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Everything posted by mibby

  1. Oh wow! ? Although, I've gotta say, the whole "UAD pulling licenses if you don't qualify" thing makes me really nervous about jumping on this. Even overriding my FOMO... Plus, some other deals have my attention ATM. ?
  2. The only reason you don't see Valhalla stuff in this forum often is because he never does sales. Top notch stuff though and easy on the CPU. I highly recommend Vintage Verb, Rooms and Delay. Basically the ones I own. I'm sure the others are just as good! ?
  3. I just don't remember being able to use the 20% off with sales... (?)
  4. I've never seen this one at Overloud before. Are you thinking of this one? https://www.pspaudioware.com/products/psp-consoleq
  5. From the BPB website:
  6. PS. I'm waiting for @cclarryto say "it's a pricing error" so I can pull the trigger... ?
  7. Don't forget your 20% Gem Discount coupon. It worked on the new EQ495 and brings it down to $23...
  8. These min-spend "freebies" are just plain annoying! What's the point??
  9. You think it was your son? Or you think he said "hi"?
  10. Adaptiverb is now at Best Service for $87 bucks!(until Dec 3) Others are on sale too. https://www.bestservice.com/en/adaptiverb.html
  11. I didn't know what to do with my Deal browsing time! I felt so.... empty. ?
  12. Run TDR Collector to update: https://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-collector/
  13. Dang! I don't read the forum for a day and look what happens! (I'm a little relieved to be honest.) PS. To any new-ish forum members, if Lars says his "deal-ie" sense is tingling, JUMP!
  14. Seriously! After those $14 plugins, this isn't even remotely interesting. ? Plus, my last $25 "thank you" coupon expired... I am loving my new UAD plugins though!
  15. LiquidSonics Kuassa - Complete Your Bundle discount Arturia FX Collection (It doesn't look like Efx Motions is part of the FX Collection 4?)
  16. I've been watching the upgrade to the FX Collection 4 for a few months now. I own Analog Lab Pro and the full Augmented Strings along with a handful of the freebie FX from over the years: Tape MELLO-FI, Rev PLATE-140, Filter MS-20, and Chorus JUN-6. I was sitting on a $129 upgrade to the FX Collection when they introduced Efx MOTIONS. But someone here said they upgraded during BF last year for $49! So I waited, and the offer went away. Today, with the 2023 BF sale, my "Crossgrade to FX Collection 4" is .... ... (drum roll) ... $129 I'm relieved, but not excited. There are a bunch of these plugins that are duplicate/triplicate.etc. to what I already have. But, there are also a few that seem very creative and useful. Plus, you guys seem to really like them for the most part which means there might be some I might actually use... The other offers are: Crossgrade to Pigments $69 Upgrade from Analog Lab Pro to the V Collection 9 $149 Plus, it doesn't seem like UAD will be having anymore $14 plugins. ?
  17. I had never run across his channel before and am listening to his most recent release on BandCamp now. The songs and lyrics have a whole added weight and solemness that I didn't expect. I notice he dedicated the song Winter to Robin Williams too... I sincerely hope he's found a place of peace. So very sad. https://corypelizzari.bandcamp.com/album/after-night
  18. Anyone own OD DeEdger? That's the last TDR plugin I don't have. I've been watching it for years and $49 looks like it's the lowest it's been. https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/price-history/od-deedger-by-tokyo-dawn-labs/ At this point, it's just idle curiosity, because I've got about 4 other plugins that do this. No idea why this particular plugin has remained priced so high. (?)
  19. It looks like it got down to $16 at Loot Audio and $17 at Best Service in May of this year... https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/price-history/electrum-by-united-plugins/
  20. And just in time for the heavy duty shopping season! FWIW, my top uses would be: 1. Find the best price on a specific item 2. Find a decent cheap item at a specific store to pick up a free with purchase 3. Shop sales by specific Devs I like 4. Set Email Notifications for items I'm watching ... Bonus: I didn't think I cared, but I find the Price History feature very useful too. Once again, really impressive job on this and a great idea! Kudos!
  21. This looks pretty decent in the demo video. I may have to demo it. Anyone has experience with Destructor?
  22. I was poking around in the PB Rewards and you can get a 25% Off coupon for Scaler 2 for 1 Token. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. They recently had the $89 sales with a $50 coupon. Then you could apply your $25 "thank you" voucher if you had one. I picked up a few UAD plugins - not all of them for the $14, but this happened to be one of them.
  24. I had been thinking about this one for a long while, but the recent $14 UAD Fairchild scratched that itch big time! ?
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