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Everything posted by scook

  1. Verify the track interleave (the button just above E in the image below) on tracks "Left" and "Right" are set to mono
  2. ProjectOpenNotification.txt file goes in %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core Note: the file is not part of the default installation. The default notifications are built into the program. Create the file for custom notifications.
  3. scook

    Audio Settings

    The default sample rate for new projects is set to 8000. Is this intentional? If not try setting it to the same sample rate as Windows audio. Generally this should be at least 44100.
  4. Email service for the old Cakewalk servers was shutdown when Gibson closed the company.
  5. Password reset must be performed by support@cakewalk.com
  6. Seems to work OK here Prior to release 2019.09 it was possible to quick group all tracks without selecting them. This is no longer available. Effective with 2019.09 quick groups only work with an active track selection.
  7. This is normal. WASAPI Shared buffer size is fixed. All the other driver modes have an adjustable buffer size. Depending on the manufacturer some ASIO drivers also have the slider disabled so their buffer size must be adjusted with the software supplied by the manufacturer.
  8. Assuming the plug-ins are in the scan path, run a VST reset from preferences with the scan log enabled. If the plug-ins do not show up, review the log.
  9. scook

    Instant Replay?

    It has nothing to do with CbB. I searched for "instant replay" and found an instant replay mode in software bundled with NVidea cards. Is is possible this is installed?
  10. It is almost there if one converts an FX Rack to an FX Chain and docks the FX Chain. This places all the plug-ins for a track/bus into a single tab. The effects are displayed at the bottom of the FX chain. From there one can open the plug-in UIs, reorder, add or delete plug-ins.
  11. scook

    problem setting tempo

    Check the tempo view. There may be more tempo settings than expected in the project.
  12. Noel has recommended running scan from preferences over the PIM for years. The new sandbox and log options are not supported in the PIM. In the past scanning a plug-in could corrupt memory affecting plug-ins scanned after it resulting in messages like the those described in this thread. Scanning with the sandbox option prevents one plug-in's scan from affecting others.
  13. For now, instead of using Windows minimize try docking plug-ins in Multidock. Docked effects have a tab with the plug-in name and track hosting the plug-in. Docked synths have a tab using the name from the synth rack.
  14. For now either create a category at the top of the Sort by Category layout or create a custom layout with a favorites section to hold your most used plug-ins.
  15. There are no Win10 drivers for the VS-700 but here are instructions on using the Win8 drivers on Win10 http://forum.cakewalk.com/How-to-use-V700-win-8-driver-in-win-10-also-applies-to-some-other-Roland-drivers-m3206046.aspx
  16. BanfLab Assistant is used to install, activate and update Cakewalk by BandLab Here are step by step installation instructions http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Introduction.30.html
  17. I will add, this still may be too small. My projects are on a 7200 rpm drive and I recently had to bump my playback buffer to 1024 to handle a problem I was experiencing. My guess is the laptop is using, at best, a continuously spinning 5400 rpm.
  18. scook

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    It could be updating the OS is the cause IDK. I stopped using Win7 in 2014. I have no recent experience with 32bit DAWs either migrating to 64bit X1 in 2011. I do not use V-Vocal but keep it installed for testing purposes. For this thread, I created a region FX clip using V-Vocal manipulated the clip in V-Vocal floated the V-Vocal window docked the V-Vocal window saved the project while shutting down CbB restarted CbB and loaded the project rendered the V-Vocal clip There were some issues: V-Vocal would not maximize in the mutlidock. It may be trapping the keystrokes. I could resize with the mouse though. once undocked, the only way to get the plug-in back into the multidock was using the menu Granted the tests were not exhaustive and V-Vocal was never noted for being extremely stable in either 32 or 64bit hosts.
  19. I was writing a reply to the OP while the second message was posting. Plug-in layouts are different than plug-in categories. Plug-in layouts used to display plug-ins for use in a project. Category tags are a VST3 feature. CbB has the ability to associate category tags with any plug-in DX, VST2 and VST3. These tags are used to create the "Sort by Category" layout. It is hard to imagine an update resulting in lost plug-in layouts. AFAIK no update has ever messed with the plug-in layout folder or its content. That said backing up user data is a good idea. The path to the plug-ins layouts folder is maintained in preferences. I have never read of plug-in categories being lost either. IIRC, there have been a couple of threads on the old forum regarding errors trying to load the database. The fix usually involved initializing the database which loses any user mods to the database. The category database Library.db is stored in %appdata%\Cakewalk\Library
  20. Bus automation works the same as track automation That said, one must have a master bus setup. All the templates provided with CbB have a master bus defined. Did you use a template provided with CbB or did you start with your own template or blank project?
  21. scook

    V-Vocal launch crashes CbB

    A couple of things this support person got right are V-Vocal is a DX plug-in and 32bit VST plug-ins while supported with BitBridge may have reliability problems. Given that the support person should know that 32bit DX plug-ins cannot load into a 64bit host Bitdrige does not work with DX plug-ins I can assure you the V-Vocal running in your 64bit DAWs is 64bit. Cronus is excluded by design in the plug-in manager because V-Vocal is not intended to show up as a regular plug-in. Changing the excluded flag for this plug-in is not the right thing to do. Pretty sure someone with more experience may have handled this differently. Maybe @Mike B can review this. FYI The data files are the same whether working in 32bit SONAR or 64bit SONAR/CbB. The difference is the software. V-Vocal is a DX plug-in. The 32bit X1 and X2 are loading a different plug-in from the 64bit DAWs. X1, X2 and V-Vocal were all developed and tested on Win 7. CbB is developed and tested on Win10 along with the later versions of Platinum. I cannot say if any of this matters but these are some of the differences between the software mention in this thread.
  22. The VST3 spec calls for 64bit VST3 plug-ins to go in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and 32bit VST3 plug-ins to go in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 While CbB will use VST3 plug-ins installed elsewhere some DAWs do not. Most manufacturers follow the VST3 and do not give the user an option for an alternate install path. It is a bad idea to install VST3 plug-ins outside of the specified path. The VST2 spec is silent about where plug-ins should be installed. This lead to manufacturers using a variety of "default" locations. In general, VST2 plug-ins may be installed anywhere EXCEPT in the VST3 folders mentioned above.
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