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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Thanks Richard. Also, I must admit I didn't really "get" the harmonize button until I saw this video. I was expecting something that would create a harmony to a melody made within Orb PS so the need for an external MIDI file seemed at odds with that to me, but as this video reveals it's much more than that!
  2. Thanks! Full Kontakt only.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up Aidan (and @musical for the OP). Not yet subscribed but I might do this! Cheers!
  4. Good point Larry! Maybe I'll wait it out as I have enough to occupy me at the moment (freeing up space to install K13U stuff).
  5. I'm not using it but the updated version looks pretty nice and is also available on iPad (which interests me). They streamed a live webinar about it yesterday which may be of interest..
  6. That's not a bad idea Grem to dip your toe in the AT5 water. Although for us VAT payers it works out at approx £75 inc VAT with jampoints. The only addon I am missing is Satriani but that's only in AT5MAX so I will have to wait that one out.
  7. There's a Halloween Sale on all 22 of the PluginGuru libraries that have been Unified... https://www.pluginguru.com/current-promotions/ Note: You need to own whichever product the patch library is for e.g. Omnisphere for Omnisphere libraries. To use the Unify version of the library you need to also own Unify. Also, on that link is the free and excellent massively updated UniScream library (you can donate if you want to). You need to own Unify to use UniScream. This is what John says about UniScream...
  8. How much!? ? I will definitely be waiting for BF/Christmas deals on this one. AT 5 MAX upgrade from AT4 MAX is more than I paid for Komplete 13 Ultimate upgrade which includes the excellent Guitar Rig 6 not to mention all the other stuff.
  9. You are probably right Aidan! I'm still waiting for Amber.
  10. I might also be tempted this time when the usual half price bundle upgrade offer is available. In the meantime I will be trying out the fully functional 15 day demo which can be downloaded from here --> https://www.applied-acoustics.com/chromaphone-3/
  11. Thanks Richard, just trying it again now. Will update this post when I have downloaded and tested it. UPDATE: Cakewalk; I had to do a full re-scan for it to detect the VST2s but seems to work OK. Studio One detected the VST2s and worked OK after a normal startup scan. Same for Reason. Cantabile VST3 works fine but the VST2 playback marker moves without the transport being activated although notes are only sounded when you hit the transport play button.
  12. Two downloads; first one around 292Mb and the second one around 83Mb. https://www.reasonstudios.com/blog/free-halloween-sound-packs
  13. Yeah, I thought it was odd until I remembered the last upgrade (VS-3?) where the resellers had it advertised before AAS. It is there now though ... https://www.applied-acoustics.com/chromaphone-3/
  14. Yes they get upgraded to v12 and they still load fine on old projects that used v9 before.
  15. Enjoying the new features Richard. One issue I have so far is that none of my DAWs have picked up the VST2 versions which are located in C:\VST64\Orb Producer Suite This is on the plugin scan path of all my DAWs (Cakewalk by Bandlab, Studio One 5 Pro, Reason Intro, Cantabile).
  16. Thanks Richard! Downloading it now.
  17. Great idea @Piotr and one that I will support via an email to Waves! When they first brought out v11 I carefully followed their procedure to upgrade the plugins that would allow it and I was amazed that it worked and all of my v9, v10 and v11 plugins happily co-existed. However, I was well aware of the problems that others had experienced and knew that I was probably just lucky. Well that was on the old PC!!! Read on... On my new PC (in July 2020) I wanted to keep everything neat and tidy so created VST64 and VST32 folders (for any plugins that insisted on installing 32 bit versions). I deliberately held off installing Waves plugins until much later in the migration process knowing that they have their own ideas about where they are going to install. Initially I installed v10 and v11 plugins as these did not require an offline installer. That all went well so I did a backup and next tried installing the v9 plugins using the offline installer. End result....ALL OF MY WAVES PLUGINS WERE TRASHED!! Literally none of the Waves plugins worked any more - they would scan but not load or some other errors or issues. I was very pleased that I took a backup before doing the v9 install which I quickly restored. Looking for a quick solution (I still haven't heard back from Waves when I raised a support ticket) I decided to WUP the v9 plugins that I still use and have used on a great many projects. That worked and I was then able to install the missing plugins which all worked fine. I appreciate that v9 plugins are out of their support period but I didn't expect them to break all of my other Waves plugins!! I have plenty of other old plugins that still work and don't break anything when I install them. The cynic in me can't help but think that it is some kind of ploy by Waves to get people to WUP their plugins so that they can extract as much money as possible from their customers. So you think that plugin you just bought was a bargain at $29...think again as it will cost you more in the long run. I also hate the use of multiple Waveshells which causes unnecessary scanning every time I run my DAW(s) - I have it set to manual scan in CbB and disabled in Studio One purely because of Waveshell. I'm also not happy with Waves Central and plugin managers in general as it makes it impossible to use tools like Revo Uninstaller to back out of bad installations.
  18. I decided to do the v12 update as my Gold + Rennmax runs out of WUP on 31st October and I have just wup'd everything else that I use on a regular basis. It all went smoothly and fortunately it didn't try to re-download all of the HD samples (36.5 Gb) for the Inspire Instrument bundle.
  19. Some great stuff there, thanks kevin!
  20. I have just started out on my quest for Repro sound sets abacab, with more than a little help from @lawajava. I just picked up AZS Prometheus for Repro 1 which is great! Luftrum is also high on the list not to mention U-He's own offerings, Pluginguru Powerpack , The Unfinished, SynthMob New Loops. Plenty to get stuck into! I haven't got any add-ons for Pigments 2 or Iris 2 but I will certainly give those Luftrum ones a look, thanks. I'm also looking for good deals on VPS Avenger expansions which tend to be expensive so finding good deals is a must. Another recent purchase is Parawave Rapid which sounds amazing and definitely one to demo if you haven't already.
  21. Very nice for a freebie. I'm really getting into U-He stuff. Picked up Repro recently which is gorgeous. Also have Diva in my sights. Will be interested to see what Zebra 3 has to offer when it's out.
  22. Looks interesting as a cheap alternative to Gullfoss....
  23. Sounds pretty nice. https://www.rondegusmaolobo.com/product-page/thumb-jazz-guitar
  24. Nice one, thanks Larry!
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