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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I didn’t know how that stuff works. I read a bunch about it, but I still don’t understand all the details.
  2. Any plug-in that loads with the word default as the opening settings will always load the default so you have to save something back over the word default. I’m not positive about q10. Just open a few and look for ones that say default as they load. I always save it twice. Just an old geek habit. I’m not sure that makes a difference either. That would probably be an easy way for Cake Walk to install one preset for every plug-in. Just have them load default as they load the plug-in. Edit- After a few test, I found that all Waves plug-ins can be saved as your favorite default setting. Right clicking on the bar plug-in menu in the middle of the Plugin. I didn’t have time to check very many, but blue cat also works and fabfilter. There might be more we will do more testing later.
  3. Do they show up in the plugin manager? Or are they no where to be found? What folder are they installed to?
  4. I open up waves Q-10. I type in the word default. I hit save setting. I hit save setting again. Next time I add Q 10 it uses that default setting. Now you have 3 ways to have a “default” plugin setting.
  5. Cake Walk / Sonar has an even better feature called Plugin chains. So instead of adding a plug-in, you can add a chain. You could have five different versions of a plug-in and pick which version you want. Or just one. An FX chain does not have to have multiple plug-ins. It could be a single plug-in with the default setting you want. The track Even better! I can have multiple plug-ins with multiple default settings along with the routing to external bus effects prebuilt in one click ad all that. You should really look into these two features if you have not.
  6. Thanks I did not know it was in the workspace settings. I don't think the stretching has been properly implemented in workspaces. I set 2 monitors like I need, then saved the workspace. When I reopen the console, it is reset to the installed default (All expandable areas closed), not my settings. I don't want to not use workspaces, because it is a great feature and saves time setting up different views of your data. Please look into saving console stretch positions to the workspace data. Everything is checked except shortcuts, which I save separately.
  7. I’ll try setting it up and saving a new work space. I didn’t know this was included in workspaces.
  8. I use save as. Then process (many things are done this way, but not all are)
  9. Is it just me, or do you have to resize the console view every time you open a project? (Second monitor) Is there a secret to remembering the setting of this new console?
  10. I was thinking about SABRENT NVMe M.2 SSD to PCIe X16/X8/X4 Card with Aluminum Heat Sink (EC-PCIE), and adding 1-2tb drive to it. Maybe the 4tb is the way to go. The only problem I have with this is that my backups are all 2tb drives (6). Amberwolf lol old age error lol mettelus Thanks, still have questions about shared bandwidth stuff. chaps I was think for the future. I thought buying nmve drives would be a better long range investment
  11. I'm not sure what shared truly means? Does it completely reduce the speeds of all drives connected to these ports to 3g/s? or if only one drive is being accessed can it use the full 6g/s
  12. sorry 2tb I already have 3 drives. 3 2tb drives. I don’t notice one being slower than the other 2?? I was gifted three 8DIO libraries for Christmas by one of my clients. I already have the flute from one of those and it is 3 gig! I can’t even imagine the total bytes in 3 full libraries!! I was thinking a sata 3 ssd or an nmve. I guess the drives are not reading data at the same time??? It would be a 4th drive to move libraries from a spinner to a faster drive. Now I don’t know what to do?? I could pull a 2 and replace with a 4 would that be better?
  13. I have 2 mb slots open. I need 2gig drive for pcie2.0 x1_1 slot or PCIE 2.OX 16_3 slot compatible with PCIE x1 and pcie x 4 devices BaseBoard Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer INC. BaseBoard Product P8Z68-V PRO GEN3 BaseBoard Version Rev 1.xx or should I just get another sata ssd?
  14. We can’t see the master bus. How could we guess an unseen plugin???
  15. I’m always curious type. I just wanna know what the plug-in was that caused the silence??
  16. You should also push the audio extremely high into the tape input. This will reduce the noise. This is also the way an engineer would have used it back in the day.
  17. A plugin on the main bus has not been authorized. You do not have to to be playing a song for the Plugin to silence.
  18. Looks like good news to me. They’re still going to have Vegas and they’ll focus more on it and dump all those other miscellaneous versions that they used to have.
  19. I have always had to click the folder not the name.
  20. A full backup and restore would get this data. It could be in the history or stored in a hidden folder somewhere. Use backup software to clone the drive.
  21. I know it doesn’t help now, but I always save any of my important presets to a folder called presets \ plugin name, track presets, etc, etc. in my computer. Then I backed that data up along with my Plugin manager organization data. If you’re talking about factory, presets you might have to reinstall or possibly figure out where they stored. I’m not sure if someone else may be able to help you with that.
  22. Infra sub anything less than 20 HZ.!! Try the 5-10hz range. Just be sure you secure the plates, cups and other things in your kitchen. The sound won’t break them, but they could vibrate out to the floor. If the amperage is high enough, not only could the dishes fall out, but you should check the screws on the doors as well lol. Probably 2-3 minute backlash every time you hear his sub 🤣 If you have a peer and beam house you might want to check for structural integrity first.
  23. Yes it would probably be best. If you just export the buses like most people do. Will you be remixing the stems down yourself or have someone else to do them? Is there some reason you’re mixing them down to stems? Most people just export the sound directly from the master bus. If any further processing is done, it would be done by mastering the song from that file. I could personally only see one reason to mix to stems. That would be if you do not have enough horsepower to just export through the master bus and the processing that you want to do there. I guess I could also see it if you had a very complex orchestra piece and you wanted to bounce clarinet flutes. Oboe, bassoons, how to clarinet, bass, clarinet, contra, bass, clarinet,, blah blah blah down to woodwinds. Don’t forget the Sopranos sax, the alto sax, the tenor sax, the baritone sax, Then go Bounce, trumpets, trombones, F horns, baritone horn, euphoniums, tuba down the brass, etc. etc. etc.. strings, percussion and more still left lol. Then you gotta go back and remix the whole thing from stems even that would be a lot of extra work I would rather bounce and freeze stuff for these tracks. And Delete extra plug-ins. Before I would want to remix from stems, I think. How are you doing? Orchestra or cinema work?
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