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Everything posted by scook

  1. Instrument definitions were designed for hardware hence the need to have a MIDI output device defined.
  2. You can use ASIO4All if you wish. The buffer needs to be set in the ASIO4All software. Do NOT use the Realtek ASIO driver. It has problems.
  3. scook

    Cakewalk Downloading

    When features appear to be missing, it is usually the Workspace setting. Try a different setting or turn workspaces off by setting it to None.
  4. Could be the Mixing Latency Buffer Size is too small. Depending on the Driver Mode and interface manufacturer this may be adjusted using the slider or the ASIO client software provided by the interface manufacturer. WASAPI Shared driver mode is not adjustable. If using WASAPI Shared, try a different driver mode.
  5. Track Icons like a lot of content are under product folders in Cakewalk Content so the CbB track icons by default are under "Cakewalk Core" like the Platinum icons are under SONAR Platinum. For custom content where the folder is not exposed in Preferences like Track Icons, I create a folder under my customizations folder and create a directory junction in the default folder. This insures my custom stuff is never overwritten and simplifies syncing up machines because most of my customized content is in one directory tree.
  6. It is hard to say from this if it is a driver or application issue. Windows audio does not use the ASIO driver. If possible toggle the audio interface off and on. This is likely a hardware/driver problem.
  7. After enabling z3ta+ once, if that message appears again during a regular scan, the scan options are set up wrong. Disable the two "rescan option." Often when a known good plug-in fails like this it is a symptom of a problem with a plug-in scanned before it. This is one motivation for the "Scan in Sandbox" option. This option is on reason to always scan from preferences and never scan from the Plug-in Manager.
  8. The Windows Magnifier is Windows+Numpad Plus
  9. You lose nothing. CbB installs as an upgrade to Platinum. Both CbB and Platinum are available after installing CbB. All plug-ins bundled with 64bit Platinum and other content will be available to both. CbB overwrites shared folders including better performing VST Scanner and Plug-in Manager utilities.
  10. When input echo is off, setting input to None causes an instrument/MIDI track to ignore all MIDI data at it's input. When input echo is on, the track must have an input to echo. If the input is set to None it reverts to All Tracks > Onmi. I would like input echo off and disabled regardless of the "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" setting when the track input is set to None. But this is not how CbB works today.
  11. This is odd. There is no direct download of Cakewalk by BandLab. It is downloaded, installed and activated with BandLab Assistant. What 2 URLs were used to download BandLab Assistant and Cakewalk?
  12. Not with a volume envelope but one could use Channel tools or any other plug-in with separate L/R volume exposed for automation.
  13. Input echo is enabled on the track. An instrument/MIDI track must have a MIDI input other than None when input echo is enabled. Chances are Always Echo Current MIDI Track is enabled. I keep that option off and manually set input echo as needed.
  14. Note draw duration buttons were added to Cakewalk by BandLab 2018.06 CbB is a significant free upgrade to SONAR Artist.
  15. Make sure a MIDI output device is specified in preferences. If no MIDI output device is specified make sure, after selecting output device(s) press Apply to set the device options before opening MIDI Instruments preferences.
  16. In 2019.09 shortcut "W" changed slightly. From https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/7164-201909-feature-overview/
  17. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=KeyboardShortcuts.html#1306571 "Go to Start" is CTRL+Home There is a link to the shortcut page in the program's Help menu
  18. For MIDI to csv try http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3629403 Once in a csv file it is easy to parse as needed
  19. To save typing here is a similar thread https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/12051-some-vsts-dont-show-up-in-cakewalk/ It helps to know the name of the plug-in. It may also help to know exactly where the plug-in dll is installed on your PC.
  20. Yes, clip gain envelopes are shown for all clips in the track. Change the clips as needed and ignore the rest. If seeing clip gains on all clips is a problem put the clips that need envelopes in the same lane and use the lane's edit filter.
  21. The V-Studio interfaces and drivers were made by Roland.
  22. scook

    Cakewalk Not Working

    May want to provide some details about the PC and audio interface being used.
  23. The software should be installed on the system drive. Even if you do choose to install on a different drive some parts of CbB must be installed on the system drive. Once installed a large portion of the installation "C:\Cakewalk Content" may be moved easily using a directory junction. For example, to relocate this to the D drive: 1) Move "C:\Cakewalk Content" to D:\ using Windows Explorer 2) Start a command shell running as administrator and type mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Content" "D:\Cakewalk Content" Do the same with "C:\Cakewalk Projects" Using directory junctions to move Cakewalk Content and Projects folders eliminate the need to modify folder locations in CbB preferences. If you absolutely must install as much as possible on a drive other than C (this really means you have a bigger problem than installing CbB) you will need to perform a clean install of CbB to restore the file prompts in the CbB installer.
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