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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. It's good to hear from you, Tim! This is a good rock song with a magnetic guitar riff. It really draws you in. This is one of the loudest masters I've heard in a while, which is OK, though it lacks dynamics, imo. It seems that nearly everything is the same volume all through the song making me miss the highs and lows of a great mix. I just don't hear it breathing, yet. But, a really cool song that needs very little tweaking to put it over the top.
  2. Terrific song, John. The lyrics are spot on! All in all, a solid recording and mix. You've helped so many people over the years with your tutorials, and it's good to see that you were able to help yourself
  3. Nice one, Jesse! It's out there.
  4. This is a good start to something. Your snippets keep improving, though, I'd like to hear a completely realized song from you someday.
  5. Lynn Wilson


    Smooth is the word that comes to mind; a pleasant trip that brings back a lot of memories. Your production is spot on, as are the performances of the band. You always seem to be picking up steam. Keep up the good work, Barry!
  6. Nigel, as I once said, you are the gold standard!
  7. This is a good song on several levels; the mix is clear and balanced, the performances are strong and emotive, and it makes my feet move! I don't hear too much sibilance, but I never do, so take it with a grain of salt. Encore!
  8. Very cool!! I wasn't expecting this, but enjoyed this very much. I love versatility. Technically, it is very professional, yet conveys the joy you put into it. More
  9. Steve, your creativity knows no limits. I love the arrangement of this tune because it's unpredictable and quirky. I wonder if you've listened to Ben Folds, as you share some of his vision, though, yours is unique. You're one of my favorites because I never know what to expect from you!
  10. Shades of Sade! This is so chill. It sets a dreamlike mood, yet is passionate at the same time, no easy feat. I'd love to hear more from the two of you.
  11. This is a good way to start this day, or any other. It has that epic feel that you have mastered over the years. You always make me love synthesizers and want to do something similar someday. I always appreciate your dedication to your listeners! Keep it up!
  12. Terry, your voice brings back a lot of good memories from the old forum. I like this song very much, and it sounds like you've grown since the last time I heard you. The mix is nicely balanced, and your vocal is clear and strong. Have you come back to CW? If so, I look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
  13. Lynn Wilson

    Free Fall

    Bjorn, this is terrific! It's very meditative and soothing to the nerves. You just keep getting better.
  14. Nigel, I'm very pleased that you like this because I consider you to be the "gold standard" for videos. I hope to do more videos in the future, and this was a good learning experience. Thanks for your encouragement! Terry, I remember you and your music fondly. It's been a while since the old forum. Have you become a CW user? Hope to hear more from you in the future.
  15. Thank you, Jesse! It's good to hear from you. Hi Larry, thanks for your time and comments! I wish I could see and hear the video on your setup because I'm not seeing or hearing what you are talking about. The video is exactly as I uploaded it; the degradation you mention is by design and part of the f/x. I don't hear the lack of clarity in the vocals either, though, that doesn't mean it isn't there. The song is meant to be a little rough around the edges, rather than pristine, but I was hoping it wouldn't be too rough. Your observation is valuable to me, and I will have to consider it when I make the final cut. Thanks again! Terry, thank you for your kind words! For the record, I go back to '51
  16. Thanks for your wise reply, Wookie! No sooner said than done. Barry, your words are so welcome! I tried to get those guys to wear something different, but they, instead, got me to wear their uniform. Only the lead guitar had the good sense to wear something else. Keep up your good work! JWN, thank you for your kind reply! This song is more in my wheelhouse than some that I write. Cheers!
  17. Wow, Steve, this is so cool - a professional's reply! Thank you for your time and ears!!
  18. Mark, your comments give me great comfort! I'm happy you like the bass/drums groove because this song started on the bass. I used AD2 at the time but was unhappy with their 5/4 beats, so I programmed the drums to lock into the groove. As for the video f/x, I have astigmatism, too, which explains why they turned out that way
  19. Thank you, Jack! That's very comforting coming from one as prolific as you! I'm a big fan of yours, so your comments are very welcome! This was a fun song to perform, and I'm glad it's reflected in the mix. Thanks, Daryl, this is good news! Congrats on your latest round of songs! Hi Bjorn! I'm doing OK, though very busy these days acting as a caregiver which takes away from my internet time. I'm happy to hear your view of the f/x because that is a major concern of mine. It turned out to be creepier than I expected, so it might be a good Halloween song. Don't be too fooled by the looks of my studio; if you saw the raw footage, you'd realize what a mess it is
  20. Wow, I have to give your review a 10! This video resulted from an upgrade to Vegas Pro 20, and I'm using the f/x that comes with it. All in all, it came out a little spookier than I expected. Mark, your words are greatly appreciated! I wish you had a whammy bar, too, though I don't miss it in your music. Great technique goes a long way. KS, I appreciate your kind words! Some songs mix themselves better than others; this is one of them.
  21. You have the track selected (piano) but not the MIDI clips. Your now marker is in the right place if that's where you want the copied clips to start; just lasso select those clips and the copy and paste functions will work either in the edit menu or by ctrl-c and ctrl-v. It's critically important that the Now marker is in the correct track and location of where you want to paste the clips.
  22. You only have the timeline selected but no clips. Lasso the clips to be copied or hit the track header to select all the clips. That's all you're missing.
  23. Hello to all my CW friends! It has been a hectic summer for me, but I managed to get one project finished. This is a song that I wrote and posted on the old song forum in 2014. Since then, I remixed it with fresh, new tools and filmed this video just a few weeks ago. I admit that it's rough, in fact, the raw footage is SO rough that I had to dress it up with various f/x to hide the poor lighting and staging. This should probably be seen as a first cut, no more. However, it's gritty enough to convey a sense of urgency which is what I was looking for, more or less. It is a wide-open book, just waiting for your input. As always, much gratitude for your time and patience. This song was inspired by the old saying "the devil made me do it", nothing else.
  24. Then bounce to clip. The point is, once you create an audio track from the frozen track, you have all your f/x, and you can then eliminate the MIDI track or synth.
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