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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. I haven't seen this questioned addressed, so apologies if it has. I'm looking at making my next power desktop (mostly for development, but my DAW box too) an ARM-based system running Windows 11. The plan is a go if Sonar will run on it. Are there any plans for a native ARM build of Sonar? I get that plugins make this a difficult question, so if not, have you tested Sonar running in the Win11 x86 emulator?
  2. Kevin Walsh


    This piece engaged me right away and held my interest all the way through. I don't know if the middle part is too long or not, but I really like it. Very well done.
  3. I don't know how I missed your cover! I went back and gave it a lesson and it's pretty damned awesome. I love your take on it. A killer arrangement. My goal was trying to do an arrangement that a four-piece guitar band could perform. Yours has a great stamp of your own on it with a vocal that rocks hard as hell, well done. Sorry about jacking the thread!
  4. Thanks for listening, I'm grateful for the critical feedback!
  5. Thank you, mark, very grateful you chimed in, and really pleased that you like it!
  6. Thank you, Alper! I'll post another mix soo, I'm grateful for your feedback!
  7. I was only able to give it a few minutes on my buds . Love the vibe and the execution. Got to give it a listen on my good speakers but I really like what I'm hearing.
  8. Such a beautiful song. Great lyrics and the piano sound is amazing. More, please.
  9. Thank you for the kind feedback! I also wore out the record, the stereo and everyone in my family's last nerve. Like many people I'm not a fan of my voice and it's hard to stay the hand that wants to tweek and alter, so its amazing to hear nice things about it from folks, especially since I pray every night to wake up with a Devine Lie Master of the Universe voice.
  10. Thanks, yeah, that Am weird thing I was doing drove me nuts but there were (and still are!) so many things to address in this cover that I kind of overlooked it. I took care of it, thank you for the feedback. I'm not sure, I might well have stolen the ending from one of the many covers online. It's been a while. I might have had a flash of inspiration and come up with it myself, but I doubt it.
  11. Thanks for the great feedback! I've done another mix that I hope takes care of the clipping. I think the noise was from my running the bass through a buss with a flanger on it. I took that off, let me know what your ears think. Thank you!
  12. Killer intro! Mix is pristine and vocals are great. Love the lyrics! Nickie bangs his shoe, lol!
  13. I did this cover about three or four years ago and every now and then I take another crack at. It's a deep song with lots of parts and I never fail to find something I missed. So here is my current iteration. Please feel free to hammer the arrangement, mix or master. I appreciate any feed back! Update: New mix
  14. Love all your covers and this one is no exception. Sweet arrangement and love the keys. Such a smooth and chewy mix! Keep 'em coming!
  15. I ♥️ Cakewalk. I am ?that this will do much to change minds but I'll ?it.
  16. That's the guidance from Cakewalk on this issue, certainly, and that's what I've had to do whenever my products update. Interestingly, it's not been an issue with my Reaper projects. Do the update and somehow Reaper just keeps chugging along.
  17. I had this problem with IK product installs. Renaming folders and rescanning is the fix, at least until the next update. Imho, sonar should ideally handle issues like this without crashing but Cakewalk seems to feel otherwise for reasons I'm too dim to understand.
  18. Thanks for your kind comments, freddy, and thanks for listening!
  19. Thanks, Nigel, I grateful for your feedback!
  20. That thing that compels you to express yourself in music and share it is what makes you an artist, not the opinions of others. You don't need to justify your status as artist to anyone. Most forum members here would probably agree that your work is valid and compelling. Gazillions of musicians great and small never learned to read music. I never had training, didn't really pick up an instrument until I was fifty years old. I are an artist too! Keep doing what you do, you have an audience!
  21. Thanks bjorn! It's all in your mind!
  22. I really liked this one steve! I agree with the Paul Simon comment, you can hear the influence but this is definitely all your own. Very nice hook in the chorus with the how can I carry on line, very catchy. I have only listened to it on my phone but I'll give it a listen on my headphones later. The piano parts sound good, did you use ez keys sounds or route the midi to another synth? I might have to check out ez keys, I'm desperate for a decent piano player sometimes. I'm having a hard enough time just wrestling with guitar . I have scaler2 which has helped quite a bit but for some reason none of the patterns ever seem to fit what I'm trying to do. How does ez keys stack up to that? Thanks for posting this!
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