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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Great music involves not only drawing the listener in with a story the listener wants to hear told , the listener also wants to have the song wash over them and bring them to a place where they can feel the full power and emotions the song brings up for them . It used to be everything came down to writing and performing good Songs . People just don't write that way anymore . Kenny
  2. This tune got the power to grow muscles and set the stage for a beat down . I honestly wonder if "Slim" listened to this to get the right motivation and inspiration it took to go out and put a hurting on Jim from the tune "You don't mess around with Jim" Kenny
  3. How did your post sneak past the radar ? So all the woke folk are now saying we are all just a bunch of nuttless wonders with nothing more that a smooth stump bump where all the Nads are supposed to be just like Barbies Ken ?. Yuck ! No Ken Do .... signed , Kenny ! a man that knows as he gets older that it's OK to buy pairs of socks that comes in three's so he can stuff one down south into his gradually shrinking man lump . Not Ken the original dick less wonder that dated Barbie way back in the day when I was a kid . It's no wonder or surprise Barbie left him for another girl ...
  4. Dave ! you certainly got my full attention with that tidbit . I googled Moroccan smuggling techniques. Now I feel cheated and teased by my thorough lack of knowledge of how things really work in the world . Kenny
  5. I used to use it myself when I first became aware of it . True story. I have seen Joe Pass back stage spray a rag and wipe Finger Ease on his guitar strings and finger board before a gig to give him some slippery . When I finally gave up using The Black Diamond Barbed Wire Signature edition of strings , I eventually found E B Slinkys . Took me years to go from 9 's to 10's . I tried WD-40. a number of time ...Finger Ease and WD used to leave some gunk .On a Maple Tele neck , as it built up over time it would turn areas of my guitar neck into patches of spotty black sticky oil spills In my case I found lighter fluid to work better for my needs . Lighter fluid evaporated unlike WD and it didn't attract dust and leave a layer of finger grime .... I have also used rubbing alcohol when I didn't have anything else around nice talking w you guys , Kenny
  6. What is going on over here ? Would you guys please stop yelling my last name ! Kenny
  7. I remember your sharing on the old forum when she passed away ...You have paid some dues for sure . If I had a garage I would probably spend a lot of time in there too. I would even try to start a band with a bunch of old guys with beards .... Dust that piano after 7 years sounds like a good plan too me I did an online search to see if there is a song about dusting pianos .... This is what I found ....my first time listening to him and I think he sounds pretty good ..Whew his playing seems pretty intense . I got 8 mins in then I decided the only way I could keep up with him is if I drank a whole pot of coffee ...in my case either way it was worth the listen . Kenny
  8. Let me skip over to you for now since you have brought up an interesting point Was his approach perfect ? No ! far from it . There is no way anyone can prove or disprove that all guitar strings sound the same under any given set of circumstances unless machines are used that are calibrated to perform all the simulated playing actions dead balls on the mark each and every time a string is struck . In all his examples he had to keep his strumming attack the same through out .The guy is only human and it was clearly the only constant he could have used in his examples to gauge in a fair manner how each and every string brand and gauge would react to the various tests he performed . FWIW , I think he tried his best to get as close as anyone could get to a "uniform "test . I haven't done these tests personally but I have been playing the guitar for almost 60 years . My idea of a sweet spot are a lot of things combined . It involves finding the right combination of brand of string combined w the correct string gauge and string construction to achieve a synergistic inspiring sound and feel of the guitars neck and fingerboard while I'm playing music . Spoken plainly I like a good tension on the neck but I do not want to have to fight the guitars finger board . For that to happen I have to take each guitar on a case by case scenario to find what works best for the guitar in question . Now I understand in his video he was not approaching his tests from that point of view .....he just kept it to exposing the various factors and myths of "just the strings" , how they sound , and how they live and die ( if they actually die ) ... IMO his approach seemed to be a valid approach . He used his material to bring peoples awareness on board to get an honest glimpse of his information and point of view . I am still haunted on one level after having watched his video by the idea if I had handed him my big hollow body guitar . A Howard Roberts arch top style guitar w an oval sound hole that features a floating pick up connected to the neck ...that he would not have been able to have done a uniform test . That style of guitar needs a fair amount of string pressure exerted on the guitars top and bridge to make a musical full bodied sound . I'm not saying it can't be done ...the Tele is probably a much better choice for a test bed ( I have 6 of them ) When all is said and done it is still on me to find and use what is best for my own guitars .... My guitars are a varied dysfunctional cast of brands , woods , designs and electronics . They have to put up with me so they do earn their keep Sure I agree with you on that point . All these type of evaluations are a good way to pass the time, stimulate the mind , and form a basis of personal experience where one can let go of stuff that no longer matters . Yeah stuff that needs to be let go of to make room for other helpful influences that can help bring augmentation to ones own playing, music and creativity . Peace Out Kenny
