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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. I like edgy songs like this. The raw emotion of your vocal makes this song shine! Good job all the way.
  2. This is elevated quirkiness! I enjoyed all of it and look forward to hearing more.
  3. Good song, Barry. It seemed shorter than 8 minutes which is always a good sign. Keep it up!
  4. Nice way to start my day! Encore!
  5. Mikael, thanks for your nice comments. It took me a few spins to appreciate the flanger, too, but now I can't live without it You may be right about the HH; it'll come down a few notches in the next mix. Thanks for your time and ears, PC! That curveball is a result of combining two song ideas into one. It doesn't always work, but this time it did. I appreciate your kind words, Makke! Let me know when Fender issues a guitar in your name, and I'll snatch it up!!
  6. You may have to run CW as administrator. I have RP working in both CbB and Sonar, as well as stand-alone, so it's still good to go. Make sure it's in your scan path.
  7. This is a good follow up to your last song. You have a nicely developing story going here. I look forward to part two of this.
  8. Terrific! It's about time that Fender gave you and endorsement or a signature guitar!!
  9. I like your version of this classic song very much. I applaud you for taking on the Beatles songs and making them your own! As for panning, I often put the kick at 11 o'clock and the bass at one o'clock. I then boost each one by a db or two @ 2.5k - 3k to give them a bit more separation while still keeping them sounding centered. That leaves room in the center for the lead vocal. Actually, I consider the center to be from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock. Don't forget to check your mix in mono to keep things in perspective.
  10. Lynn Wilson

    Memory Park

    Beautiful song and performance. The mix is clean and clear, though, I hear more energy coming from the right channel than the left. A slight adjustment in panning can make this stellar, imo. Keep it up!
  11. Thanks for replying, Noel. It happens on any project, new or old. It's an internal drive that I've always used, the same one that opens immediately in CbB. The delay is fairly short and doesn't prevent a project from opening; it's just that I've never seen this behavior before the new Sonar came out. Bottom line is that it's not a showstopper, just a minor annoyance. I've found that if I wait about 10 seconds after the start screen appears then there is no delay, so it may be something in the background causing interference.
  12. Steve! This ought to be required viewing, as the message is still timely today, sadly... The overall mix is superb, and your voice is in great shape. It somewhat reminds me of one of my favorite 80's bands - Bourgeois-Tagg. Powerful stuff!!
  13. Nicely done, Larry. Keep the progress going!
  14. Regardless of where you posted this, it's dope! Congrats
  15. Lynn Wilson

    The Gull.

    I like this song for its imagery and unexpected changes. I think a short video could be made for this which could really bring this to life. I loved my Korg M1.
  16. I've had this happen a few times, but, usually, it gets it right. My problem is that when I click on a project to open it, it just sits there for several seconds before responding. The same with opening the browser from the Quick Start screen, a delayed response that has fooled me into thinking it wasn't working. I just got the latest version today, but it still has a 5 second delay in opening a project. I think they need to take a look at this feature; otherwise, it works beautifully.
  17. Thank you, Paul, for your welcome words! I was hoping that the chorus (Valhalla SuperMassive vst) was the star of the show It's the first time I've ever used it, and it has much potential. As for the harmonies, I'll try to fulfill your wish in the next song Cheers to you, mate!
  18. Another great song and video! This has nice chord changes which keeps it from being predictable. Well done, Nigel!
  19. This is a very fun song to listen to. Your soulful vocals shine, and your lyrics highlight them well. The mix is kinda trippy, and I hear more than just Floyd influences in this tune. Please keep exploring anything that you've ever done, Kevin!
  20. Fred, thank you very much for your encouraging words! I had briefly considered doing more guitar in this song, but thought that it might be too obvious or overdone. Just one of the questions I had before posting this tune. It's always nice to hear people wanting more rather than less I'll put that thought into the next song.
  21. If you pay for it you can save all the projects you want.
  22. Bouncing to clips is how I render Melodyne clips, or any region f/x. As you point out, you can render multiple clips at once, though, I always do them one at a time rather than letting them stack up.
  23. Kevin, your response is very welcome and greatly appreciated. I haven't really delved into side chaining, as I use other methods to avoid this technique. However, it may be time to learn this method, especially in regards to using reverb and delay. This will give me something to look forward to. Thanks for your support and knowledge! Bjorn, it's good to hear from you! The "chorus" is really a separate song that I incorporated into this piano ballad that I hoped would fuse together into a whole. It's jarring to some, and that is one of the big questions that I have concerning this song. I'm still uncertain about this, but I'm starting to get a grip with this issue. Thanks a million for your time and good ears! KS, thanks for your comments and time! The piano is courtesy of EZ Keys 2; MG2 is the synth playing arpeggios in the right channel during the middle section. To answer your question about Jam Origin, I love it and have been using it for about 5 years. It's very fast and responsive, and I love to play Z3TA +2 and Rapture Pro through it. As you can see from my answers above, I'm still uncertain about that middle section, but I'm warming up to it.
  24. Thank you, Nigel, for your suggestion. That was one of the many choices I had to make in regards to the arrangement. It is something that I will consider for the next mix. Thanks for your keen advice, Steve. Juxtaposing that break with a piano ballad was jarring to me, as well. It's the result of combining two songs into one. You've given me food for thought. I do have a tape emulator, so I'll have to give that a try. Appreciate the idea! I appreciate your comments, Steve! I love SD3, too, and often begin songs with its great presets. That changeup is getting mixed reactions, but I'm glad you like it. I like it, too, but it was the big question mark when I posted this. The jury's still out.
  25. I appreciate your kind words, Jack!
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