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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. ni @Peter - IK Multimedia and hints as to whether there might be a GB on hardware this summer or BF?
  2. throw in the new morely. one of the pedals is already part of AT5 max.
  3. I checked the drums. They are about the same as before on BF. Actually, a little higher now.
  4. I have never seen it on their site. Maybe I missed it. Or is it legacy?
  5. This might help you understand how to use them and what they do, They emulate some pretty complex stuff under the hood and you got to really tweak the settings to get what you are after. Just leaving it on auto does not work well. The way I use them is I get what i think is the right tape distortion vibe for the track, then i render and print and remove the plugin. This frees up resources and also makes you commit and you don't go backwards and keep tweaking. then later on, i might use it again on the mix bus. https://gearspace.com/board/reviews/1364651-ik-multimedia-tascam-tape-collection.html?highlight=T-RackS+teac#post15700918 Its not the best solution if you just want obvious analog tape effects. There are things like XLN RC-20 or the free one from izotope called vinyl. I also use the IKM Mixbox modules Tape Cassette and Lo-Fi for that as well. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vinyl.html
  6. now i have one different download manager for each day of the month.
  7. wow.. that's a weird development. Yamaha/Steinberg partnering with Arturia and pulling a NI like partner deal. I wonder what might be getting cooked up in the couldrun in the back rooms.
  8. @Peter - IK Multimedia agree too. The way IKM market that SSRS mixbox expansion makes it really hard for non IKM customers to understand where it is and how to buy it. Its not easy to find it on the main page https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/trsunsetsound/ and you actually have to hunt for it to find it buried https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?A=mixbox-collection-sunset&R=INIT
  9. Yeah. It’s good for the price. But this is pretty old software.
  10. I use the CSR reverse reverb a lot. I don’t know why , but I like it.
  11. Yes. i have all the X pedals in software form. They are pretty cool. They have lots of presets in them. i tend to use the Vibe and Time mostly.
  12. Cool. But I am out. Unless IKM expand it to include some new SampleTank stuff or the new AT Morely, I literally have nothing to pick. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stbionicdrums/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-bionic-drums https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stextraterrestrialsax/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-extraterrestrial-saxophone https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stmojosynthesis/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-mojo-synthesis#nl_form_area https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/synsynthx/?pkey=syntronik-instruments-synthx#nl_form_area https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stthecode1/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-the-code-1 https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stthecode2/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-the-code-2 https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stsalsapercussion/?pkey=sampletank-sounds-salsa-percussion#nl_form_area
  13. as my brother in law tell me then i go buy veggies. "just make your own!!" https://www.amazon.com/Jiayouy-Kalimba-Carrying-Portable-Beginners/dp/B09VL525XJ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1CGZ771AKCXH8&keywords=Kalimba+DIY+Kit&qid=1688130733&sprefix=kalimba+diy+kit%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-5
  14. I will probably get this at the next group buy , if it is offered. Maybe this and the Stone Farm.
  15. wow. good to see IKM have not forgotten about Amplitube.
  16. I watched but didn't have the chat up. Didnt know i needed to.
  17. my price is $249. I only have M1 LE https://korg.shop/korg-collection-4-crossgrade.html
  18. Anyone got this yet? I tried. No luck.
  19. https://www.softube.com/support/change-log/2-5-65
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