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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Great idea! I'd be REALLY interested to hear if you get this working!
  2. Yes, this is what I was hoping for with the new version. I don't understand why they would introduce new hardware when it's obviously doable with software. I need to read up on it more, but... (??)
  3. I've got Arc3 and it was fairly to set up and measure and works great. I'm just disappointed there's not the "system wide" option - until now - with additional hardware. (?) @LittleStudios Same price for me as well.
  4. Can we run the correction outside of our daws yet? I didn't see any mention of it.
  5. NM, I see it's discontinued... https://www.roland.com/us/products/pcr-300/
  6. Hopefully Roland would have an update for the current Windows OS. (??)
  7. I just got a survey email from pb for their new website design. It must be part of that.
  8. So does the CPU consumption! LOL! If you get this, can you post back and tell us your experience? I waited years to get this and picked it up last month and was super excited for the same reason - using it as a Mix FX in Studio One. But I find it pretty much unusable because of the CPU hit. (You may want to demo it first.)
  9. mibby

    Arc 3 $49.99

    That's another reason I went with ARC...
  10. Dang! I FINALLY just bought this last month for $34 bucks! ? I wonder if they are getting ready to release a new version that doesn't destroy your CPU? (and charge for it)
  11. mibby

    Arc 3 $49.99

    I can't comment on the difference. I was planning on learning to use REW before I got ARC but needed a mic. I picked up ARC3 with the mic out of convenience and to get into one of the Group Buys. But that said, ARC3 was very user friendly. Would you have links to some tutorials or tips you could pass along for REW?
  12. I used this after finishing off my basement studio last year and it worked great. My beef with this software is that it doesn't have a "system wide" capability - you can only use it in your DAW as a plugin. So I really just used it for measuring the best potions and settings for my monitors and sub with no intention of using the correction, and it worked great. I listen to Tidal and YouTube for referencing so I don't use it. It's a big dedicated space and I have the luxury of being able to move my listening position around as well as the monitors. After I get all the gear and crap back into the space and add some acoustic treatment, I'll re-measure then. But for now, I'm happy and it's world's better than where I started! (I wish I had the software when I was mixing for years in my unfinished basement so I could have taken before/after measurements.) I started here, where I wanted my listening position to be: After after weeks of moving things around and tweaking settings on my subwoofer and monitors, got here.
  13. I wonder how long they keep them flagged as a "New Release"? ouldn't it be nice if they could check with your iLok account to see if you need an updated? ? ...And wouldn't it be even handier if iLok notified you when one of your plugins had an update?
  14. mibby

    $25 voucher from UVI

    Does Drum Replacer ever go on sale?
  15. I ponied up for the "Complete Your Bundle" last BF. Kuassa is one of my favs. I love that the effects are not tied solely to their ecosystem. Smart move. AND they sound great! ?
  16. I've got $55 intro price minus $15 loyalty code. So $44 ...
  17. Heads up @psionx - do NOT buy this if you're expecting better CPU performance than the Presonus Mix Engine FX! I'm on Studio One Pro 6, Win10, AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor 3.30 GHz, 32 GB RAM, SS system drive. I stuck it on my mix and it alternated between 81% - %100 CPU with the audio running! Absolutely and utterly unusable for me. Bought it. Regret it. Demo the Tape plugin first!
  18. Well... after initially after picking it up and trying it out, I have never really used it. My thinking was to have the lo-fi reverb option or just another flavor for layering and to grit things up. But I also have AudioThing's Things Texture (good one) and Miniverb and Korneff's Micro Digital Reverb which is the one I usually reach for. (And probably many others I don't remember at the moment too. )
  19. I own CTC-1 and I have to respectfully disagree with TheSteven in this particular instance. The Mix Engine FX are something special and add a 3D-ness that I have only ever experienced with the Nugen Stereoizer plugin. (I know they are doing different things, but these are 2 of the few plugins I've ever had where I got that "holy crap" reaction after putting them on a mix and toggling back and forth.) Unfortunately... this one comes at the cost of HUGE CPU cycles which is why I rarely use it. I'll only ever put it on at the end of a mix if I can spare the overhead. But I would love to have a PC where I could mix into this. To TheSteven's other points, I turn off the Noise and Crosstalk by default and do not understand for the life of me why we would want that to re-introduce those things into mixing. However, I do admit to using the Crosstalk a few times and can't deny the "gluing" effect. But I have also soloed tracks a few times after I forgot I had the Crosstalk on and spent stupid amounts of time tracking the "leaking audio" to that "feature". I never got the "Retro Legends" because I didn't want to spend more $$ to annihilate my CPU. I have been curious about the Softube Tape for a long long time though... As The Steven said, YMMV.
  20. I'm very tempted. The lowest Softube Tape has been is $35 recently. I've watched it for years because of the S1 Mix Engine FX integration, but have never quite pulled the trigger. I have also wondered about these EQs as well. Unfortunately I already own Wasted Space. Hmmmm...
  21. There's a common theme here lately. Bon voyage, Captain Lars!
  22. I used the coupon previously the same way. Choices are very limited. However, the full version of Stereoizer is awesome. The other one I use is MonoFilter. I've never found a real use for StereoPlacer, but may have to try it out again. The only one I didn't have was SigMod, which I've been interested in, but I've never really felt like paying the asking price for it.
  23. Nope. ? ... But have you considered the "Guitar Bundle" at PB? That's $8.17 a plugin and it includes the Lexicon 224 as well as the Galaxy Tape Echo. However, it ends any minute now. You could buy that while you're thinking about the others... ? (Sadly, no "thank you" gift from UAD though. ? ) https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/81-Bundles/39-Effects-Bundles/11699-Universal-Audio-UAD-Guitar-FX-Bundle
  24. Don't need one, but this is super nice of you!
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