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Posts posted by scook

  1. 9 hours ago, Elson said:

    I *REALLY* liked the Lexicon DX plugin that was bundled back in the Sonar days.

    There was a 64bit DX version bundled with SONAR. The last version to include it was 8.5. Consider running an advanced install of a version of SONAR to get the plug-in back.

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  2. Yes, in fact you should install Platinum then upgrade to CbB. That way CbB can use all the plug-ins and content bundled with Platinum (and earlier versions of SONAR too). Here is a more detailed reply to a similar question

    Since CbB requires an internet connection to activate with BandLab Assistant might as well use the Cakewalk Command Center to install Platinum. It is the easiest way to get everything installed and activated. But before Platinum and CbB installs read the reply linked above. There is a handy spreadsheet of bundled plug-ins by version in the thread I link. Check it out too.

  3. There is no install button once CbB is installed. There is an update button. The update process was changed slightly starting with CbB 2018.11. Now BA will download one of two files depending on the version of CbB installed.

    If running the most recent version, BA downloads a CbB update file. This is a much smaller file than the full CbB installer containing only the parts updated since the last release. This file will only work with the previous production release.

    If this is the initial install or updating from an older release of CbB, BA downloads the full CbB installer.

    Either way, updates do not stop for user input so one must be quick when making a copy of the CbB installer in %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads (although I just noticed Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Setup_25.01.0.27.exe and my copy are in the download folder days after the update).

    • Thanks 1
  4. If you prefer, before upgrading you could try rolling SONAR back and forward to see if re-installing it fixes the problem. I have my doubts whether rollback or CbB upgrade will fix this issue but they are free to explore. Could also try a clean install of Platinum. From the info provided, the plug-ins should work in Platinum.


    If you do elect to upgrade to CbB make sure leave Platinum installed so that CbB can use all the software bundled with Platinum.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Ricebug said:

    Is Command Center still active? Or does BandLab have its own updater?

    What is "CbD," BTW? I haven't kept up since Cakewalk threw in the towel.

    The Command Center is active for SONAR and the legacy products shown in the Command Center.

    Cakewalk By BandLab uses a different install/activation tool called BandLab Assistant. I supplied a link in my previous post describing how to upgrade from SONAR. CbB, a 64bit only DAW based on the unreleased SONAR Platinum 2017-11, must be activated online using BandLab Assistant.

    The upgrade retains Platinum and adds new folders for CbB just like a SONAR upgrade.

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