiobox (2x2) on my laptop and never had any issues. Plus it has 1x1 MIDI ports. Focusrite has compact I/O units that are great. @David Baay is absolutely correct; Ninvida HD drivers are notoriously weak and you should unload the task of ADDA from your i5 proc/chipset.
  7. Funny that. You know you're in the twilight of your career when stuff that you did in 1999 encroaches on an otherwise comfortable elevator ride. And the studio that they were done in has been bulldozed in favor of high-end condos.
  8. In 2021 I created (and sold!) two film teasers using nothing but ProjectSAM TFO. Man was I surprized that I got away with that.
  9. @Starship Krupa is on the right path by using the devices specified control panel. Over the years with several different Firewire and USB devices from the likes of MOTU and M-Audio, if I reset or trashed the CP settings for the I/O I'd lose both sets of my Surround ouputs and be left scratching my head. Lesson learned the hard way. I have since always saved an export of the settings in a safe place. Once all 8 (+) channels of ADAT light pipe or S/Pdif are opened and bussed in the device they should show up in CbB. [And... in my experience... they like to run at 48k better than 44.1k]
  10. I don't remember if Mike covers your specific query, but worth a watch.
  11. @PavlovsCat You're too kind. But as a caveat (since it was mentioned), I DO occasionally use Izotope Mastering Assistant to slam out a quick reference for a client on the road to final mixes, but it (the interaction with AI) stays in the studio building, not out in the cloud. It does a fairly usable job for transmitting an MP3 ref, but when client expects high end results, I rely on my hardware & software suite, excellent ear training, and a generous application of another irreplaceable resource... time. Oh... if I could only buy more time. ?
  12. Thanks, but no thanks. Since mixing and mastering with my own ears have paid for my house, my cars, and a paddock full of motorcycles, I think I'll stay away from sharing my IP with anything AI. Probably be fine for the neophytes though.?
  13. Have you tried to bounce to "Groove Clip" and then export & play? If I create a MIDI groove clip and save it (drag-n-drop) into my 'MIDI clip library' (which is just a directory in Win Explorer) and then preview it from the media browser in CbB WITHOUT having "preview at project tempo" checked, it will play at original speed. Does exactly the same thing in a media player from desktop.
  14. You can add a new column "ISRC" to the file view via View, Columns... for the field %isrc% and enter the data directly in Mp3tag's file view (by clicking on the items' column like renaming files in Windows Explorer). The other option is to import the ISRC data from a file. There must be one ISRC code per line and the order of the ISRC codes in the file has to match the order of the files in Mp3tag's file view. You can use the converter Taglist-File - Tag with a formatstring like %isrc% for that.
  15. It appears that you MAY be using either WDM or WASAPI exclusive driver mode. If your audio interface has ASIO drivers available (it should be downloadable from Focusrite), try using that driver, or try WASAPI Shared. Also refer to the online help system or the local help for more info on driver states.
  16. Look in the Event Editor List to see if all of the duplicate notes are on the same MIDI channel in the offending track. If not, check in the settings of Scaler to see if Multi-Out is engaged. It will output the main chord on channel 1 and the individual notes of the chord on channels 2,3,4 & 5. NEVER MIND. Was just able to open your graphics... not the issue I was thinking of.
  17. Ah yes, the days in a tape based studio. It only took 30 minutes of prep to load the tape machine, bias it, record align it, splice a leader, then record arm. Set up mics & headphones & chairs, set levels, buss everything through the console, then remember to hit record. It was sooo instantaneous. SMDH.
  18. Have a look at the PRV and examine the length of the notes to make sure they are truly ¼ notes. If not trim & justify if necessary. See what that does.
  19. I have a shortcut to the CbB PDF and my video sled PDF manuals pinned to the top of my Win start menu and use them OFTEN!
  20. And something that has cropped up recently (and is not the fault of the DAW) but Scaler 2.7 placed at bar 1 beat 1 will miss outputing the first chord about 90% of the time. If placed at bar 2 and dropped into record from bar 1... no problem. I usually request my incoming video dubs to have a countdown so that I can set the downbeat at bar 2,3 or 4 etc., but that doesn't always happen. Like everyone else that clamors for 'this or that feature request', I have work-arounds that function... but could be easier and more intuitive. We can all dream, right? That's life. P.S. [Have a look at anyone doing scoring using recent versions of Cubase or Logic on YT... chances are that you'll notice at least 2 negative measures (-2, -1, 0 THEN bar/beat 1]
  21. @Michael Durham I was going to ask if your PC IEEE 1394 I/F had a genuine Texas Instruments chipset on it, but that may be moot if it has worked partially and/or in other situations. This may be a long shot, but beg/borrow/steal another FW interface (like an old MOTU 896) to test and eliminate the AVID as the culprit. In my vast experience with PT hardware, I instill very little faith in AVID anymore, but that's just MHO.
  22. @Starship Krupa Preroll comes from the days of analog tape (both audio & video) where it took a couple of seconds for machines to get to a stable speed and sync lock. In a DAW, it can apply to having a couple of seconds/measures before record/playback is mission critical, like when cutting to a video cue that downbeats exactly at timecode zero (more commonly one hour, but you get my drift). Other than the absolute start of a project timeline, where I wish there were at least a couple of negative measures, I enable preroll by setting a loop start a measure or more before the punch-in point, and occasionally do a post roll the same way. Kind of a habit from the days of having to sync multiple tape transports together. Also gives performers a chance to 'get in the groove' before the important stuff happens. And yeah, I know that I can offset the start of the video playback by the necessary time, but that is a PITA IMO compared to a negative preroll. (Six of one, half dozen of the other...)
  23. For Pre/Post roll I have set my loop length to be longer head & tail than the punch In/Out selection. Helps with sloppy guitar players and many vocalists. And we have been begging for a few negative measures of preroll for a long time (to aid with video sync) like Cubase and Logic. Still holding the occasional breath in case it actually happens.?
  24. The bundled version of GR3 did require a serial number and it was posted in the old Cakewalk Command Center in your account with the download links to all of your purchased products. IIRC, GR-LE was a freebie courtesy of Gregg H. If you no longer have access to that portal, you may be out of luck. I know that I still have all my authorizations back to Pro Audio 2.
  25. I have at times used one Instrument track for the MIDI notes and added another MIDI track for the controllers and automation, and keyswitches (before the Articulation map days) so that I could edit/transpose the notes without messing up any of the controllers, then bundled all into a folder. Now with ArtMaps and Automation lanes, I generally don't do that as much anymore. But I like your idea if it wasn't buried too far in the UI. Like a small popup menu below the Controller lanes in PRV similar to the Transform Tool. <Bypass Active> or <Bypass All>
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