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Posts posted by scook

  1. It is up to the plug-in manufacturer.

    Some plug-in manufacturers intentionally design their plug-ins to be drop-in replacements for previous versions. This results the most recent plug-in to be added to the DAW plug-in list and older versions are ignored.

    Others design their plug-ins to be unique and not replace previous versions. In this case, unique versions are available for use in the DAW.

    Often manufacturers use a mixed approach allowing them to tailor the behavior based on the release.

  2. On 11/29/2022 at 3:10 AM, thegaltieribrothers said:

    Also when removing breaths I use fades and trim to isolate each vocal segment; is there a way to copy the fades and trim from one track to another (e.g. 2 nearly identical vocal takes + one amended with fades and trim which now need to be repeated on the 2nd vocal track).

    Edits cannot be copied between clips but setting up clip selection groups in advance of editing may work in this case.

    Track automation may be copied between tracks. A solution may be lurking there too.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, lawajava said:

    Oh if that’s useable even if not owning Anthology that’s great!

    The Anthology installer works regardless of the plug-ins licensed (just like FabFilter and Medla Production complete bundles).

  4. 7 hours ago, TheSteven said:

    ^Except Invigerate, but that wasn’t update.

    None of the Newfangled Audio products are included in Eventide Anthology.

    Newfangled Audio is not part of Eventide. IIRC, it is a separate company started by an Eventide employee.


    Only recently has Eventide Anthology returned to containing all of the Eventide plug-ins.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, lawajava said:

    Eventide (for me anyway) is still in the one by one install scenario.

    If you prefer, download the Eventide Anthology installer and use the pick list in the installer to select which plug-ins to install.

    The current Anthology installer contains all of the current Eventide plug-ins.

    • Thanks 3
  6. 31 minutes ago, Sanford Stein said:

    However, when I use that interface nothing is recording, although I can hear the notes as I play them. 

    Many plug-in UIs provide a way to audition the plug-in often in the form of a keyboard image. "Playing" this keyboard does not create MIDI data in the plug-ins instrument/MIDI track because the track is before the plug-in in the signal flow.


    To monitor a track before and during recording make sure input echo is enabled on the instrument/MIDI track. The input echo button is immediately right of the track record button. 


    If they Roland keyboard plays the standalone B3 synth, it should be able to drive the DAW too. The keyboard will likely show up as some generic MIDI input device (given the USB MIDI cable) in Preferences > MIDI > Devices

    Of course, audio preferences will need to be configured too.  Given the plug-in audition is audible, audio may be setup properly.

    Setting up the standalone B3 is similar albeit simpler than a DAW as they both need access to the same hardware and drivers.


  7. 51 minutes ago, Sanford Stein said:

    My Hammond vst file is in C:\Program Files\Common Files\vst3\Hammond B-3X.vst. 

    Proper VST3 plug-in binaries have a .vst3 extension.

    51 minutes ago, Sanford Stein said:

    nder Edit->Preferences->VST settings->VST Scan Paths, I do see C:\Program Files\Common Files\vst3.    But when I click on 'Plugins' the Hammond B-3X does not appear.    So there must be something else I need to do to make Cakewalk see this vst file. 

    VST2/3 plug-ins must be scanned before they are available to the DAW. By default,

    • the scanner runs when the DAW starts up and
    • any plug-ins added to the scan path since the last scan are automatically scanned
    51 minutes ago, Sanford Stein said:

    here is an option in the Plugin dropdown for 'Sort by Manufacturer' but I do not see the Hammond when I select that option. 

    IKM is the manufacturer of the plug-in. The Hammond name is licensed as part of IKM's marketing. 

    Regardless, try the search box in the plug-in browser for B or B3. This may help determine if the plug-in is in the plug-in layout.

    Depending on the scan options the plug-in may have failed scanning, is waiting to be scanned or scanned properly and you are looking in the wrong place for the plug-in.  

    Assuming the plug-in scanned correctly, try using the Add Track function to add the B3, refer to the To create Instrument tracks in the link provided.

    If the plug-in is not listed, try running a VST Reset from Preferences > File > VST settings with "Scan in Sandbox" and "Generate Scan Log" enabled. This way if the plug-in fails to scan, the log may provide a clue.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Nati said:

    Another crash...
    But this time my project isn't on the Cakewalk Start Screen list.

