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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. You should confirm with M-Audio support that the supplied software driver for the Solo/Duo is a genuine ASIO driver and not ASIO4ALL or some other variant.
  2. It's well known that opening an older format file in a newer application and then saving it (using defaults) will convert it to newer file format, and regressing from there is foolhardy.
  3. Well, you might be surprised at how many pads, leads, and beats that I've made in my shop by sampling things with my electric drill... ? Sound design is an artists minefield.
  4. I found a post here that is identical to your issue and appears to also be unresolved. There may be a rabbit hole over there at the Tascam forum that you may have to go into and fish around. Personally, I've never seen or heard glowing reviews of that particular interface.
  5. The signup for 'news' was sort of a flop. The signup for Sonar Beta is more recent and rigorous. If they still need participants and you qualify, they will let you know. Additional paperwork is required such as non-disclosure agreements & instructions to only report/communicate through private channels... and not this forum. Good luck!
  6. Try the 'None' workspace first. I never thought to ever try this with take lanes, as I usually only open one track at a time so that I don't get confused and edit the wrong thing, but I would assume it functions there as well. I have a nine custom workspaces and they all work correctly, but I started with one, modified it and saved as new as project layouts required. I also work on 4 separate monitors too, but that shouldn't have any effect on the TV.
  7. Select all the tracks in Track View <CTRL-A>, hold CTRL and click on any Automation Lane icon. However (and this is intermittent for me occasionally) it will only open the first automation lane on the track(s). If you have multiple lanes on any particular track, it won't always open all of them. Never bothered me much tho. It is a toggle function, so if you have some lanes already open and execute this, the open lanes will close, the rest will open. Obviously, the inverse is true as well.
  8. The thing about scoring to film is that you have to make the music fit the scene timing.
  9. NI Noire layered with an anvil that I sampled in the shop, felted. It's meant to just be the downbeat pulse.
  10. I'm probably spoiled because I use 4 monitors. TV is on mon1, PRV is mon2, Console is mon3, Video playback mon4... which really makes things easier.
  11. Au contraire. IMO the PRV is best alone or in conjunction with TV for composition, TV almost exclusively for live recording, and Console view in conjunction with TV for mixing. YMMV.
  12. Let's say you have respective instruments bussed to groups like Keys, Drums, Bass, Percussion, Guitars, Vocals, etc. (ad nauseum) in the Master section. They (except Vocals for example) are then assigned to output to a "Band" bus fader, which then goes to the "Master". The Vocal group (bus) goes direct to the "Master". When you mute or dim JUST the "Band" group fader, this will achieve what you're describing. You could also dim solo the "Vocal" group and get a similar effect.
  13. Latest cue for my current project out in March. Can't show the actual video scene due to my NDA, but please... enjoy!
  14. Very little of the Kontakt code is duplicated in RAM for multiple instances, so it is not the memory hog... but the sample libraries are. I run projects daily that contain 60 to 100 instances of Kontakt wrapped in Komplete Kontrol with no issues at all.
  15. @Saneesh This is a four year old dead thread. You might want to move your query to a NEW posting in this category.
  16. So my question is: do you really ever find time to use all of the 40,000+ plugins that you have... or do you just collect for the fun of it?? I've only got about 300 VSTi's... and still haven't applied a bunch of 'em yet.
  17. Me too! I can sketch together an orchestration with this in about 3-4 hours, and it really sounds pretty good for a mockup. Then I can replace with EW/Spitfire/VSL stuff or layer up for more body. The solo strings aren't great, but they are usable. And the cost is really reasonable for what it does.
  18. @Peach; while not of extraordinary quality, the sounds available in TTS1 are far superior to the MS GM wavetable, and map directly to any standard MIDI file, with program changes and all. Have fun!
  19. Or CC64 in the Piano Roll View.
  20. Just beat me to it @57Gregy! Unless something went drastically wrong with your download & install, TTS1 should be available.
  21. Just learn to make a decision and commit to it. If you can't arrange, produce, and mix a decent project now, it probably won't get any better with age.
  22. FYI: In physics, jerk is the rate of change of an object's acceleration over time. It is a vector quantity. Jerk is most commonly denoted by the symbol j and expressed in m/s³ or standard gravities per second. What is that magnitude again? ?
  23. Highly unlikely, but you might try to turn off X-Ray in Preferences to see if that makes any difference. Otherwise, I'm with @mettelus.
  24. You probably never had to try to navigate the front panel of a Publison Infernal Machine! LOL!
  25. It was phased out as it is no longer supported by Win11, and latest builds of Win10. TTS-1 is your best option for GM sounds.
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