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Posts posted by scook

  1. I run CbB without running as administrator and all my VST plug-ins are installed in the default "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" directory. The problem with DSK Electrik GuitarZ is that it is trying to write into its folder. This is another reason to avoid synthedit plug-ins. Not only are they stuck at 32bit but they perform operations like this. All the plug-ins I have that write to disk do so without forcing the plug-in binary be installed outside of the CbB default location or VST3 specified location which is also in "C:\Program Files."

  2. 5 minutes ago, Randall Petty said:

    I'll go back through all replies now.   But I think this guitar instrument I downloaded may not be ready for prime time.    Cakewalk is scanning for VSTs and is looking in the correct folder but all that's there is a DLL and a readme file, no "sem" files.   Clicking through seems to load the vst but Cakewalk may be locking up at that point.


    Looks like a plug-ins made with synthedit. It may require running CbB as administrator. Personally, I avoid using 32bit plug-ins whenever possible. This includes plug-ins made with synthedit.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Randall Petty said:

    Hopefully this link shows my Cakewalk screen better.   I believe the version provided by BandLab is the platinum version
    My Cakewalk Screen

    Yeah, the image is easier to read but it was pretty obvious from the uploaded image what was going on by the track icons.

    The MIDI track is currently pointing to the MS GS Wavetable synth. That was the only part that I could not make out.

    You need to get the MIDI data in that track pointed to the soft synth. There are several solutions provided in my first reply and the reply immediately below mine.

    If you find yourself working with a lot of MIDI files and do not use hardware synths, you may want to disable all MIDI output devices. Then opening MIDI files in CbB will automatically use TTS-1 the GM soft synth bundled with CbB. As a rule, avoiding the MS GS Wavetable synth is a good idea. You still need to add an additional audio tracks when replacing one of instruments in TTS-1 with a different synth but the routing will be a little more obvious.

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  4. I use various combinations of instrument, audio+MIDI and instrument+MIDI for soft synths depending on the circumstances. But cannot say I have ever used or read about one using one for the sole purpose of playing MIDI data in another track. Are you using a separate MIDI track to feed the instrument track like @abacab suggest? It does not seem so because of

    29 minutes ago, msmcleod said:
    •  I only have to worry about one track instead of two

    AFAIK, the reasons cited are the some of the reasons for using instrument tracks but are not reasons for using separate MIDI tracks to drive instrument tracks.

  5. You really changed from audio+MIDI tracks in 2008 to instrument+MIDI tracks when working with soft synths? I know many like to keep MIDI tracks together but do not recall ever reading a post where one regularly used instrument tracks in the manner you describe. Please explain the advantages of using instrument+MIDI track over audio+MIDI tracks (the only solution available for years in SONAR)? I have been using this stuff for a few years myself but am always eager to learn something new.

  6. Insert the a synth from the main menu (Insert > Soft Synth), from the track view context menu (right click in the empty space below the track headers), the + at the top of the synth rack or drag the synth from the browser. Use the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog to select an audio track (if one does not exist for the SC88). After adding the synth, point the MIDI track output drop down to the soft synth. To use the existing SC88 audio track if it exists, skip adding the audio track in the "Insert Soft Synth Options" dialog and set the input of the existing audio track to the soft synth.

  7. Pointing the MIDI track to the instrument track is expedient and will work but denies the OP a clear understanding of how the DAW is intended to be used.

    The reason the OP ended up with an instrument track in the first place is because they selected the wrong options when inserting the synth or used the Add Track menu which does not provide the most flexible track setup when adding a synth to a project. When working with existing MIDI tracks the best way to add a synth is not with the Add Track menu but any of the other methods that use the "Insert Soft Synth Options" dialog. These include Inserting a synth from the main menu, from the track view context menu, the synth rack or dragging the synth from the browser. All of these will display the "Insert Soft Synth Options" dialog allowing the user to select the track(s) they want to add to the project. In this case, it would just be an audio track. Then after adding the synth with audio track and pointing the MIDI output to the synth, the user can convert that to an instrument track by clicking on either the MIDI or audio track selecting make instrument track, if that is how they choose to work.

    While I have no problem with down and dirty solutions when one understands what they are doing, shortcuts like this are a disservice to one just starting out and trying to learn how the DAW works.

  8. Uploaded images get resized making them difficult to see if they contain too much data. Use an image server (ex. imgur.com) and post links to the images bounded by img tags to have images display without resizing.


    What I can tell from the image is track 11 is an instrument track. An instrument track is a hybrid make up of a MIDI track and audio track where the MIDI input section and audio output sections are displayed as a single track. If you want to use the instrument track as is, select the MIDI clips in track 4 and while holding the SHIFT key drag the clips into the instrument track 11.

    Another way to use the existing track is right-click in the track 11 header and choose split instrument track, delete the MIDI track created from track 11, set the track 4 output to the DSK Electrik GuitarZ and set the input on the audio track created from track 11 to DSK Electrik GuitarZ


  9. The program comes with a pdf and built-in help with examples of how to use it. The tool can add practically anything to the CbB Utilities menu. I wrote the program partially in response to a post in this thread about using iZotope RX with SONAR. I do not have RX but imagine it is setup using the Tool Editor like any wave editor.

  10. V-Vocal cannot be installed without installing X2. Run the X2 advanced install option and select "Minimal Installation" as shown above. There are a couple of other plug-ins that were last bundled with X2 (such as Analyst and Spectral FX). X2 Producer is the only version to include R-Mix.

  11. It helps when posting about this type of issue to include the audio interface used,  audio driver buffer size and driver mode.

    But since the problem is project specific, it is likely an issue with plug-in delay compensation. To see if PDC is the issue, click the FX button in the Mix Module or type "E" to bypass all plug-ins. If the latency goes away, it is plug-in related. While reading about the FX button, take a minute to read about the PDC button.

  12. I would not use bundles for archiving projects. This has been discussed at length. Bundling in CbB (and for years in SONAR for that matter) is for backward compatibility and project sharing. It is not a suitable format for archiving.

    When moving to a new machine, the DAWs will need to be installed from scratch along with most software (including plug-ins) that use copy protection (the exception being dongle based copy protection).

  13. In order to install V-Vocal, a small portion of the DAW which included the plug-in must be installed. The last versions to bundle V-Vocal were X2 Producer and Studio. To get V-Vocal installed requires an advanced install of a version of SONAR which included the plug-in. After selecting the advanced install option select Minimal Installation from the advance install options like this example using X2


    A full version of Melodyne Essential was included with X3 Producer and Studio. This should have been used instead of the trial bundled with CbB if one owned either of those versions of X3. If registered, the license would be in your Celemony account.

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