    Projects are added to the Most Recently Used list as part of the normal shutdown. If the program shuts down any other way the MRU list may not get updated.

    1 hour ago, Nati said:

    I can't recover it with SHIFT + click sadly.

    If the project file exists on disk, it may be run directly from there or by using File > Open. A project does not have to appear on the Start Screen for it to be able to load into CbB. Both methods can open projects in safe mode, but it may not be necessary in this case.

    1 hour ago, Nati said:

    Is there a possibility to find which plugin coze crash without deleting moving it from VST folder?

    If it is plug-in related, the dump should say so.  At this point it is hard to say what is needed to get past this problem. Removing a suspect dll from the VST scan path is often recommended as an expediate way to eliminate a plug-in from the DAW environment. 

    1 hour ago, Nati said:

    I have found a *.dmp file in Cakewalk Core > Minidumps folder but can't be opened :/ I think this file is only for DEV's.

    Upload the file to a hosting service and send a link to support

    1 hour ago, Nati said:

    Q: Why there is no any message for the user?

    The program tries to send notifications but when a program crashes, sometimes this is not possible. If the problem is plug-in related, setting ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 7 in Preferences > File > Initialization File may force display of an error. Reset the value back to 1 when done testing.

  9. The Host Bypass feature attached to the button on the left side of the standard VST header is specifically for VST3 plug-ins that support the feature.

    The plug-in bypass function supplied by the DAW does not depend on plug-in implementation.

    The state of individual plug-ins in an FX rack has no bearing on the status of the FX rack itself.


    FWIW, the color assignments may be modified as desired by the user.


  10. If Cakewalk by BandLab is installed, there is no reason to mess with Cakewalk Installer.

    Almost all questions regarding BandLab Assistant involve installing CbB and not the ancillary processes.

    BandLab Assistant is not necessary for day-to-day use of CbB.

    If you are having trouble logging into BandLab Assistant to access the audio loops or BandLab Mix editor contact support@bandlab.com

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, alan933 said:

    Another one called Guitar Rig, can't get anything out of it

    This is a guitar amp simulator NOT a guitar synth plug-in. IOW, this is an audio FX plug-in (there is a standalone version too) made to simulate the effects, amplifiers and speaker cabinets in a typical electric guitar setup. The plug-in is not a synth and does not make sounds on its own.


    Track 25 is an instrument track setup to use Kontakt 7 but all I can tell from the image provided is "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" is enabled. The track I/O assignments are hidden. You may want to review these assignments in the track inspector or change the workspace setting to None to reveal all the controls in the track view.

    • Like 1
  12. The only reasons to use BandLab Assistant are

    • to run BandLab (the web-based DAW)
    • to access BandLab loops
    • to (re)activate Cakewalk by BandLab on computers without internet access

    For all other Cakewalk by BandLab activities use the Cakewalk Installer near the bottom left of this page.


  13. 8 minutes ago, alan933 said:

    But when I drag them to a track and select an instrument in them. Nothing plays.

    Could you be dragging the plug-ins to an audio FX rack? While this can work, it is not recommended for most synth plug-ins.


    Instead of dragging the plug-in to a track, try inserting the plug-in using the add track menu (review the "To create instrument tracks" section) or dragging the plug-in to an empty part of the track view below the existing tracks and above the bus section.

  14. 59 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

    maybe @scook posted an updated version?

    The Inventory Tool was folded into CbB Tools for v2 released in 2021. The current release of CbB Tools is available from this post

    The latest v1 versions of all the tools including the Inventory Tools are still available from my Google page (the same link as in the post above). I just downloaded the zip for the old v1 of the Inventory Tool from my Google page. It appears to be v1.4 from 2018.

  15. The "Generic Low Latency Driver" is an optional driver installed by Cubase. It should not be installed when audio interfaces come with an ASIO driver. Removal is recommended. Removing the registry entry effectively hides the driver from CbB.

    The RealTek ASIO driver is not suitable for DAW use. It is not a generic driver and should be a problem unless you try to use ASIO driver mode with the RealTek chip. It does not matter if this is left in the registry or not just remember to use WASAPI driver modes when using the RealTek chips.

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