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Everything posted by mibby

  1. It sounds like we're in the same proverbial boat. ?
  2. There's a 3 hour tutorial for Scaler 2 on Groove3 called "Music Production Theory & Arrangement Hacks"! --- Another 3 hours for "Scaler Explained" too!
  3. Wow! ? Does Console 1 Mk2 support 3rd party plugins now too?
  4. Definitely a consideration!
  5. Cheaper than buying a new PC!?
  6. They should retitle those emails to "Give us $50". (Unsubscribed)
  7. +1 ! I also really really like this one. I've got a bunch of verbs like the rest of us, and I cycle through them. But I always come back to this one. Valhalla Vintage Verb is in that category too, although this one is a lot less "fiddly" than VVV.
  8. Is it better to buy Scaler 2 then upgrade, or just wait for v3 which will hopefully have an intro price?
  9. Same as @sd - I bought a $29 plugin and got a $25 code. Then nothing after that. That's how they got me last year too, they kept dishing out the $25 coupons and it seemed rude not to keep buying plugins...
  10. This only takes up 1 Unison slot if you're recording through a UAD interface.
  11. What are "CC" points? I've gotten a "thank you" coupon. I wish they'd keep giving them when you buy with them. But I'm glad they don't.I've given UAD a lot of $$ this year!
  12. ? I'm trying to figure out how they managed to use "Subscription" and "Perpetual" in the same marketing blurb... (??) ?
  13. Since I got my Apollo, I've just been plugging in and playing with the Unison setup and figuring out FX chains and routing I want to use. There have been a few times that I wished I had taken the time to open my DAW to record some stuff or start up drum loop or something. No need now. I see this as a excellent extension for recording ideas. Now I can use just UAD to get ideas down and start working things out before I spend the time to open my DAW...
  14. Sounds good on my work pc speakers! I wonder if the LV might get a little more clarity with more of a HP to clean up the lows? (maybe??) That's just the nittiest of picks. It sounds good! ?
  15. On Reverb.com. I posted this before, NOW it's discounted even further. This is B-Stock, Refurbished by UAD and ships from UAD with all plugins and warranties of a NEW interface which is about $900. After watching them for YEARS I finally jumped on a sale in January for $200 more than this - and I still feel like I got a deal, otherwise I'd be buying this rather than posting it. If you've been thinking about getting into the UAD ecosystem, now is a good time and this would be a great way to start. I ADORE my Apollo interface and feel like a such "big boy" now. ? https://reverb.com/item/33185788-universal-audio-apollo-twin-duo-usb-audio-interface-refurbished-new
  16. This is how I'm hoping Luna will work out - for tracking stuff to mix in Studio One. Only on a much smaller scale and with VI drums to map out songs. ?
  17. What are your PC specs these days Lars?
  18. Thanks, I haven't had a chance to really dig in to things. I'll check that out when I do...
  19. Ouch! I just tried to play the included demo by Ryan Wright and it destroyed both my Apollo cores AND my CPU. Lots of crackling... ? Current setup: Apollo Twin USB | Win10 | AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor 3.30 GHz | SSDs
  20. Weird. I had never heard of Dot Allison until a couple of years ago when she came up in my music feed. And now here's her name in the title of this thread. So I thought, why not? Enjoy! ?
  21. https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/store-price-history/adsrsounds/?jsf=jet-engine:main&sort=orderby%3Ameta_value_num%3Border%3AASC%3Bmeta_key%3Aprice
  22. Check you account. It was only $7 for the "bundle" because I own the other Things...
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