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Kevin Walsh

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Everything posted by Kevin Walsh

  1. That track is good! The mastering job sounds pretty good too, but it sounds in places like the track has lost some definition between instruments. Maybe you have it set to be more aggressive? I didn't know about the free bandlab mastering service, I'll have to check it out.
  2. Thanks, Wookie, hope you're feeling better today!
  3. Great recording, I can hear everything and what I hear sounds quite good. The track misses a bass. Can you talk a bit about your recording set up?
  4. Kevin Walsh

    Warp 7

    I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Pretty cool melodies and the lead voice is pretty compelling. Thanks!
  5. If I recall correctly both representatives from Apple and Microsoft visited the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Microsoft and Apple both liberally stole from Xerox. I'm sure there was a lot of cross pollination between Apple and Microsoft as well.
  6. As a very long time Windows user and a once-in-a-blue-moon Mac user, in my opinion the Windows experience is a well-designed and very logical environment compared to the horror show that is the Mac user experience. But that's just me. Programs I purchased in the 90s will still run on my Windows 10 desktop unchanged. My brother has to upgrade all of his software every time Apple decides his computer isn't quite right anymore.
  7. Thank you for giving it a listen, Jesse, and thanks for the feedback! I'm not really sure who I sound like but I often wished I sounded like almost anybody else. ?
  8. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you for listening and posting your thoughts.
  9. Thank you for listening, Tom, your feedback is very much appreciated.
  10. Wow, thanks for the confidence boost, Lynn! I am grateful for your time and your ear!
  11. Man, all your stuff always sounds so great and this is no exception. Neon is just brilliant. I'm going to have to listen to them all now. Damn you, I don't have time for this!
  12. Kevin Walsh


    I spent some time in Europe in the 70's and 80's and this kind of dance music was playing in every club and disco I walked in to. Floors were packed too. This is a very good song with really well done vocals and a quality mix and it brings back some truly great memories. I'll have to look up your other work, this is good stuff.
  13. Kevin Walsh

    My New Song

    It's a good song with a solid mix, nice work for only three hours!
  14. Tom, as always your feedback is most welcome! As for the end, yeah, I don't think I'm quite done with this one yet, but I think it's finally getting to be in the ballpark of where I wanted it to go. Thanks!
  15. Thank you for your kind comments, especially on the guitar work which I do struggle with.
  16. Thanks, Bob I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
  17. Great video and a groovy tune. The mix is absolutely perfect. Well done!
  18. Really great cover! My wife is a huge Simple Minds fans and she says you nailed it. I'm not familiar with their back catalog so I can only comment on what you have here and it's just wonderful. Great mix with deftly handled vocals. The production is pristine, complex and everything is exactly where it's supposed to be. Can't say enough good stuff about this one.
  19. Beautiful vocals in a great song with a stellar mix. Thank you!
  20. Thank you Kurt! I'd love to hear your suggestions on how to achieve clarity. I've been pulling my hair out trying to do that without making things sound like frying bacon. ? Nevermind, I found an errant EQ on a bus somewhere just crushing everything from 4k on up. I posted a new version that I think sounds at least much more clear if not better.
  21. Kevin Walsh

    Warp 6

    I'm enjoying the heck out of this. Very cool musical choices and the synths sound really good.
  22. Really good mix of a very good song. Great and imaginative vocals. Really like the drum sounds!
  23. Really beautiful piece, I was anticipating every note. Something to be savored, thank you for posting this.
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