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Posts posted by scook

  1. The plug-in delay compensation used by the project is the maximum delay needed for any track or bus in the project to keep everything in sync. Bypassing the effects on any track or bus may not affect PDC if the delay needed to keep it in sync is less than or equal to the delay needed to keep any other track or bus in sync. For live tracks take a look at the PDC button in the mix module.


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  2. CbB does not include Rapture. Here are the plug-ins bundled with CbB. If Rapture is installed and is running properly in Platinum then it should run properly in CbB. Does it run properly as a stand alone synth or in Platinum?

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  3. Not directly, it is a hardware synth. The audio card needs to have some way to route the audio out back to the inputs (maybe "What you Hear" setting). While the GS Wavetable synth is convenient for playing MIDI for best results in CbB use TTS-1.

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  4. Is it really the sound card generating the sound or the Microsoft GS Wavetable synth? If it is the sound card, what card is it? If using the Microsoft GS Wavetable synth consider adding the TTS-1 soft synth and an audio track to the project. Set the MIDI output to TTS-1 and the audio input to TTS-1.

  5. I believe BA is reading HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers\EE137A4A-E652-4652-9283-0DB37EC8849D from the registry to determine the status of CbB. When I remove this entry and start up BA I see the Update button instead of Open.

    A clean reinstall includes removing registry keys. The clean instructions for the last version of SONAR are published here. CbB works the same way except

    CbB should be uninstalled using BA,

    The registry entries are:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core (note: the BA entry is one level up in Installers so I am not sure a clean install will to BA whether Cakewalk is installed or not)

    The %appdata%\Cakewalk folder to delete is "Cakewalk Core"

    The content folder is "C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core"

  6. Manufacturer support for SONAR 8.5 was discontinued a little after the release of SONAR X2 in 2012. This forum is one place where you may get questions related to SONAR answered.

    Install 64bit SONAR 8.5 before installing CbB to take advantage of the plug-ins bundled with SONAR. With SONAR installed CbB is added as an upgrade. Both SONAR and CbB will be available on the PC. If you used 32bit SONAR, consider installing it too. It will ease the transition to 64bit. CbB is a 64bit programs and runs best on Windows 10.

    Projects created in SONAR will open in CbB and vice versa. There are some things to consider. If a project uses 32bit DX plug-ins and the plug-ins were not ported to 64bit, CbB will not be able to load the plug-ins. Project created in  CbB using patch points and aux tracks cannot be opened in SONAR 8.5.

  7. Yes. even if you retained the installers, it is easiest to let BandLab Assistant do the initial installation and activation.

    It is possible to retain installers but it is not as easy as it was prior to 2018-11. Here is an explanation of the current CbB update process.

    I too keep hot copies of prior versions. Started doing this when SONAR Platinum was released. In fact, I wrote a simple front end to let me switch between versions called Cakewalk Launchpad. The tool is available on my Google page. It has a few more features than starting the various version of SONAR/CbB. All the details are in the documentation.

    The only time a copy of a prior versions program folder may not be enough is when a problem is introduced in the shared programs. This rarely happens. Still it is possible. One could create copies of the "Shared Utilities" folder but unlike the CbB program folders, it is not possible to run multiple version of the "Shared Utilities" live. All version of CbB use the same registry entries that point to a single instance of "Shared Utilities." It is possible to swap out the entire "Shared Utilities" folder or individual programs in the folder. In the very rare instances when "Shared Utilities" is broken, I usually re-install. If I failed to retain the installed, I would use a backup.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, Sailor55 said:

    Once you assign a midi track to a drum amp you can't make a single drum "instrument track" linked with the drum audio track. It was always that way in SONAR and still is in Cakewalk.

    In order to make an existing audio+MIDI track pair into an instrument track when the MIDI track has a drum map:

    1. remove the drum map, typically by pointing the MIDI track to the synth
    2. make the instrument track
    3. open the MIDI tab for the instrument track in the Inspector (in the video below, I had to change focus from and back to the instrument track to repaint the inspector)
    4. re-add the drum map



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