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Posts posted by scook

  1. Select the source track (if automation lanes are collapsed) or lanes

    Change focus to the target track

    Paste special - make sure in "What to paste" Events/Clips is unchecked and Track/Bus Automation is selected


    Note: the envelopes may be reordered but the data is correct


    It is also possible to select some automation lanes and copy them. Here is an example of copying the first and third envelope from the first track and pasting these two envelopes into the second track



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  2. AFAIK, all the project templates bundled with CbB include a master bus.

    If your project does not have any buses:

    • add a bus (rename it master if you wish)
    • right-click the bus header and select "Set as Default Bus"
    • select all the audio and instrument tracks, while holding the CTRL key set the output on one of the selected tracks to the bus

    After this, any audio and instrument tracks added to the project will automatically point to master bus.

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  3. The audio engine in Cakewalk sfz synths (including the Studio Instrument series) shut down when encountering certain NRPN instructions in their MIDI tracks. To avoid this either remove the data from the MIDI tracks using the Event List View or enable "Do not intercept NRPNs" on the VST Plug-in properties page like this


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  4. SONAR and CbB offer the same controls in MIDI tracks. While the images in this thread are almost unreadable, it is clear that CbB has a filter applied to the track headers. It is impossible to say if it is due to a lens or this drop down:


    If a lens is applied try removing ot by setting the lens drop down to None.

    If it is the track control drop down, set it to All as shown in the image above.

    If you prefer to work with a reduced feature set in the track header, the same controls are in the track inspector.


    WRT, the images in this thread...please use an image hosting service like imgur.com and post links to images (like the one in this post). Using imgur.com makes it easy to embed full size images in posts.

  5. 7 hours ago, synkrotron said:

    I didn't realise the Reaktor will only use one core of your CPU

    AFAIK, this is the case with all software modular synths. At least, it used to be. Cherry Audio just release a version of Voltage Modular that offers some multi-threaded capability. I believe VCV Rack will see some too in v1 but the plug-in version is some time away.

  6. There are two possible causes when monitoring through the DAW: audio driver settings and plug-ins in the project.

    When running the UR22 with the manufacturer supplied ASIO driver the audio buffer setting is changed using software supplied by the manufacturer. Make sure the driver is installed. CbB is set to ASIO driver mode and the ASIO buffer setting is set to 128 samples or less.

    If there are any effect plug-ins in the project, try bypassing all effects using keyboard shortcut "E" or the FX button in the Mix module. If the problem goes away when effects are bypassed, the latency is caused by plug-in delay compensation needed by some of the plug-ins in the project to keep all the tracks in sync. Either leave all the plug-ins temporarily bypassed or isolate the plug-ins that need PDC and bypass or replace them. While reading about the FX button check out the PDC button documentation too.

    Or do not monitor the synth audio through the DAW; use the MIX knob on the interface to monitor the audio inputs and mix enough audio from the DAW to hear any pre-recorded tracks.

  7. 8 minutes ago, synkrotron said:

    will probably only use them in Sound Forge anyway

    Chances are they are locked to SF. There was a small window of time when they were first bundled with SF that they were not locked to the program. Sony issued an update within days to fix it.

  8. TTS-1 never supported anything higher than 96kHz. It runs at 44.1, 48 and 96kHz only. At 96kHz the plug-ins must be set to light load mode which is a per-instance session setting.


    There is a bug with the on/off button in the tone section. Pretty sure it has been broken for some time. This plug-in was made in Japan by Roland. Cakewalk never had the source code so BandLab does not either. You could try installing the 64bit TTS-1 bundled with SONAR 6 and see if it works better.


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  9. Studio Instrument series are all sfz engine synths. It is possible to alter the existing sfz files and replace the samples referenced in the sfz files but it is not possible to add new sfz files or programs to the synths. Before modifying the sfz files or samples, make sure to backup the original files..

    I have no experience with Steven Slate products.

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