  9. I use Ernie Ball Slinky 10's on some of my guitars and Ernie Ball Power Slinky 11's on others ... Two weeks ago I was in an area of town where there is a super nice mom and pop music store . Craig knows the exact store I'm talking about, Beacock Music . While I was there I said to myself " Hey maybe I should pick up some new strings " I had a little bit of money on me so I walked over to the string display wall and found the Ernie Ball section . When I saw they wanted $6.99 plus tax for a set of strings I used to pay about 4 bucks for I said to myself shit what am I gonna do ? It is pointless for me to buy one pack when I need at the very least 6 packs of strings just for what I have out of the cases and that's not including the guitars I haven't played in a while . Then my wallet piped in and let me know that it had caught a severe case of Blue Balls . I grabbed my wallet , squeezed my own balls to see if I was having a nightmare Then I got the hell out of there as fast as I could .? It may be possible that some fellas around here are used to those prices ...I'm not ...I may have to look into other options for getting a better deal on strings . Kenny
  10. +1 Most if not all of my guitar playing career had more than one constant .I was broke and having new strings was always a treat . I often use lighter fluid to clean my strings, I Hate to admit this but it is true ...I have guitars over here that would have birthday candles on a cake if I celebrated how old the strings are on some of them . My one and only Bass has a set of flat-wounds I put on it back in 2001 . In some States these strings could walk into a Bar on a Friday Night and legally order a drink ? Kenny
  11. I played 2 Benedetto's Arch Tops a guitarist / guitar collector friend of mine owned one night . He asked me what I thought of the guitars and I told him I was pretty impressed with the quality of the woods and the build . I asked him how much they cost and he told me they cost North of 25 Grand apiece . Now don't get me wrong I'm sure they were worth every penny and all . The thing is I have yet to have had that type of money to spend on any guitar ever . After the thrill of playing them wore off I went back to playing The Gibson Factory Second L 5 I had been playing ( also one of his guitars ) . Truthfully speaking I could be very happy with a Gibson L 5 ? Yes I feel the same way about the tone the concrete body Strat had . When I was younger I saw Led Zeppelin a number of times (over the course of a few years ). While at those concerts, I can say with total certainty ..Jimmy Page "still sounded fantastic" when he switched over from his Les Paul to playing his Danelectro ..... For those with an interest ....the bodies of Danelectro and some Silvertone guitars are constructed of Masonite https://luthierylabs.com/laboratory/materials-hardware/woods-etc/masonite/ Kenny
  12. This is a build from scratch video where the builder builds a guitar body made out of concrete . You can hear how the concrete guitar sounds during the intro and the last couple of mins of the video . Kenny
  13. Do you think the brand of strings you use has more Mojo and better sounds than all the other brands of strings and string configurations that are currently out there on the market ? Think again.... let us know what you think after you see what this guitarists simple tests results prove . Kenny
  14. I guess for some peoples "one is too many and a thousand is never enough " Kenny
  15. Wow Dave ! you have a really nice looking place . Sweet ! Have you thought about the possibility of having something like one of those Zoom handheld recorders that have stereo mics placed on a mic stand in your room . I have an older one ...the video end just crapped out recently yet the audio recording still works perfectly ... I have gotten some really wonderful acoustic recordings using that thing . It's easy peasy to transfer over your work into a DAW VIA USB .... After you tune your Piano you can enjoy playing in your living space with out the added burden of having to be sit there dicking around chained to a computer . all the best, Kenny
  16. rule two if you gonna step up to the plate , deal with the pitch . Kenny
  17. You said the exact same words we all are thinking but not saying ! Now ! Go wash your mouth out with soap ! Don't forget to clean behind your ears , This thread is all about working around the issues of hearing loss . Kenny
  18. I'm guessing you haven't dated an Amazon recently When she talks you listen . Then you say "Yes Dear "? That's exactly how we got my hearing back on track . Kenny
  19. I'm only going to say this once! "Get off my Lawn" Kenny
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