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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. thanks. i am gonna assume these sales build on top of one another. phase 1 won't get turned off when phase two starts, eh?
  2. oh.. i wonder it its a bluegrass kit? ?
  3. Unless they do something where there is no upgrade path. ??
  4. oh boy. this is tempting. i been lurking for some EZKeys. does anyone know off hand which ones are the newer and deeper sampled libraries.
  5. lotta $$. still holding out for Vol 6 upgrade.
  6. I am a big drum machine geek. I have liked the sound of those Electro Acoustic for long time. Just a lot of $$$ to spend. But still eyeing them.
  7. yup. thats was i am looking at.
  8. i picked #3. but its interesting in that in the full band context, i really was gravitating towards 2. what i like about it is the band context is, it really stands out in the mix. i dont know if anything extra was done to it in eq.
  9. Thanks. I see. I was more thinking, get the head tracker which comes bundled with the software for same price as just headtracker.
  10. Don't know if anyone posted. There is a bundle on sale now. https://www.waves.com/hardware/nx-virtual-studio-collection-head-tracker
  11. The Tone King is the only one that looks appealing. But quite frankly, I have more than enough amp sims and am currently sitting it out on the sidelines to see how the ToneX thing pans out. Basically waiting to see if the low cost poor mans kemper is the direction home recording guitarists will be moving towards and away from traditional sims.
  12. yeah. i might skip this too. I look at the FX again. I can't see what there in there that I already don't have.
  13. Where are UVI is this BF extravaganza?
  14. what are peoples thoughts on insta chord as a compositional tool?
  15. what kind of metal fans are you guys? you don't get it? metal = winter https://www.kerrang.com/20-rock-and-metal-songs-to-welcome-in-winter
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