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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. That sounds great, nice work and a superb Unify stack @Simeon Amburgey It sounds almost like something that would be put together in DAW never mind played live. Send it to John Lehmkuhl and I'm sure he will be impressed!
  2. This is a BIG update and contains so many new features. It is free for Unify owners... If you purchased from PluginGuru then get the update from your account on their website. If you purchased from a 3rd party then get the update from https://www.ilio.com/unify-updates Watch out for (at least) one of John Lehmkuhl's livestreams this weekend or check some of his recent livestreams which cover a lot of the new stuff.
  3. Since applying this update I have noticed that the AXE IO control panel pops up at Windows startup which it didn't do before the update. So I had a look in Task Manager --> Start-Up and noticed that there are two AXE IO control panels scheduled at startup. One is marked as high impact and the other one is low impact. So I disabled the high impact one and it no longer pops up but starts in the background just as it used to do before the update. I cannot find where this second instance is initiated, but anyway disabling it seems to have the desired effect for now. Anybody else notice this?
  4. @Fwrend I emailed izotope about Nectar Plus and their response was... "The two added upgrades to Nectar 3+ are RX 8 Breath Control and the Advanced Unmasking functions." They also reminded me of the loyalty offers and included an extra 20% discount voucher code as I "had been a customer for a number of years". 20% would make it approx $160 so a bit less than JRR. It might be worth you asking iZotope support a similar question if you get my drift to see if they give you a 20% discount code.
  5. Yes it’s brilliant and also low cpu hit! There’s a thread on it here somewhere. Hang on a mo..
  6. Lol, we already did this Larry - see your thread above. I posted first but you found the better price.
  7. Here's an update on my Iris 2 authorisation problem which might be of interest to folk here (especially if you ordered the same bundle from JRRShop)... iZotope support got back to me today to say that the Iris 2 serial I purchased from JRRShop was from Hal Leonard and had been disabled. When I looked back at my emails I ordered it in November 2018 and it was for a bundle comprising Iris 2 & Breaktweaker Expanded. At the time Iris 2 authorised but Breaktweaker bundle did not so JRR sent some new serials which worked fine for Breaktweaker (and still do). I now wonder if the serial for Iris 2 also had a problem which did not show up at the time but only some time later when I tried re-installing on my new system. So...I have emailed JRR for a new Iris 2 serial... Let's see how they respond (I have already stopped using them for new purchases).
  8. Thanks Larry. Guess that realistically limits me to UK/European buyers.
  9. I have a 0.5 upgrade waiting which should take me to v11 when it is out. Then I will be selling off my Cubase Pro license which I bought after the Cakewalk collapse. I just need to work out whether I need to include my e-licenser dongle or whether the buyer can use their own. Anyone know? If anyone's interested in it send me a PM or I will probably put it on KVR. I remember Cubase on the Atari - I had an STFM! Then I went onto an Amiga 500 and Dr T's KCS. Seems like yesterday!
  10. Lol! Here's a quick demo made with Captain Plugins in about 2 minutes (chords, beat and bass)... The bass pattern is one of hundreds and it is editable of course. It does have some excellent bass patterns. CC Demo.mp3
  11. Ah, also forgot MIDI guitar...an excellent way to get guitar into MIDI format for making bass synth noises (or other stuff) with the added advantage that you are already a mean guitar player Mesh!
  12. Sounds a bit too familiar Mesh Instant gratification is something that takes time ? ? I like the look of this as well, especially if you can sing ...
  13. @Mesh I don't know which of these you have but in addition to the above options I have used the plugins listed below to make some good synth bass lines or in some cases starting points. Each will require different amount of user input and techniques to make something useful. - Chordpulse - Orb Producer (Bass or Melody plugin) - Captain Plugins (Bass or Melody plugin) - Riffer - Scaler 2 - Instachord / Instascale - Evabeat Melody Sauce - Band in a Box (mainly MIDI but also audio) There are others I have probably forgotten about. You might need to look up YouTube tutorials for each of these as some of these can go quite deep (no pun intended ? ). There's also the option of singing something into your DAW and getting Melodyne to convert it to MIDI or using a Synth Bass sample library (or maybe the MIDI from one). EDIT: ChordPotion and Chordprism are two more that can be used like this.
  14. ZincT

    IK Krazy Deal

    I picked this up in the Group Buy and it is pretty good. Excellent price. ?
  15. I have TimewARP 2600 (part of a SONiVOX bundle) and used it once on a cover of Dakota (Stereophonics) to create that synth sound. I managed to get something close to the sound but the UI is tiny and that made it hard to work with. The sound of it was just OK. None of the SONiVOX bundle made it to my new PC (crashing in Big Bang made me find alternatives long ago). Honestly, if I was looking for a cheap alternative I would spend a little bit more on the Cherry Audio CA2600 (I think Larry found it for around $20 at EveryPlugin). Vastly superior sound on the Cherry vs TimewARP and a lovely big UI. I also compared the demo of the Cherry to Arturia's version and although the latter has more features (more polyphony, aftertouch, sequencer etc.) overall I found myself preferring the sound of the Cherry. If in doubt try the Cherry demo.
  16. Unfortunately the serial shows fine in my account but the Portal does not seem to associate it with the same account so when I try re-adding it it just gives an internal error ? For some reason I didn't put the authorisation on my iLok when I installed it on the old PC but that would have probably helped as the iLok is now on the new PC (which reminds me that I have some housekeeping to do with the iLok at some point).
  17. That's what I thought. It is shown in my account along with all of the other stuff including MPS 3. The other stuff authorizes fine. In iZotope Product Portal on the old PC I noticed an asterisk against it. When I hover over the asterisk it says "Authorized, but not registered to logged-in account" but I have only ever had one account with them. On the new PC it does not show it as an owned product even though I do own it. I think it must be something to do with the iZotope account migration that I recall happening a while back when they updated their website. iZotope support have sent me what looks like a standard list of things to try which haven't solved the problem and they are now taking their time replying to my "that didn't work" email.
  18. Excellent timing, thanks Larry! I bought this on a deal a few years back and it is working fine on my old PC but on the new one iZotope Portal won't authorise it. iZotope support has been unable to resolve it but using this free authorization has solved it in an instant ?
  19. True dat. ? I tried the demo and although cheap and pretty nice I decided against it as I have it covered in various guises .... VM Module, Arturia, Sonivox TimewARP and the Samples from Mars Kontakt version.
  20. Lol, fair enuf. Trouble is I initially thought “nope, don’t need it” then you found Koby’s price and now I’m thinking ? ?
  21. But you did find the better price, Larry.
  22. https://store.cherryaudio.com/bundles/ca2600-synthesizer For Unify owners it is also Unified (comes with a Unify patch library). John Lehmkuhl's intro video about it...
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