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Everything posted by timboalogo

  1. Oh Steve, that sounds frustrating. I'm assuming this is the Melodyne that comes with CbB ... I've upgraded from the free version. Just in case, when you click on "Window" on the menu, is it listed there? I doubt it, but it can't hurt to try. I've had weird things happen with Melodyne's windows in the past, with docking and undocking. I have cakewalk laid out as in the screenshot below, is it possible for you to lay yours out like this? I'm hoping the guys can help you - because what I would do was reinstall Melodyne as a start. Failing the ability to do that, can you reinstall CbB? Tim
  2. Hi musikman, I don't know about within cakewalk itself, but most would change the tempo of the mixed-down audio once you're happy with the mix. Wavelab among many others can do this. Timbo
  3. Been looking for this for awhile, checkebaby! Thanks for the solution. Timbo
  4. So is that you playing the solos? They sound slightly different from the ones I'm used to hearing. Props to you or Gilmour or somebody ...
  5. I've always had the jumping problem (melodyne 4) and the only workaround I've found is as follows: - working in a verse (for example) with 2 separate audio tracks at bars 3 and 7 - I turn the 2 audio tracks into melodyne tracks one at a time - I double click on and edit the first track at bar three in melodyne - being able to see the second track at bar 7 in the melodyne interface, I start to edit it and bar 3 scrolls off the screen to the left. When I press stop, I am back at bar 3 ... The only workaround I've found for this is to return to the Cakewalk interface and select the next track to edit. Continuing audio editing in melodyne always returns me to the first edit made until I close the tab and adjust my position in cakewalk and edit another track. Hope this makes sense. The other thing that melodyne does poorly is that the autoscroll doesn't work properly in my DAW. At least, it doesn't work the way I would expect it as in the way that the Cakewalk interface scrolls along with the song. Most of the time, melodyne's screen is static while the vertical line scrolls to the right and goes off the screen. Yet while I'm looking at it just now, it is scrolling properly. Timbo
  6. Here's how I can make it happen: 1) Tracks - Bounce to Track (midi and soft synth), choose mono track 2) Later, File - Export audio, huh mono is chosen. I almost always export stereo ... why would it do that? These were never linked before, that is I could bounce soft synths to mono and it wouldn't affect the default stereo when I export audio. At least that's how I remember it. Timbo
  7. I know this is an old post but I'd still like to know where the window positions are stored, from plugins to system (i.e. Browser, piano roll, etc) ... Timbo
  8. Bingo, I'd hit the Scroll Lock (ScrLk) ... Please mark as SOLVED ...
  9. I must have hit a key combination and now when I select a marker that is offscreen, the view doesn't move to it. I can hit the spacebar and play from the marker, but it is offscreen. Thoughts? Thanks, Timbo
  10. Finally! I closed Browser, Console, Synth Rack windows (all docked in the multidock, then the Piano Roll, then reopened one at a time and VOILA! Thanks Scook for setting me on the right track.
  11. It maximizes it all right, but I close and reopen and its back in the old half mast position. Frustrating. Thanks!
  12. Hi all, So I go to edit a MIDI track in the Piano Roll view (it also happens in Melodyne), which is docked at the bottom of the bottom in the Multidock, and the window opens but it isn't "maximized". So I pull the handle as high as it will go and edit the track. If I close that piano roll and double click on the midi track again, the window appears at "half mast" (not maximized anymore) and I have to pull it up to "maximize" it. This never used to happen. If I go into Melodyne, it too now opens in the exact same half the screen position as the Piano Roll. Any thoughts on how to get this back to normal? I've tried locking contents and undocking and docking at the top in all combinations. Thanks, Timbo
  13. I have used Avira for years now and have excluded the folders you mention. Without the exclusions, even a fast system can be brought to its knees. Timbo
  14. Thanks for trying, 7 of 9 It wasn't clear that update 2 worked or not - I assume it did. It was my plan B but ... Timbo
  15. Almost ran out of room in the Title ... 1) so I have a midi track, playing a 2 measure (bass) note 2) In the arpeggiator that appears in the inspector, I have turned on the arpeggiator and chosen a preset from the "load preset" dropdown 3) the track plays beautifully through a vsti, did I mention that I am a crappy bass player 4) my question is: since I want to make edits, how the heck do I capture the output in midi? There seems to be no way, but I'm hoping one of you folks be smarter than I. And has a better vocab. Thanks, Timbo
  16. I didn't have time to read all the posts, but I'm trying to insert time and measures at 92:01:00 but it is being inserted at the beginning of the project ... extremely annoying and never happened before. Timbo
  17. Hi all, Excuse me if this has been answered but I haven't quite figured out the site's search AND OR functions .... Is there a way to get the projects sorted by recent date - they don't seem to be sorted in any way, shape or form at the moment ... Thanks, Timbo
  18. Great idea, I used to use these! Works perfectly, unless the message is too long and goes to a second line ... Thanks, Timbo
  19. I don't like the search function on this site and find it easier to ask - sorry for the newb question. Thanks to both of you for your quick replies. Timbo
  20. Hi all, I never understood how to use Lenses which have now been renamed to Workspaces. Is there a tutorial anywhere where I could learn how to use Workspaces? Thanks, Tim
  21. Have you bounced the MIDI to an audio track before exporting to an MP3 file? Timbo
  22. In the Browser or Console view (I forget which and I'm not at home), there is a search box at the top of the screen that is easily missed. Type in kontakt and you should find it, double click on it and start your app. Timbo
  23. What I'm really liking is the 2 speed ups: 1) loading CwB and 2) loading projects. All I can say is WOW! Thanks, Timbo
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