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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Woah ! it looks like a few somebody's around these parts have taken a long hard beating to the head with the ugly stick ! It was only in the last 10 seconds of the fight during the 15 Th round when the guy in the top pic was finally able to wrestle it away ... Exhibit A , Exhibit B , I don't know which of these two is uglier. Exhibit A ? or Exhibit B? It seems Ole Bubba Skinner ! has finally seen and heard it all . Kenny
  2. Drum roll for Craig Ah Yes ! Big Girl Central ! If you happen to see the sign for my Vancouver on I 5 , you just stay on I 5 North and keep going until you hit The Vancouver everybody want's to go to. What ! Your Recording all the music ? to a ***** Film ? with Big Red ?‍? and Sexy Sadie ?‍♀️ In a Prius ? Without Chains or a Cowbell ? Security! apprehend that man and revoke his man card for Life ? Yeah it's about that time for most of us around here because I do get the distinct feeling we all may need a new friend Kenny
  3. Your pic reminds me of a friend of mine I used to hang out with when I lived in LA ... He played a 6 thousand dollar Paul Reed Smith , had a lovely wife of 30 years and drove a Mercedes Kompressor convertible ....He used to hound me to go with him to the local Blues Jams all the time ? what a pair we made ,,I barely had two nickles to rub together , did all my food shopping w food stamps and I couldn't afford guitar strings ....I guess he liked slumming it when he hung out with me .....It must have given him some sort of Blues Street Cred . Kenny
  4. I do understand what you are talking about as far as the body needing fat in the diet to maintain a fine tuned metabolism . Kenny
  5. Milo loves the snow , I'm probably gonna end up getting him out there for a while things are still fresh and playing with him .... When I walked Milo at 5 30 AM we were the first to make footprints in the snow . An hour later they were totally covered over as if we never set foot out there . It seems to be coming down harder now that it did before .Thankfully the errands I was so posed to do today can be put off a day or two until the road and things clear up. Kenny
  6. Here's another view ....It seems a little dark out there still. Kenny
  7. ?It's still snowing out here where I live so here's the snowfall in my area of town so far ... BTW it looks like I took B & W pictures ....LOL they are in color .... Kenny
  8. Classic Yodeling Performance sung by Yoda Layheehoo. Kenny
  9. Becan for flavor ? yeah sure it's OK, but it's a one trick pony ....I mean pig .... the secret to great flavor in your cooking is to use smoked ham hocks instead ? Kenny
  10. Wow ! that sounds like a sure fire way to get from a 34 inch waist to a 44 inch waist in no time at all ..? Kenny
  11. I had to look that one up . Sounds delicious ! Kenny
  12. Yep ! I bet you won't see one . Those boys and girls are not yet ready for The Space Program . Kenny
  13. Dogs must think so . They keep trying to lick them even if they don't have them anymore . Kenny
  14. What happened here ? This guys beard was so dense he broke his electric razor and he couldn't finish his shave . Chuck Norris would be proud ? I wonder what's going on here . Did he take Maria De Palma to the beauty parlor for a make over and now he is having second thoughts on continuing on to their planed date night ? or Is he contemplating the sound of one hand clapping . .Kenny
  15. Loosing hand strength and not having any playing stamina happens to guitar players to. For many years I did all my practicing on a nylon string guitar . When I picked up my electric guitar everything I played was so easy to play on it . Later on over the years it got a little complicated . Between apt life and practicing electric guitar w headphones only I have seen a marked loss in finger strength and dexterity . Now I do a fair amount of my practicing and playing around the house acoustically on one of my resonate electrics w medium gauge strings .This approach offers me the acoustic string feel w out the volume ... I feel so much better now . So Hey ! Why not get yourself a new lease on playing and tickle those acoustic piano keys again . Kenny
  16. All Ginger Beards ! are not created equal . That's right pal you sure got that one right . Hey fellas Can I join the party ? Wait ! aren't you the guy he is looking to punch ? We have standards around here to keep! Now mosey on down the road and get your scruffy @ZZed spotted grey beard out of here. Kenny
  17. People that live in Igloos should not throw house warming party's . Kenny
  18. Nice ! The guy with Ginger beard ? Not sure who you mean .... Oh ! Her ? Yeah I could crush on that . She sounds good , she looks great for someone that has had 3 kids . I enjoy how she has a cool way of putting herself out there theatrically while she performs . ?????? Whoa ! with a comment like that it sounds like you need a quick stress relief . Why not take a little time out to have a dance with A Ginger Beard Dog Kenny
  19. Apparently it seems to be working for You ! Kenny
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