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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. I got the same offer Larry and I have to admit I'm tempted this time. I'm sure the last offer I had didn't include all the expansions and was more than this. I cannot find anything about how much disk space these take and my disks are bulging with samples already. Does anyone know by any chance?
  2. I also thought Nucleus was a pretty nice freebie. Good call @Lemar Sain re the free module add-ons. Reaktor 6 is excellent too Prism is one of my favourites for organic, evolving sounds and Monark's an oldie but goodie. On the subject of modular syntheses you have also reminded me to take another look at Blocks.
  3. Yes, this free version was how I started with it Vernon. I then picked up Ignite from a Mr Shelby for not a lot (thanks Larry ?) and recently got Core and Electro Drums on a special offer. There are tons of great sounding presets and it's also a serious synth playground. I like that you can add a little to it at a time for not a lot of money. I'm also demoing the Vintage Voice Bundle at the moment on your recommendation - loving those Juno 106 sounds!
  4. Very cool, great vibe! He's also promised an update next weekend with whole load of layer presets that he's still building.
  5. Wallet openingly great! Thanks @lawajava
  6. Version 2.0.8 now available from your account. https://www.pluginboutique.com/myaccount Change log Fix an issue causing Scaler to start its playback too early when using DAW sync Fix a resizing issue causing Scaler to display at a wrong position on launch Prevent Scaler from hanging during startup/validation Prevent bound-chords from being stopped when adding arpeggiated notes Add a notification when dropping an unsupported file onto Scaler Fix display issue in performance names with accent when using Poppins font Updating the arpeggio timing from the side menu now updates properly the live settings panel Prevent a display issue when recalling a saved state with multiple panels open Fix an issue causing hung notes when using playback and a MIDI Controller
  7. I can also confirm that step record does not record the MIDI notes from Scaler 2 but rather the keys pressed on the controller. I also tried recording an Arp from Scaler 2 with it set to DAW sync and found that the timing drifted after a few bars with respect to the Cakewalk metronome. I see a timing drift fix in a previous version but maybe there's more work to be done in that area ( https://forum.scalerplugin.com/t/scaler-2-latest-version-updates/3542 ). At the moment the most reliable way to capture MIDI from Scaler 2 seems to be the internal record then drag/drop. I managed to capture an Arp in Scaler 2 and then drag/drop it to Cakewalk. There are glitches at the note change boundaries (maybe my bad keyboard skills) but these are mostly fixed using the Cakewalk Quantiser. EDIT: Actually I just discovered Playback Quantise in the Scaler 2 Settings menu which solves the glitching issue. Is that an alternative that might work for you?
  8. Thanks RBH. I like simple solutions and the answer does seem to be to click on the Cakewalk track number once inside the Melodyne window so that the track number turns orange. What confused me is that when you right click on the audio clip in Cakewalk the track number does turn orange but once inside Melodyne it appears to de-select the track number even though the clip is still highlighted. So the fix when this happens is to click on the track number in Cakewalk and then the notes appear in Melodyne. I am using Editor not Essentials by the way but I imagine it's not version specific. I'm still not entirely sure that this isn't a bug in Cakewalk as it doesn't happen every time so why would the track sometimes be selected but not always when I am always going into Melodyne the same way? IDK.
  9. Thanks. I'm never quite sure where to raise these as the old forum used to have a "Problem Reports" section but it's not so clear cut on the new forum.
  10. I keep meaning to raise this problem but I am now so used to working around it I just keep forgetting. Anyway, I have just upgraded from Melodyne Editor v4 to v5 and the problem still exists. It's been in Cakewalk for as long as I can remember. It only happens when you first open an audio clip in Melodyne. 1. Run CbB 2. Load a project with audio clips or drag one onto a track. 3. Select the audio clip 4. Ctrl-M to open in Melodyne 5. There's just a blank Melodyne window displayed - scroll around the window but nothing's there. 6. Close the window and re-open and the audio appears correctly. Here's a video demonstrating the problem.
  11. Thanks LAGinz! Change Log here... New features and improvements: Improved ARA chord integration (Melodyne 5 compatibility) Added Quantum 2626 Device Template Fixes: [Ampire] Audible pop on instantiation [Ampire] Loud click when switching thru Wah models [Melodyne] Crash when using “Copy Song Data to Note Assignment” [Presence XT] Sample start modulation shifts loop start as well [Windows] Slow redraw moving less than 51 items [Windows] Crash on duplicating / moving / replacing arranger sections [Windows] Fat Channel Plug-ins not working on certain systems Multi Instruments w/ NoteFX missing Fader/Inserts when recalled Pattern Part “Variations” are not recalled correctly Automation not responding on scroll wheel in Pattern Melodic Mode Menu item “Assign in ascending order” should not appear pipeline’s port menus Redraw problems in Scratchpad timeline Potential crash on playback when an audio event has an invalid length or offset “Tab to Transients” doesn’t work in .multitrack files VST2 plugins do not report key switches
  12. Just lost an hour on that Arrival IV patch - awesome stuff? EDIT: but it does seem to crash a lot
  13. Good news! Thanks Simon ? EDIT: Updated and all working great!
  14. I am not at home now but have tried that approx 6 times since Thursday and it was the 1.0.12 guru file. Unless it was mislabelled. Will try again when home. Are you seeing 1.1.3 tags?
  15. Thanks Grem. I like what you came up with there ? I have had a play with Obelisk now and like what it does. The keyswitch to change scales is useful. I have recently been experimenting with using a number of these type of plugins together e.g. Scaler 2 into Chord Potion, so would be interesting to add Obelisk into the mix.
  16. Nothing yet Simon. I emailed them on Thursday and haven't heard back.
  17. I will try it when I'm back at my PC Aidan. EDIT: I just tried it and I still get page 78 - a word beginning with S
  18. Very true. I was on the livestream last night and told Shane about the ilio situation and his response was basically that they are usually a bit behind on updates! I totally agree with Matthew re Unify being able to take care of its own updates. Alternatively why can't they do what most other vendors do i.e. you buy it from wherever, then register with the developer who treats you like any other customer.
  19. Page 20 didn't work for me and the message I get says to enter the 2nd word of the big headline on page 78 which is a different word. Maybe it's different every time a person accesses it?
  20. At least you can do that now if you bought from PluginGuru direct. Ilio are behind the curve. Wish I hadn't saved a few dollars now and bought direct from PG. Still waiting for a reply from ilio as they have 1.1.13 program but still the old 1.0.12 guru file.
  21. Thanks Grem. That's enough to spur me on to using it again. I guess with so many options (Scaler 2, Instachord, Chord Potion etc) it's easy to overlook some.
  22. There are around double the number of samples in V2 compared to V1. Some are the same in V1 and 2 like the nice E Piano but there are a lot of new ones. Internal sounds can also be turned off but I would say that they are handy for sketching ideas. You would probably use one of your other sound libraries for more polished sound for any final production though.
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