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Everything posted by scook

  1. Searched the help index for full and found this http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=WindowManagement.07.html
  2. scook

    Melda updated to v15

    It is possible to uninstall v15 and put any prior version back. All the Melda installers for v9 through v15 are on the download page https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads v9 through v11 are on the archive tab
  3. scook

    Melda updated to v15

    The installer removes v14 before installing v15.
  4. Rather than whine about it try the EA version of Update 1 or use the rollback installer provided in the production release announcement. Your initial post in the 2021.09 feedback thread lacks any meaningful details and your second post on the forum is even less useful.
  5. For some time now every production release announcement includes a rollback installer The 2021.09 announcement is no different There is also an EA version of 2021.09 Update 1 available If you choose to run the EA 2021.09 Update 1 release and still have problems, post a detailed message in that thread.
  6. AFAIK, BandLab has the code to TTS-1 but it was machine generated by Roland and as such is very difficult to work with. It does a pretty good job of playing existing MIDI files but that is about all I use it for these days.
  7. scook

    Melda updated to v15

    https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads https://www.meldaproduction.com/release-notes/15
  8. AFAIK, themes are hard-coded to reside in the "Cakewalk Themes" folder under "Cakewalk Content" where ever that may be. All Cakewalk DAWs and CbB use the same "Cakewalk Content" location. By default it is "C:\Cakewalk Content" The path is stored in the registry in ContentDir under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software Folders in "Cakewalk Content" cannot be compressed.
  9. Issues with the current release should be posted in the appropriate feedback thread. The is a new early access version of 2021.09 available here The current production release feedback thread is here That said, I have not experienced the issue with either version.
  10. No, they must be in the "Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes" While I use the default location for Cakewalk Content "C:\Cakewalk Content" if I were to relocate it, I would create a directory junction from the default location to the new location. For example if I moved "C:\Cakewalk Content" to "F:\Cakewalk Content", I would open a command window as administrator and type mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Content" "F:\Cakewalk Content" Once that is done there is no need to change anything in the registry or program preferences as the OS knows to use "F:\Cakewalk Content" whenever a program tries to access "C:\Cakewalk Content"
  11. Mercury is the name given to the resource files used by CbB. The resource files are stored in the program folder. The default program folder path is "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core". TungstenTheme.fth is a theme formatted like the user themes except it too is stored in the program folder.
  12. The MIDI driver mode and the audio driver mode are two different things set in different places. The MIDI driver mode does not affect audio so the choice of MME or UWP in the MIDI preferences is mostly governed by what the hardware requires. When using the internal PC sound chip WASAPI driver modes are recommended for Win10. For older OSes try WDM first. For audio, MME is the last choice. That said, try increasing the buffer size using the slider under Mixing Latency in Preferences > Audio > Driver Settings
  13. The support email for Cakewalk by BandLab is support@cakewalk.com There is a link to the support center in the menu at the top of this forum
  14. The Dell may need some tuning. The link for Latencymon is https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon
  15. Hardware manufacturers are responsible for writing their drivers. The RealTek ASIO driver has never worked well. Starting with CbB 2021.09 bad drivers are flagged by the program. Instead of ASIO, try the WASAPI driver modes in preferences when using the internal PC sound chip.
  16. Select the tracks to change, hold down the CTRL key, move the control The option to change all tracks with no selection active was disabled in 2019.09. The documentation needs to be updated and the new features section needs to be integrated into the regular doc.
  17. None should work but the track control options may not get reset when initially switching from a workspace to no workspace. There is a secondary setting when the workspace is set to None, the track control drop down. Here is an image of it showing all controls selected. Workspaces are a handy way of creating customized workflows but they can make it difficult to follow the documentation as it is mostly written from a perspective of all features turned on.
  18. When documented features are missing, the first thing to check is the workspace setting. Try changing this setting to None.
  19. Yes and the DAW and plug-ins install in separate 32bit folders. The do share the same user directory and Cakewalk Content folders as 64bit SONAR 8.5. Projects themselves are not 32 or 64bit specific. If a project is opened in a 32bit DAW it will use 32bit plug-ins if available. If a project is opened in a 64bit DAW it will first try to load 64bit plug-ins and fall back to bridged 32bit plug-ins if available. There have been a lot of new features added since SONAR 8.5. When opening an old project in CbB you may want to save as a new project immediately before making changes. This will preserve the original 8.5 version and allow you to take full advantage of CbB. 32 to 64bit bridges were developed to give users and developers time to transition away from 32bit software. BitBridge does an OK job. JBridge is an inexpensive 3rd party bridge that works better in some cases. Bottom line, when running a 64bit DAW the best solution is use 64 bit plug-ins whenever possible. Yes. Dimension Pro is a 32 and 64bit DX/VST plug-in that works in any DX or VST host including CbB. It can be a little tricky if you have projects with the DX format. But it is possible to have the DX and VST formats installed at the same time. The DX format was discontinued and the VST 1.5 update was released years ago. The update is still on the old Cakewalk website. Since you had a valid sign-on when Cakewalk shut down, you can still access all the update downloads from that site. All the plug-ins that are installed with the 64bit version of SONAR 8.5 should work in CbB (although you have missed a few bug fixes from the SONAR X-series). Cakewalk licenses will be OK. Celemony and XLN Audio count activations. They both allow 2 concurrent activations.
  20. Have not looked at Win11 yet but Win10 has been just fine. Make sure to install both 32 and 64bit versions of SONAR 8.5 and patch it before adding CbB (assuming CbB is part of the plan). Having both 32 and 64bit versions of SONAR installed will help when moving old projects to 64bit. The same holds true for plug-ins.
  21. or use the simplified export options in the Export module
  22. If the screen does not fit either the display does not have the minimum required 1280x800 screen resolution or the display scaling is set too high.
  23. No, just misunderstood exactly what you were asking. That is a feature request but chances are you will be able to save up and buy a second monitor before it gets implemented.
  24. Right-click the in the video view and change the Stretch Options to "Full Screen" After that , it may be necessary to click the CbB icon in the task bar to give it focus to use the Spacebar to toggle the transport.
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