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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I see an upcoming Fathers Day Sale in your future . Don't be fooled by this one ! You have gotten much better deals before Kenny
  2. Why ? because all the manufacturers hold the deed to the gold mine and we got the shaft ? Kenny
  3. WOW! the playing on that tune with them girls sure got my heart rate up .? Kenny
  4. Posted this in case people don't make it over to the u tube to page to read the songs info. Those guys are Burning !! I always wanted to play that type of fusion ...never really found people on a local level that could play it ... Hey! in other news ...Somebodies playing an Alembic! ? Kenny
  5. Decisions ! Decisions ! Decisions ! I simply can't decide what type of guitar to get . Do I really want a Strat ! or a Les Paul ! Kenny
  6. There's some nice ones in there ! Kenny
  7. Shhssssshh! How's about a little peace and quiet around here ! My creative mind is busy at work . OK ! where was I ? Is the correct spelling Bacon ? or Becan ? Kenny
  8. OK I get it . I'm somewhat of a recluse myself . Where you live I would imagine it would be tough to get around hoofing it in the super hot weather you get at times. After hearing what you said I can see why you prefer to purchase your gear on line from a trusted Music Store . What ever you do don't risk your peace of mind and sanity by shopping at Guitar center ? all the best , Kenny
  9. There are no guitar shops in Vegas where you can try out and play some of the Fender Strat's you have been considering ? Kenny
  10. Bacon Monkey is not with out compassion . He fully can understand exactly how you feel when he decides to put in the time and the effort . . With that in mind . If and when he decides he truly cares , ? he will get back to you .? Now that you have had a decently long break for a double song listen do you feel better ? .........OK ! That's Good ! ....... A little know perk on being The Bacon Monkey ...In layman terms it means ...I'm the boss . Your the horse . I crack the whip . You take the trip ! Now stop burning daylight "I'm a Man " and get your Lazy Azzed Pa-toot back to work in the subterranean carrot mines. I don't want to have to send an enhanced terminator model Easter Bunny out to your location just to eat the ears off your Chocolate Statue . ? BTW my post is only a jest Kenny
  11. Human Kind was not prepared for it's eventual overthrown . How was mankind to know The Humble Easter Bunny was too be the first to harness and use the full power of AI . It came as a total shock to humankind as a whole when all the Easter Bunny's had taken over the Planet as we knew it and placed all the able bodied humans in prisons to work the subterranean carrot mines . As an Homage to their former captors The Easter Bunny's decided to pay tribute to humans by erecting Chocolate Statues . Now how do you feel about that ? Kenny
  12. I love the Pau Ferro fingerboard I have on my unique 36 year old Telecaster . Back in the day. Pau Ferro was considered an exotic wood . Pau Ferro fingerboards were right up there in quality with Ebony and other exotic "tone" woods . Mighty Mite and a number of other parts manufacturers were the only places where you could order and buy replacement necks , bodies , and guitar parts using this wood . I got my Pau Ferro fingerboard neck from Ruddy's ...this neck was an option used on some of the Pensa-Suhr guitars of that era ... Here's a nice little read / article on the current state of guitars and companies that use Pau Ferro ... https://guitarspace.org/electric-guitars/pau-ferro-fretboard-guide/ all the best , Kenny
  13. Before the Power Of Positive Thinking After the Power of Positive Thinking After a multitude of struggles and many hours of hard work ... The End Result ! Kenny
  14. Ibanez Midi Guitar . I got mine in 1987 and I still have her . Kenny
  15. https://musicworldstores.com/ This Music store has 2 store locations . I used to play with a guy who spoke highly of this music shop. They used to wire up all his guitars . I've checked them out and they did nice work . Worth a look and a phone call Kenny
  16. I'm not sure if I can help you get that stupid song out of your head . My guitar tuner has been acting up and giving me problems . Oh well ! At least I tried to be a country boy . Then I heard this fella . He left me in the dust so bad I went back to being a city slicker ? Kenny
  17. Oh Yeah ! I'm an aspiring country boy I got my first Telecaster 50 years ago and the farmers daughter is still my inspiration Kenny
  18. I don't know much about taking artsy farts y pictures while using a cell phone but I sure like a nice looking woman standing on a ladder out in a field of waist high grass dressed in overalls ? Kenny
