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Everything posted by scook

  1. The Arranger is a pretty big feature and will probably result in a pdf update.
  2. You are welcome. The recording/mix quality will be fine, the problem with MME is the time it takes from plucking a string or pressing a key and hearing sound from the DAW.
  3. The last Reference Guide PDF update was made for 2019.09. The online help is current http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.02.html
  4. AFAIK, this is the default behavior. It may be altered by setting SendLocalOff to 0 in %AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\TTSseq.ini For more info see http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=INI_Files.5.html
  5. The driver mode in the error message refers to the screen below. With the internal audio chip try the WASAPI modes if running Win10, WDM for older OSes and MME as a last resort.
  6. 1. support@cakewalk.com 2. The audio driver bit depth may be disabled if the driver supports only one bit depth. That said, the audio driver bit depth has nothing to do with the clips recorded in the project. The record bit depth is set elsewhere in preferences. While all clips in a project must have the same sample rate, there is no similar requirement for bit depth. A project may have a mix of clips at different bit depths.
  7. scook

    HELP !!

    Is driver mode set the same in SONAR and CbB?
  8. Add an available shortcut to the Notes | Show Velocity on Selected Notes only function in the Piano Roll View area in Edit > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
  9. There is a link in the help menu for keyboard shortcuts http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x18324 The direct link for PRV shortcuts is http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=KeyboardShortcuts.html#1886440 Keyboard shortcuts may be modified in preferences. Make sure to have a project loaded when using this screen. Change the Area to Piano Roll View to access PRV specific functions.
  10. Are the Studio Instruments installed? They have a separate installer. To download and install click the menu next to the Open button in BA click Install Add-ons... for the optional installers select the item(s) to install from the dialog click Install If they are installed, run a VST Reset from preferences. BTW "C:\Cakewalk Content" and "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" should not be in the scan path. Scan paths should be restricted to folders containing VST2 and VST3 plug-ins. Typically "C:\Cakewalk Content" does not contain any plug-ins at all. Having both "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" and "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" cause the plug-ins in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" to be scanned twice because the scanner recursively traverses the scan path entries and there are a lot of dlls in the "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" directory tree that are not VST plug-ins.
  11. No amount of changing audio drivers or interfaces is going to matter. If you have not changed the Record Bit Depth don't expect the program to record at a different bit depth.
  12. Understood, as the link above mentions, projects record using the record bit depth setting NOT the audio driver bit depth setting.
  13. Many ASIO drivers work at one bit depth. Most often 24 bit.
  14. After select all move the Now marker to be beginning of the earliest clip on the timeline Select From Now Click-Drag clips as far left as 0. Or select the blank measures on the timeline to remove, enable ripple edit all then delete
  15. dongle optional also supports computer-based iLok
  16. scook

    Size of cakewalk setup

    Required installers BandLab Assistant 55 MB Core CbB installer 566 MB Optional installers (these are estimates based on previous installers although they should be close to the CbB versions) Melodyne 177 MB (Based on regular M4 installer) DrumReplacer 252 MB (Based on version bundled with SONAR) Studio Instruments 621 MB (Based on version bundled with SONAR) Theme Editor 19 MB (Based on version bundled with SONAR) The documentation in PDF format is 42 MB. Updates to the program are much smaller. For example the current early release is 21 MB. Updates happen around every 2 months.
  17. Only support@cakewalk.com can reset passwords for user accounts on the old Cakewalk site.
  18. Never known CbB or any prior version of SONAR to add CC events on their own. If it is not coming from outside of the DAW, something MIDI-OX could determine, then it might be from a plug-in. By default, synths capable of generating or passing MIDI data thought them have "Enable MIDI Output" turned on. This in combination with a recording track input set to Omni will pick up unexpected data. The "Enable MIDI Output" option in on the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog and in the VST2/3 drop down above the plug-in UI
  19. If you do not use it, disable the "High Definition Audio Device" in Windows Device Manager. If not using any hardware synths or do not plan to send MIDI to hardware synths, make sure all MIDI output devices are deselected in preferences. This will let CbB automatically setup TTS-1 when opening MIDI files.
  20. Scanning from the Plug-in Manager does not take advantage of the sandbox or log options. Both features can be very useful in diagnosing why a plug-in does not scan as expected. I suppose the scanner is still called from the PIM to support pre-X series Cakewalk DAWs. The option should be disabled when running the PIM from CbB. When having problems with particular plug-ins providing their names and install paths may expedite a solution.
  21. I do not own FL products but my understanding is while they make VST plug-ins the plug-ins bundled with their DAW products are proprietary. Do not scan the FL format plug-ins using CbB VST scanner. NI plug-ins should scan but at this time it may be a good idea to remove the FL path from the CbB scan path and run a VST reset from preferences as discussed in my original post above.
  22. AFAIK, workspaces can not change the Track Control drop down to Custom but SHIFT+left/right arrow will scroll though the values. WRT the OP, the MIDI channel drop down is displayed for Track 2 in the image even though the Track Control drop down is set to Custom. Giving Track 1 focus will display the MIDI channel drop down for it (when the MIDI tab is active).
  23. By default the Drum Replacer is excluded from the plug-in list and should appear as it does in the image above. It is not a regular plug-in. It is a Region FX only. Here are a series of videos about the tool https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCPMyFyv8V07aM5kKbwkZlVNIodVkH9fi
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