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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Hi Bjorn , Glad you gave this song a listen ...when I lifted Betty's voice I had to lift the whole track and EQ out as much as I could while still maintaining her vocal character.. Then I had to tempo map it .... a lot of work , yet for a true vocalist who may listen to my song they may say I need to still work on my vocal production techs ? Whew Oh Man ! my new dog is kicking my butt and I'm loving every min of it ...he has me up at 6 am ...every morning we do a nice long walk ,then he sticks to me like Velcro ...for the rest of the day into the night . I may have pick up a double neck guitar w one neck just for him and one neck for me .... all the best , Kenny
  2. ? Oh boy ! that ain't the half of it .....according to him , he gets upset if I'm on the computer for to long ......no problem lets jump on top of Kenny and knock him off the chair . Kenny
  3. Hey Wibbles , Nice little vid , Yes I agree Milo is cute, Hi Julien jbow , I see you made it over here to the new Cakewalk Forum Welcome ! Yes it was time . I got lucky too not only in finding him but he is still in the late puppy phase so he is house trained , he is not looking to chew up my guitars and he enjoys spending time together w me . On the other side of the coin we have a few areas we need to work on ....he gets hyper excited at times and he pummels me full throttle with all his love and affection ...once he gets wound up it takes everything I have to get him to chill out ...He is young and full of energy so I'm hoping I can break him of that and get him to mellow out a little over time ... thanks for being happy for Milo and me ... I took Milo to a local dog park and here's a few pics . I went to play fetch with him and he jumped up and stole the chuck it from me ...I think he thinks I'm gonna fetch and run the ball down . front angle side angle shot ... thank you all for your kind thoughts on me getting Milo Kenny
  4. Thanks Mesh ! Milo is a piece of work and he is wearing me out ? Kenny
  5. Woah , that thing looks like a short nosed lizard that got pooped on by a Dinosaur that caught a case of the runs from eating 2 Day Old Volcano Lava ! Or it could be A Prehistoric Cave Man Lava Lamp .. Kenny
  6. I didn't mean to leave some of you guys hanging . I wound up getting a new dog on Friday & it's been taking up a lot of my time . Hi Nigel ! I'm glad you like my guitar playing on this song . I guess from now on I'm just gonna have to use my live rig ... thank you for listening and commenting . Hi Dave ! Thank you for having something nice to say about my playing on this song . It means a lot ...I keep thinking someday I might drive up where you are to see you play a gig when things get back to normal . I appreciate your mix suggestions . I know you have the golden ear ... You got it right my main focus was the back and forth guitars. Playing something fresh and interesting over the song while maintaining a tribute to both Jimi and Betty is what I set out to do as a song concept with this one . Full disclosure I didn't play every instrument on the track ....I won't take credit for what I didn't do ....my end of the drums were a bunch of fills and build ups in sections ...also the cow bell lol that is something I really enjoyed doing .. all the best, Hi Tom ! I run deep with the Jimi Hendrix influence . I was a teen when he was still alive and although I missed seeing him live I was heavily influenced by the astounding creativity he exhibited in his guitar playing . A funny story ...I loved Jimi so much I wound up getting my long hair permed into an Afro like that artist painter dude Bob on PBS.... Then I started wearing Dashikis and I ran w that look LOL I'm not kidding ...this took place from around 1972 to 1974 ..... A serious story , I have been to Jimi's Greenwich Village apt . I sat right on Jimi's couch among all of Jimi's photo's and his remaining stuff 2 times ... the way that happened was Jimi had a roommate named Mike Q ...who held on to the apt after Jimi passed away and kept it the way it was in his honor and memory ... The first time I went over there was 82 / 83 , I was auditioning for a theatrical Rock Band Mike was putting together ...I kept looking around while we were talking and I said to Mike man you must really love Hendrix ...He laughed and told me this was his crib and I was sitting on his couch ...whew I spent a few hours there that day and came back .....Mike was happy to let me pick his brain and he passed on information to me directly as far as how Jimi approached playing his guitar and songs ...it was real simple , even a dummy like me could use the info ... When Jimi wrote Fire , he played Fire on his guitar ..he didn't