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Everything posted by timboalogo

  1. I'm getting an "Update Available" every time I start CwB even though I'm at 2019.09 build 68.
  2. That's great that it's been reported to CW, I reported this some time ago and it's a pain. Timbo
  3. Hmmmm, it does look Klingon. qaStaHvIS tlhIngan solitaire jIHeghDI' Hegh layerteS supply jIH
  4. Just got an ad email from Native Instruments and was curious as to what the pedal is on the left side of the shot. The word seems to start with CH ... I was wondering if they just cobbled a whole bunch of stuff together for the photo or if it was a real interface or something. Timbo
  5. Thanks, guys, I'm lucky that I'm in front of my DAW right now and see that bypassing the effects bin and sends didn't make a difference. I guess I'm going to have to take your advice on bouncing, but I often go back to re-edit the vocals. Or mute them during the next record. I find that Melodyne does strange things. Thanks for the advice, Timbo
  6. Sorry, I forgot to say it is a Region FX. Tim
  7. I'm running the latest assistant ( with the latest CwB. I've had this problem for some time, so it's not just the versions. 1) I record a series of vocal tracks 2) Edit them with Melodyne 3) Record a guitar track and during recording, the vocal track comes in exactly 1 bar late Has anyone else experienced this? Timbo
  8. Good grief, that answers so many problems I've had with the automation tool! Maybe jono could show me how to take that video, it will help me to post a question I'm having with Melodyne. Thanks! Timbo
  9. I'm going to answer my own question, just so anyone else who may run into this gets the answer. I did not make this change, but the change did occur overnight: under Options -> Pitch Grid, it was set to an option other than "No Snap", which enables what I was ranting about. I do not recall making this change, but hope this brief foray into YellowDwarf's studio provides an answer for some other poor soul out there in the interweb. Timbo
  10. This is for the Melodyne included with sonar. Until today, I used to be able to "Melodyne" a track and use the arrow cursor to drag a note slightly up and down and hear the changes as I did so. Suddenly, I can only move the note a full note up or down, as in it only moves in 1 semitone increments instead of cents. I still hear the changes mind you and I can use the "correct pitch" macro to make the change. I really liked hearing the change as I made it, especially in combination with the pitch tools. The algorithm is set at "melodic". I've reinstalled Melodyne to no avail. Very frustrated. Timbo
  11. Thanks to everyone for your help on this, I think I've got it now!
  12. So I was just fiddling around with a song that I hadn't saved for a bit and was fiddling with a plug incessantly during playback - I crashed Sonar but VIOLA, a message popped up telling me the cwp had been saved ... Thanks, Bandlab folks for adding this. Timbo
  13. Sorry, I've edited the original post - I asked the same question twice as SK pointed out instead of the vice versa. Thanks for all replies!
  14. Thanks! I'm like that too (maybe you're not stubborn and older and don't like newfangled thangs, but I am!), but I'm really trying to learn to use and take advantage of Sonar's newer features. PS The first time I read your post I read "invertebrate" ...
  15. Hi all, 2 questions: a) When I save a scene, have I saved the project? I ask because there is a star next to the project name at the top left of the screen. 2) Vice versa, when I save a project have I also saved the scene? I ask because there is a star next to the project name at the top left of the screen. This process is not intuitive to me ... Thanks, Timbo
  16. I'm saying "Wow, thanks for this!" for 2 reasons: 1) great work and thanks for sharing 2) I can't figure out another way to subscribe to the post so I have it in my "manage followed content" area Timbo
  17. Thanks, the enabling worked and it has put the 4 in a strange place on my plugin menu: vst2 = program files = cakewalk = shared utilities = internal I wish I knew how to edit the menu that shows up.
  18. Actually I'm trying to get that not to happen! Timbo
  19. timboalogo


    That's what I do but the behaviour is completely different than it was from X3 and earlier. Try my example and you'll see (I hope!).
  20. timboalogo


    Hi all, Welcome here and all that and Merry Ho Ho and all that. I have been having an issue with the way envelopes are happening. I came here from X3, which handled them much better. I don't know if anyone else is having the same issue and it's difficult to describe. For example, I have a volume envelope that I create 2 nodes on so I can decrease the volume and make the envelope between them a Jump. If I place another node after the second node and made the area between nodes 2 and 3 a slow curve and then try to change the 2nd node's volume, CWB turns the envelope between 1 and 2 into a linear. I don't think this happened in X3. I have myriad examples of strange(r) things happening with envelopes. Am I doing something wrong, or do others experience the same? Timbo
  21. Great thanks, maybe there's a mod to move this question. Timbo
  22. Hi all, Welcome here and all that and Merry Ho Ho and all that. I have been having an issue with the way envelopes are happening. I came here from X3, which handled them much better. I don't know if anyone else is having the same issue and it's difficult to describe. For example, I have a volume envelope that I create 2 nodes on so I can decrease the volume and make the envelope between them a Jump. If I place another node after the second node and made the area between nodes 2 and 3 a slow curve and then try to change the 2nd node's volume, CWB turns the envelope between 1 and 2 into a linear. I don't think this happened in X3. I have myriad examples of strange(r) things happening with envelopes. Am I doing something wrong, or do others experience the same? Timbo Timbo
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