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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Another one of your bouncy songs that always leaves me feeling better. You're on a roll!
  2. A lot to think about here... I like it a lot!
  3. I'm not sure I would call this a blues song, but it's soulful. I like the song very much, especially your clever arrangement and terrific vocal. It has the element of surprise, which I love. Another winner from you!
  4. Brilliant! I'd bet that Sir Paul would really love this.
  5. Paul, I think your new mix has a bit more polish, making it smoother overall. The vocals still have depth of feeling, which is the major highlight of this song, besides the lyrics. Encore!
  6. I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but if you righ -click on the header of any folder you get the option of deleting just the folder alone or with all its contents. You can group select all folders and do it en masse.
  7. Yet, another terrific song from you, Paul! This could stay "as is", or put it aside and let it mature, and then come back to it and see if anything develops. What a wonderful dilemma.
  8. Wow, that must be very satisfying for you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had ever done anything this cool
  9. Very hypnotic with a nice beat and texture. Experimentation is good!
  10. One of your best!
  11. Can you not rip a song from a CD that you own already? There are free programs that rip songs from a CD, just google them.
  12. Right click on the envelope to change the curve shape. Also, when offsetting the nodes, don't be afraid to zoom all the way in if necessary.
  13. The expansion packs have been safe for me for years. I believe this to be a false warning.
  14. This is one of the best I've heard in a while! I'll be listening to this several times.
  15. Yes, in terms of marketing, Bandlab gets a provisional D-. It's disappointing in light of all the information they've given us in the past. It suggests to me that the cake is finished, but the icing is not. Let's hope that soon changes.
  16. Yes, please provide better contrast! At least make the sliders and markers adjustable in Preferences, please. Could you make this a priority?
  17. Go to the top of this page and click on Other Links-Cakewalk|Home and then the Sonar tab. At the bottom of that page is the link to download. You can tell that Sonar is now active and available. It may not have all the answers you're looking for, but it has more information than you've provided
  18. What a great post! It keeps the rest of us honest, more or less...
  19. What's not to like? When you've got it, you've got it!
  20. This is a damn good pop song that I'd listen to again and again. You have a good voice for this style, which I think is the star here. The mix is clear and balanced on my system. Take a bow!
  21. Hi Steve, the summer's off to a good start here in KC,MO. Hope yours is going well! Keep up your good work.
  22. Lynn Wilson


    Outstanding! I didn't want it to end, as I'm very fond of music like this. I suddenly have an appetite for hummus
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