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Everything posted by mibby

  1. I'm hoping the "Complete Your Amplifikation 360 Bundle" goes on a big discount.
  2. Yes, I was not a fan of the "Featured Deals" . I thought it cluttered things and it made me feel like you were trying to sell me something. It almost seemed like a Dev could pay you to be featured. I know that is not the case, but... Oh! I see it's still there. Can you make the "Featured Deals" an option I can turn off?
  3. @Music Software Deals guy, the updated version looks great. I WAS going to ask to get rid of the "suggested deals" but you already took care of that. Nice and streamlined - again! (by default) Nice upgrades just in time for Black Friday season. ?
  4. It was an easy pass for me until this. Now I need to demo it as well. Waves Sibilance is still the first one I reach for and I'd like for it to NOT be the one.
  5. I used Fuser on my last mix just for the phase rotation and it worked great on a kick. I didn't try MAA for a side by side. But if it works as marketed, MAA would win with workflow. The side chain thing with Fuser is a little clunky, but it can do a lot more than MAA, so I wouldn't really consider it an apples to apples comparison.
  6. Translation: We rebranded the Focurite plugins so we could sell them ourselves.
  7. Do they add the new plugins to your FX4 bundle when they come out?
  8. Same price here with just the free ones too. I've been sitting on this one trying to talk myself out of it. But besides the typical "classic" remakes, they do have some good looking creative FX in there too! The deal is available until November 9th 2023... ?
  9. mibby


    What's the point?
  10. Yep, that too! I recently picked up Fuse to check Phase Rotation and just now realized that MAutoAlign has done this for a long time now. Just like all the Melda plugins, if you're willing to dig a little, there's a whole lot more there than you expect! https://www.meldaproduction.com/MAutoAlign
  11. No brainer! Awesome plugin and one of my most used Melda's for mixing. The workflow for checking phase alignment of drums is second to none. ??
  12. Yeah, last month I had to email support 3x to get a $25 "thank you" coupon after the first one. They came through though and I'm enjoying new UAD plugins as a result! ?
  13. Up at AudioDeluxe. A straight $139 with no added tax for Adaptiverb plus $4 in Deluxe Bucks. It's still way too spendy when I can get Arturia's FX Collection 4 for $129! (Thinking hard about that one!)
  14. I also don't need MUnison. Hit me up if you want it. Gone.
  15. Bummer on the "Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers." bit though...
  16. @Sergio It does seem like those upgrading aren't getting much credit for your previous purchases...
  17. Same prices for me too, only I don't have a previous version of the FX Collection. So I don't know if you're getting a "bad" deal or I'm getting a "good" one! ?
  18. Is there such a thing as a discount code for Zynaptiq? $146 bucks in the cart is hard to swallow for a reverb. Is it THAT good?
  19. And please CC me! ? @Bapu Do you have a power conditioner for all of that beautiful hardware? If so, do you have any recommendations for a decent entry level unit?
  20. Neat idea! I suppose you could set your attack/release times using math too... ?
  21. Yep, I've got the VU Meter too. I'm more comfortable with that unit of measure. But I figured I'd better get with the times and start using LUFS.
  22. They are not quite the same thing. Normalizer is for gain staging your tracks and AutoGain does volume rides to even it out. I picked up Normalizer a while ago because of this video on the Hornet site.
  23. I was thinking it looks an awful lot like Boz's +10dB plugin. https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/10db-compressor-v2/
  24. I seem to recall that if you run their new installer and "re-register" your plugins, they'll show up there...
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