play Moon Beams Polka Dots and Rainbows ...nope ... he played Fire .. He always told a story in his playing , everything he played fell into the category of the greater songs message and concept ...He used his guitar to express the vibe and paint a musical picture with sound of his feelings about the songs message . When Jimi played the Star Spangled Banner his guitar played the sounds of the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air.... I have ran with that concept since the day I sat on Jimi's couch ...This has been the single most important thing I have incorporated into my guitar playing over the years ... I have often told people that I often create a mental story line with in the song ...Then one of my Favorite things I do to keep inspired is then I will create actual characters for each of my guitar solo's ...this song has a lot of that going on ... all the best, Kenny
  7. Thanks Bill ! I'm starting to see you may be very right about that ...thanks Craigb! synkrotron ! Getting Milo has been one of the best things for me ...and for him I hope He may show up here and make an appearance pretty soon ...thank you ! Gregy , He's a good boy . thank you ! And now a word from Milo . The first one he got from bayoubill I think the second one he might have gotten from bitflipper To eliminate the mud in your mix , keep an ear on your low end frequencies and make room there using subtractive EQ . all the best Kenny & Milo PS , I know I'm just as Crazy as the Lady w 47 Cats that lives down the street ..I come in under the Radar because I only have one animal ?
  8. Dang I'm more than a little bit concerned . You are starting to make a lot of sense ? Kenny
  9. I happen to be a fan of Delays . Congrats on getting that one . The specs look good ... in other news , If it's good enough for him It's good enough for me , Kenny
  10. Hi henkejs ! After 3 months of banging my head up against the wall trying to find a dog that would be a good fit for both myself and the dog , I was shocked at how fast this adoption came together . thank you for the kind encouragement , Kenny
  11. I also like the brindle coat with the white chest , I have to say he is pretty and he dresses much better than me . Thank you mcmd . It is true I stayed open to what the Universe may have had in mind for me ...now that I have him I feel so much calmer .thank you . Thanks S.L.I.P. ! I did see the picture before it was pulled .. That pic looks like it was taken at The Venice Beach boardwalk .Yes that girl in a white bikini was pretty hot and the dog in the pic was pretty big ... thank you all , Kenny
  12. Hi Wookiee , It seems in the past month I may have had a spurt or a boost in my creativity . With the whole Pandemic and isolation going on I doubled down on my Music as a means of trying to keep my creativity and sanity . I will look into implementing your suggestion of bumping up the kick drum Thanks for giving this one a listen . Hi Lynn , You are very kind too me with what you have just said ...Over the years I have been here I have gone from being in the outfield with my productions to maybe being a little closer to home plate .I'm glad you liked this and I'm happy you took the time to let me know that ... all the best, Hi Fred's Gratis Scores ! I happen to agree with your posted statements wholeheartedly .I did it this way because I had a bump in song output in the past 2 months .I didn't feel right about posting 7 active song threads in such a short time . Anytime I have had 3 or 4 active song threads up I would get overwhelmed maintaining the threads I had up . Then there's listening to other forum members music and song postings ... I do my best to provide solid feedback when I listen to other members music . Yet , I leave the hard core production feed back to others here that have chops in those areas .. When all is said and done I post here because I like to share my guitar playing ...I'm still working on getting it together production wise ... I'm looking forward to what my next one is gonna be myself ...lol everything I got going on now as possible new songs are all nothing more than Sonic Frankensteins ..lol thank you for your listen and solid feed back I do appreciate it . Hello Allan , All my guitar tones on this song were dialed up from my live gear ...I used my Live pedal board going into one of my smaller practice amps , then into my DAW .. No re-amping and no amp sims what so ever ... I'm proud of that too. Sure , I know things could be improved , I like the country stuff near the end yet I may decide to do Dueling Wah's ..that whole section in my mind is still open... You be interested in seeing this ..I wish I didn't have to do this to you but hey you spell checked me , you got it coming back at you ..? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bette_Davis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Davis Thank you for taking the time to listen to my playing on this song ..I had a real gas doing it . all the best, Kenny
