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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I got that pic of the studio from the hardware synth thread ...Craigb was the fella that posted it . It seems the girl w the beard made him forget he posted it ? Milo is just hanging out trying to comprehend the concept of A Bird in the Beard is Worth 2 in the Bush ....I'm not sure if will ever get that concept but he has gotten pretty good at setting up Amp Sims , making Coffee and sweeping the floor . It's all good ! A little birdie from the North Pole told me you worked your way off Santa's naughty list from last year to being on the Nice list this year ... Congrats ...Craigb ! Here's Your early Christmas Reward ! Kenny
  2. No that's not it , it cant be ..? As far as I know there are no leftovers packed up in my beard ...When Milo is done sniffing around and doing his thing he even tries to slip me the tongue .... He's fast he almost made it past my lips twice .? I brought Milo to the Vet today and I wound up laying out some serious coin ...We could not verify that he was up to date VIA the info on the Rabies shot tag ... I wound up doing a worse case scenario where I had the Vet give him all his shots as if he never had them before ... Overall the Vet was pretty impressed with Milo . He hit him with some commands and Milo kept up with him .. He also thought Milo is the perfect size and weight for his build ...I asked him why he appears so narrow as far as his back end goes and he said he must of been bred to look that way .... As far as his size and how big he looks pictures do not do him justice .. Milo weighs 75 pounds ..Duke weighed 120 pounds and to me he was a little guy.....until I saw our reflection in a store window ... To me they all are Little Angels sent here to comfort and bring us Joy , time to hug my little fella up ..Tonight we are gonna hold paws an watch The Masked Singer ? Kenny
  3. Where's the proof on the Clapton Strat having sold ? The auction has it listed as not sold w no bids Kenny
  4. I knew it would would come to this someday ...OK I'm Right , Yet I wish I was right about something else .. "Woof Woof The Quasimodo Of Humans " is what dogs call me in hushed reverent dog talk and tones when I walk through the neighborhood .. Kenny
  5. I enjoyed what you said so much in your post I left it up there singing in the breeze for the better part of a whole week as a motivational affirmation ... Thank You for what you said . I appreciate the kind words . Kenny
  6. Why Thank you Sheens! Just as long as I'm the "Man" in the first pic not the second pic . ? Thanks RBH ! ...he does look a little small in pics yet that is a full size picnic table he is standing on .... I'm bringing Milo to the vet next week so I will have his correct weight ...I would be surprised if he was less than 60 pounds , he may be trim yet he is solid ... He even has both of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps for his back legs ... ??? Kenny
  7. What happened ? you walked into the Dollar Store and bought 2 Dollars worth .... The Last of the big spenders ? Kenny
  8. Please tell me Erica Lapton is the lady in the back of the pic wearing the green tank top ..I can work w that ..... OK ,Less than an hour to go w only 48 mins left ...still no bids .. carry on , Kenny
  9. Are you asking me to help Kenny meet a nice lady friend ? let me think about it for a moment .. Nope , I'm just gonna keep Kenny around to walk me , feed me , and scoop the poop ... Alright Lady's ! the line starts to the left and the Kissing booth is now Open .... Thanks Pragi ! IMHO , he's the better looking one of us .. all the best, Kenny
  10. Thanks Grem ! Glad you enjoyed . ? I took one of my Strats out of the closet , restrung it and played it for a few hours ..Man it sounded exactly as I had remembered it ...just like nails scraping on a black board . Oh Eric if you ever had a kind thought towards another guitar player Please help a player out . I cant afford a Million and a Half for one of your guitars and I'm tired of torturing the few listeners I still have left with my Ice Pick Tone ....Help make a dream come true ..help bump up my tone w one of your guitars in my Guitarsenal ... I don't care if it's the most ugliest hideous guitar you hate the most out of your collection ...I will love it , play it and cherish it .....Help make 2021 a great year for someone . Kenny
  11. A man with out duct tape is a man who wishes he could get out of town fast before his woman breaks free and makes good on her promise to fix him good . . Kenny
  12. A man with out duct tape is a man with out a duct tape camper . Kenny
  13. Yes I agree with you Sheens . He came w that choker . I was planing on buying him a new harness after I paid my bills this month ... I did look around and found a harness that is a little loose on him unless he pulls ...yep I'm glad you posted . i took your advice and I feel it is much safer to use the looser harness for now ... we should be able to last a few days until I take care of my monthly biznez thanks Kenny
  14. Martian guitar fact-tory employee of the month . Kenny
  15. Larry's deal has a much better price with a total savings of $ 240,000 ... Kenny
  16. I have to say Eric Clapton's guitar did sound great in the video... warm and full bodied tone .The fact it is a hard tail may have played into it . I'm gonna have to play that video for my Strats and scold them for sounding like a bunch of Unprofessional Sounding High Note Screaming Ice Picks ? Kenny
  17. kennywtelejazz


    Alright ! Wait a second here ...ABull! are you trying to mess with my head over here ??are you hiding the obvious in plain sight ? I was wondering what the picture of the monkey was and then when your song started playing I said to myself your song sounds like a classic Monkey Tune .. Your tune sounded pretty fresh ...nice vibe , playing and singing ... Kenny
  18. Sounds Great Lynn ! I Love the interplay between all the guitar parts you did around 1:43 ..Yeah that type of arranging and playing is pretty deep . PS I like all the other parts too ....well thought out ..well played Kenny
  19. ? Who's side are you on ? Yeah all of a sudden things have gotten pretty tight around here as far as the swimwear and eye candy goes .... Even a guy like me gifted with the face only my mother could Love just has to get used to the idea and face the facts ...Milo is The Robert Redford of this home and I'm just the second Banana .... ? If that was all Milo wanted I would certainly give it to him. Milo has already shown me that he also want's his own refrigerator packed with unlimited food ....A 24 hour a day walk outside ( weather permitting ) and a non stop tug of war partner to play his favorite game ...( yesterday I tapped out after less than 5 mins because I almost fainted ) all the best, Kenny
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