  19. Your lucky , at least you got something for it . I had an SH-101 that I loved . Even a non keyboard player like me could coax great synth sounds out of it . While living in NYC I went on an afternoon walk at the park with with my dog . When I got back home something didn't feel right too me . Sure enough I walked around noticed my closet door was open and my leather jacket was missing . Then I walked into my music room / bedroom and saw my dual cassette deck and my SH-101 was missing ... I lived on the fourth floor . The thieves must have gotten up on the roof and climbed down the fire escape into my bedroom window ... Oh man that one stung ....A year later I rescued a 2 year old female Pit Bull named Sambuca. So now I had a German Shepherd mix named Rex hanging out inside my apt . A two year old Pit Bull that loved crashing out on my fourth floor fire escape and guess what ... I never closed my bed room window again... Then I bred her with a full breed Dogo Argentino . She had 7 puppy s while I still lived at the same apt ...SO there I was with 8 Pit Bulls and a mixed German Shepherd... It took a while to find homes for the 7 puppy's so people would get to see some of the dogs hanging out on the fire escape trying to escape the heat during the hot humid summer months of July and August . They just shook their heads when they looked up at my pad. Nobody ever broke in again ? Kenny
  20. Here is my MIJ Fender Esquire . I picked her up in 1985 / 86 while I was working on West 48 th street at a music store . I KennyFied the looks of my Guitar ..She is Candy Apple Red , Has Double Binding , A Gibson humbucker in the neck , and I put a Burns inspired pick guard on her . I wanted jumbo frets so I bought a premium quality neck from Rudy's Music on West 48 Th street . At the time Rudy told me this quality and brand neck he was selling me is what he used for his Pensa-Suhr guitars .Oh Yeah Sold I bought it . It cost me as much as the guitar and it still plays like butter after all this time ? There's more guitars I have from back then I bought new ... My 1984 MIJ Tele , An 86 Amercan Standard Strat and my Ibanez Midi guitar ... I have pics around here someplace I'm just a little bit Lazy at the moment to hunt them down . all the best, Kenny
  21. Hey I'm OK being an old fart playing a guitar I got new over 35 years ago Guild Blues Bird. The Brian Setzer Elliot Easton Model . Prototype # 15 . In 1985 / 86 Mark Dronge of Guild Guitars gave me this guitar as a gift .? RIP Mark Dronge . May 11, 2022. thank you for the guitar The President of Kramer Guitars Dennis Berardi found out Guild had given me a guitar so he sent a limo out to my apt , brought me out to the his guitar factory in New Jersey and told me to pick any guitar I wanted except for the Ripley ... Here is my Kramer Pacer . I put the decorative ornaments on the face of my guitar ..What can I say ....it was the 80's ....? Kenny
  22. ? I don't know , I'm kinda used to the KennywTelejazz handle . Some how I just can't get down with the idea of being called something different like KennyWLesterRock ...Lester Jazz or anything else . That forum will just have to come out of the wood work and Kill Kenny like the TV show does if they want to silence me ... Kenny
  23. Hi Grem , The Les Paul forum has been considered the top dog as far as everything that pertains to all aspects of The Gibson Les Paul . I have heard they run a tight ship as far as the forum goes .ex , Membership qualifications and posting rules , A few places I used to go to had people trying to figure out what they did wrong to end up with a forum time out . Since I happen to have a certain type of personality and sense of humor I know if I went over there as a registered member I would have to stick my foot in the door to hold it open , throw my guitar case in and let them start shooting ....only when they are done shooting and run out of ammo would I consider it safe to walk in there ? Yep ! it's true what they say . A man has got to know his limitations ? how I even survived here on this forum for so long I will never know I don't know if you have been to The Gear Page ...https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php The Gear Page is a forum I would also consider as a good place to ask about your Les Paul if your not getting answers any place else ....there's people that know their guitars over there too. Who knows your guitar seems so unique it may educate a small niche of the guitar community once you have your answers . good luck Kenny
  24. The 2 places I can think of where you may be able to get the most direct answer online would be these 2 Forums ... #1 https://www.lespaulforum.com/index.php The Les Paul forum has a wealth of people that live and breath Les Paul's ...the knowledge over there is off the charts ... I lurk so I'm not a member ... I have heard they are a tough crew meaning they are very strict about membership ...they may even have a probation period before you can post. I don't know if you have the desire to jump through the hoops but I'm sure you can find an answer over there for sure ... #2 https://forum.gibson.com/ I listed this one as # 2 . Yet it may be the first place to try only because the forum seems low key .I am a member over there . I have asked questions about my Gibson Historic Les Paul and people that actually worked for Gibson got back to me and answered all my questions satisfactorily and in great detail ... Hope this may help you, Kenny
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