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Everything posted by scook

  1. Most ASIO drivers operate a single bit depth. Usually 24 bit because that is more than enough for the interface. This is up to the hardware manufacturers. The record bit depth is set elsewhere in preferences In short, if a manufacturer supplies an ASIO driver use it unless it is defective.
  2. The VST scan log contains a list fully qualified plug-in dll and vst files near the top of the log. There is a link to my VST Inventory program in I am not aware of anything similar for DX plug-ins other than the plug-in layout xml files which are another source of the VST2/3 plug-ins names as well.
  3. To insert a pitch wheel event: (insert <time> <MIDI-channel> WHEEL <value>) the <value> parameter is an integer value in the range -8192 to 8191.
  4. These are caused by the workspace setting. Either create a custom workspace or set the workspace menu to None.
  5. Is auto punch recording enabled? For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.25.html#1290778
  6. Other than SI-Bass is there a problem with any synth not bundled with CbB or is it just a problem with Studio Instruments? If a third party synth, which one(s). Using third party MIDI files or data recorded in CbB? If this is a problem with existing tracks verify synth routings. Check the track inspector and verify the MIDI track or MIDI tab of the instrument track has its output set to the synth (or drum map) and the Audio track or Audio tab of the instrument track has its input set to the synth.
  7. Upper right above the track view just below the Window decorations in the workspace menu
  8. Starting with 2019.09 quick groups requires an active selection. Pressing CTRL without an active selection does nothing.
  9. Likely the workspace setting. Either create a custom workspace or set the workspace menu to None.
  10. AFAIK, nothing has changed WRT the MIDI metronome in some time. This does nothing to the MIDI metronome. It restores files missing from the user directory. Use this when the drop downs in the Use Audio Metronome section are empty. In the example provided below, there is no need to change anything in the Use MIDI Note section for the MIDI metronome to function. But one may assign the values as desired for synth receiving the MIDI data from the metronome. Of course, these settings are not stored in a MIDI file because they are not part of the MIDI spec. They may be stored in project templates and files for future use though. All the values in the Use MIDI Note section are properties of MIDI notes. By convention channel 10 is reserved for percussion but the port and channel assignments may altered as needed. Here is a simple MIDI metronome test. In a new project Verify the MIDI metronome is set up just like the help and the image above show (the default settings) Open the Add track menu Click the Instrument tab ("B" in the image below) Click the Create button ("O" in the image below) to add TTS-1 In the new TTS-1 instrument track set input echo on (the button to the right of the record button on the track) Start the transport Later if the MIDI metronome stops playing as expected, chances are input echo is off or the MIDI metronome options have been changed.
  11. "Cannot Create Process" usually means there is a permissions mismatch between the program that is running and the program being launched. IIRC, SF8 must run as administrator. Try running the DAW as administrator.
  12. Alias Factor was never free or sold separately. It was bundled with Project 5 and several versions of SONAR.
  13. The Basic workspace is loading. Either create a custom workspace or set the workspace menu to None.
  14. Try running a VST Reset from preferences with "Scan In Scanbox" and "Generate Scan Log" enabled. If the plug-ins fail to show up in Region FX after the reset, check the scan log for the DrumReplacer.vst3 and Melodyne.vst3
  15. Use the drum map manager to create a drum map preset
  16. The database in that reply has nothing to do with the metronome. It is the database used for plug-in categories. The only mechanism to restore metronome files is the copy perform during partial (SHIFT key on startup) and full (CTRL key on startup) re-personalization. These processes copy files into the user folder with the full process overwriting existing files. Note: the partial re-personalization (SHIFT key on startup) is not the same as safe mode where the SHIFT key is held while opening a project.
  17. User themes must be modified for this release. The geometry of some of the images have changed. See
  18. Yes, the process has not changed in years. It requires modifying the registry. To make it easier, I wrote Tools Editor to add almost any type of file to the tools section of the utility menu. The main thread for this is A link to Tools Editor and other utilities are in the original post. If you have any questions about its use please post in that thread.
  19. I don't bother with the PDF. Instead use a web browser to search the index of the web-based help. This is usually enough to find the appropriate page. While the keyword search returns all the SONAR documentation, using the "SONAR Platinum, Professional and Artist Documentation" filter often returns a usable page albeit for an older product. Often the current page can be brought up by swapping the product in the url from SONAR to Cakewalk.
  20. To monitor though the DAW, recording tracks must have input echo enabled. The button to the right of the track record button.
  21. The hot spot is the flag at the top of the marker. Notice the change from the magnifier to the marker cursor
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