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Posts posted by scook

  1. 43 minutes ago, Twisted Fingers said:

    About the time that Gibson was shutting down Cakewalk, I remember reading some encouraging words from Cakewalk folks about achieving very low latencies with WDM drivers, but haven't heard anything since.

    May be confusing WDM and the newer WASAPI modes added to Platinum. As a rule, a manufacturer supplied ASIO is still the best choice but feel free to try the other driver modes.

  2. 1 hour ago, synkrotron said:

    I have two outboard effects units. A Line 6 HX Effects, essentially a guitar effects unit, but it is also a great multi-effects box. And a Lexicon MPX 500.

    I figured out that I need to create a couple of new stereo busses and in their FX bins insert the External Insert VST that comes with Cakewalk.

    Chances are the effects unit's latency varies depending on its settings. This could prove challenging when using it as an external insert.

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  3. The theme editor program was not modified for 2019.01. There were changes to the resource files used by CbB:

    • 3 New colors under Theme > Browser > Plug-in Browser
      1. Plug-in Tree Text (used for tree, VST3 and DX labels)
      2. VST2 Text
      3. 32-bit Plug-ins Text
    • A Ripple Edit Button image was added under Theme > Track View

    After CbB 2019.01 is installed, these items are available for edit in the Theme editor. Rarely, if ever, should changes to the CbB UI require updating the theme editor program. The theme editor is a tool allowing users to make and store changes to the base resource files (a.k.a the Mercury theme) in special files called user themes. As BandLab releases updates to the resource files the theme editor will reflect those updates.




  4. If a project contains no audio clips, the sample rate is read from preferences. Only when a project contains an audio clip does a project sample rate get set.

    The Change Audio Format dialog modifies existing audio data in the project. As a rule this is not necessary. While all the audio in a project must be the same sample rate, projects can contain audio at different bit depths.

    Changing the Record Bit Depth is all that is needed to change project bit depth. Record Bit Depth is a global setting that affects all future recordings in all projects. As a rule, this value should be set to the  audio driver bit depth.

  5. In most cases opening a MIDI file in CbB is preferable to importing the file. Importing MIDI strips tempo data. Once a file is opening in CbB make sure to save it as a Cakewalk project or any non-MIDI data that is added will be stripped and the file will be saved as a MIDI file.

    Upon opening a MIDI file, if no MIDI output devices are selected in preferences, TTS-1 will automatically be added to the project and the project will be setup ready to play.

  6. This is probably a bug but a little different than reported.

    Notice when entering the Notes field in the Notes tab, OK and Cancel buttons appear at the bottom of the field. Clicking OK sets the project dirty flag. Once OK is clicked in the Notes field editor, trying to exit the project will prompt to save changes.

  7. On a 2 drive machine leave it on the C drive. Systems with more than two drives may  benefit slightly by moving the picture cache to a non-system drive other than the project drive.

    The setting for the picture folder is in preferences right below the Global Audio folder setting which should be on the same drive as project files.

    I prefer to use directory junctions as described here to make these changes rather than messing with the defaults in preferences.

  8. I believe GeneralMidiSMFs setting in TTSSEQ.ini determines whether or not initial program change data is displayed in the event list. By default, this value is set to 1 causing the DAW to create a GM setup measure which is not displayed in the event list. Instead, the data is displayed in the track controls. From https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=MIDI_Files.6.html


    When loading a GM file, each track’s bank, patch, volume and pan parameters are lifted from the data stream and placed in Cakewalk’s Track view for you to see and edit on-screen. The GM mode ensures that all patches, banks and controllers are placed at specified times throughout a setup measure when you save a MIDI file. This ensures that all setup information can be digested by your synthesizer before it starts playback. If you don't have a setup measure in your project, Cakewalk will insert one for you.


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  9. AFAIK, there is only one direct reference to the Clips Pane Ellipses in the documentation. They are displayed in the empty spaces to the left of clips in a project. Their absence indicates there are no clips to the right in the track. Also a handy indicator that audio loops are broadcast waves instead of regular wave files when imported at their timestamp.

  10. The first error is unrelated to the other two.

    I have seen a few suggestions as to the cause of the "not enough memory" message. This thread contains a few idea. Not sure there is a single cause for this error.

    Errors 2 and 3 are audio device related. In this case, it appears to be a usb connected microphone? The second message is the result of the third. The device either does not have an ASIO driver or the driver is not installed. As a result, Cakewalk cannot communicate with the device. To remedy the third message either chose a different driver mode in preferences ,install the manufacturer supplied ASIO driver or ASIO4All. Note: ASIO4All has been known to cause problems for some users. Problems that can only be fixed by removing ASIO4All from the machine.

    Once Cakewalk can communicate with the audio driver, the silent bus error will probably go away.

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  11. 3 hours ago, synkrotron said:

    Yeah, why is CbB free?

    Is it just while it is in "development?"



    BandLab has never directly addressed "why" but they have made it clear on more than one occasion that CbB will remain free. Here is an example where Meng states:

    Platform and future product updates will continue to be free, just like BandLab - innovation must push forward!

    But don't expect Rapture Pro for example to be free when it is re-released ? (except for those that have bought it before in some way or form and have already created a BandLab account)

    So, the basic product is free (similar to what Cakewalk started doing with SHS) but there are plans for paid add-ons.

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