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Posts posted by jude77

  1. From the web:

    Maselec MEA-2 equalizer (IAE2, year 2017 model), Maselec MLA-4 (Mac-3, multiband compressor/limiter), COMP 1B is a single band derivative of the MLA-4, DynEQ is a dynamic eq derived from MEA-2 & Comp 1B and DynEQ Stereo is a dynamic eq derived from IVORY3 STEREO and Comp 1B.

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  2. I pulled this off the web:

    NAVY2 features a modern Neve 2081 equalizer sampling (A) from a Custom 75 Series console, vintage Neve 1081 (B) equalizer, a large selection of line inputs/microphone preamps/console busses, 2254 reissue compressor (COMP1) and 33609/JD (COMP2). Unknown Neve console line outputs.

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  3. I really enjoyed the video.  Here are the two things that struck me: First, you told us something only someone on the inside would know.   That's always interesting to those of us who will never be on Mount Olympus with the "Stars" and I think that will draw to viewers.   Second, you have a very "winsome" personality.   To me you seem a bit like Woody Allen mixed with Tom Hanks, just an ordinary good guy who isn't the least bit impressed with himself, but who happens to have some fascinating stories to tell.  Not to mention that you have a hilarious dry wit.  I found myself laughing out loud several times.

    I hope you know that all the folks on this forum are pulling for you and we'd love to see you hit a million views. 

    • Like 3
  4. 4 hours ago, sarine said:

     If you truly have 1000 attacks (whatever that means) per month against a company/organization (I assume), you have it pretty good. My personal firewall easily logged similar monthly numbers of SSH bruteforce login attempts and many apparently trying to leverage some known exploits - and I'm a nobody.

    HOLY MOLY!  That's it's.  I'm going dark.  I'm off the grid.  No more internet for me.  Except for the deals forum, of course.

    • Great Idea 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 21 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    Everybody gets targeted like mad these days. I have a small dot com that has received some notoriety in the marketing, advertising and PR world and I don't think we've had a month in the last several years where there wasn't at least 1,000 hack attempts.

    That number totally blew me away!!!!!  I thought a small dot.com might get 100 a year.  It makes me wonder how often the "big boys" get targeted.

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