  13. On Friday I adopted Milo from a married couple that was fostering him . Milo is a male Pit bull almost 2 years old and about 70 pounds .His coat is Black Brindle. He has a very sweet disposition and he is sticking to me like Velcro ..lol I think he might need glasses because last night I was looking at some of S.L.I.P.S. greatest photo hits and when I was done Milo tried to hump me ..I did the only thing I could do to exert my dominance I humped him back twice as hard as he tried to hump me ? it seemed to have done the trick . We be platonic over here and we don't do no funny stuff nor do we do any of those peanut butter games ? Overall I am so happy to have another dog , It felt like I was living in a morgue before I got Milo ...As far as I can tell I may have gotten really lucky .He is very affectionate , loves to be held ....he even thinks he can lay on top of me when I'm in my Lazy Boy ...I'm OK w it but I hope we don't break the chair . He is house broken and so far he seems to get along with all the dogs he has met so far . Milo was worth the wait it took to get a good boy . I love my new doggie so much already ...here is a pic of Milo Kenny
  14. Thank You Ed ! Hi Mesh ! thanks for giving this one a listen . I'm glad you enjoyed all the best , Kenny
  15. This video is a Heartfelt tribute to Guitarist Eddie Van Halen from his son Wolfgang Van Halen . This video was just released on Nov 16 th . Wolfgang played all the instruments and did all the Music The video features a lot of behind the scenes footage of Eddie at home being a family dad loving up his son . Have a box of tissues nearby when you decide to watch this .? Kenny
  16. sorry I couldn't resist ? Typical where I live is a bunch of people bonging it up in the park and then they get in their cars and drive down the road texting their friends Kenny
  17. Ah Ha ! The famous last words of A Blonde right before she lost her job at The M&M factory . I would be sad , but she got a much better job at S.L.I.P.'s Modeling Agency , Kenny
  18. Hi Mark , I listened to Betty Davis back in the day. Back then (Mid 70's ... ) there was a lot of good music . I could hardly keep up with all the Music I Liked . After developing a taste for Jazz and some other Music I loved , I had forgotten about her music up until only recently ... As you research Betty Davis you may find she has an interesting history , both in Music and in her personal Life . Betty was a first in a lot of areas so I'm not giving away any spoilers ...., hey dig this I don't always play Wah , but when I do , I like to use an Immersive tone ! ? Thank you for complementing my guitar playing and productions skills ( the ones you liked ) it mean a lot too me . all the best , Kenny
  19. WOW Douglas ! after hearing all of that , I'm gonna have to send you a twenty instead if the Ten I promised you ? I listened to Jimi a lot when I was younger. I'm glad I was able to convey his Influence in my playing . Thank you so much for giving this tune a listen. all the best Kenny
  20. Hi kurt soderquist , Nice Playing ! You sound good . Kenny
  21. Hi David , I'm doing my best to keep this aspect of my playing up . The track I played over was an Abersold . He sets his song recordings up with the Bass on one side w the Drums and the Piano on the other side of the stereo field with the drums . When I played over this track it was only for a practice session ..I thought there was merit in my playing so I decided to post it once I heard how my playing sounded with the added Organ Parts . Thank you for taking the time to give my playing on Cantaloupe Island a listen . I do appreciate it . all the best , Kenny
  22. Hi Wookiee , Thank you very much for giving one a listen . I appreciate you taking the time . all the best , Kenny
  23. Hi Mark , I liked your song a lot . I love how you used space and syncopation to turn a simple chord change around to where it was constantly evolving into new relationships between the songs elements as the song played ...very nice , I would be all over that in a heart beat ......tru dat Kenny
  24. Hi Wookiee , It nice to hear your furry little paws are still dropping tunes . Oh my , goodness gracious , you do come up with some very rich sounding musical textures in your Music ... Very nice ! Kenny PS if anyone try's to give you a new set of gloves as a Christmas Gift this year make sure they don't have any Velcro in the palms .... This way your little furry paws can keep up their habit of dropping tunes .
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