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Everything posted by timboalogo

  1. Jack it looks like there's a problem with the link.
  2. You got me with the word Quantum!
  3. Sorry for the confusion. The cables that are currently in use look just like a patch cable that would go from my Strat to the amp. And now that I look at the back of the interface (I'm using the original Komplete 6 and it looks different), the word "Balanced" appears where the outs are. The monitors are old Yorkville YS1Ps with 1/4 inch jacks. So I'm assuming 1/4 inch balanced cables thanks to you Amberwolf.
  4. timboalogo

    Koi Pools

    Thanks for all the comments. It wasn't a PF song originally, but the leads took it that way. My apologies to the band.
  5. timboalogo

    Cable question

    It's been so long since I put my studio together that I don't remember what kind of cables I need to go from my Komplete Audio 6 interface to the active monitors. Is it simply TRS cables (I don't have an XLR option on the monitors)? Thanks!
  6. timboalogo

    Koi Pools

    I honestly thought I'd posted this song some time back and searched the site and found I'd forgotten to. Extensive use of Melodyne 5 Editor on my vocals as usual and worked hard on the lyrics, I was trying for subtle but I think they're too obvious.
  7. timboalogo

    Wicked T Web

    And another so far down the list. I thought it was one of my songs, it so far down. Wicked T Web song incorporates some cool steel drums at the start, a bit of a Caribbean rhythm throughout. Kind of took me down south for a bit, which made me think that you've got a bit of Jimmy Buffett sound to your vocals. So thanks for this, it was like a Caribbean cruise that I didn't have to fork out thousands for! I like that you took a chance and brought your voice forward in the mix. It worked! Timbo
  8. Wow, a jack c song this far down the list without a review! This is indeed a highly experimental loop, I can't tell if the bass line changes throughout or also loops. I enjoyed the ending jack, excellent use of space. It's a bit like listening to an old Wildman Fischer tune called "It's a Money World". Big fan of the Wildman here. Personally, I believe that rich folks are above the law, no matter which country you live in. I try to abide most laws, except traffic laws when no one is looking. Thanks for sharing! Timbo
  9. Thanks again Alexie, I redid topic "107" yesterday and learned a bunch about both your controller and the bandlab/cakewalk one. Thanks again for your patience! And humour. Tim
  10. Ha, it looks like I read it 107 years ago, but I meant "topic 107", duh. 🤪
  11. Thanks Alexei, I didn't know you could right-click and move the controller! Thanks for that. Tim PS I read your topic 107 years ago and have downloaded your software, but I always make a mess of using it.
  12. Am once again fiddling with ACT and am wondering why it only works on the first 8 tracks. I've had to reorder the tracks in a song several times to accommodate this. Am I mistaken or is this the way ACT works? Thanks, Timbo
  13. I love it, Pete! Took me back to being 10 years old again -this song and Galveston are two of my favourites from my childhood. When I searched it up, I found an interview with Alice Cooper who was a good friend of Campbell's, worth a watch. I really liked the orchestration, and oddly enough I could hear the original orchestration in my head at the same time! Funny how brains work. Please do more!
  14. Somehow I almost missed listening to this song! Really enjoyed this one, Ed. I loved where the lyricist (you?) took me. bapu, the song is simply excellent. Tim
  15. This is an excellent piece of work, really enjoy the mix and the guitar sound you got going on this. The lead with the verb is such a great use of space. And I really like that you kept it under 5 minutes, wish I could do that!
  16. I really liked the groove on this and with the drums panned to the right it makes for a fine mix and an excellent listen! Timbo
  17. Thanks Kevin, a little too long IMO, but glad you liked the mix.
  18. Here's a new song that took forever to put together. It's a 3-parter about a 25 year old still living the dream in his parents' basement. I'm not the greatest guitarist and would have liked for someone else to play the solos. Sorry but it clocks in at 7 and a half minutes, so it's a significant time investment. Please tell me what you think: Broken Flashback Rhymes phones gone dead, bloodshot eyes staring at tv trying not to think about tomorrow all day new tat on your sleeve, stoked to show it off to your best boys yo momma's been chewing out your ***** since you got up at three so you skateboarded down to the old factory up on main street drained a pint of jack behind the discount liquor store topped it off with the two blues you scored from markymarkjay finally feeling good, finally feeling mighty fine down at the park you seen the popo taking all the tents down now they walking the streets with dirty hands held out for change somebody stole your deck when you took a leak behind the weed shop icy cold and dark and a bummer walk back to mom and day you're living the dream, going on 25 in your parents' basement the future's here and it's darker than *****ing coal on the tv there's 2 rich old guys yelling and pointing fingers wonder which of them's gonna rule the *****ing world up to my ears in cash, benjamins floating down from the sky sitting on my skinny ***** sinking in a cocaine tidal wave busloads of drooling fans looking deader every day there will be no end to my personal carnival of pain high priests in gucci clothes hawking tickets to taylor swift pollyanna waving her broken flashback rhymes canvas of life revived oozing down cracked subway walls all my homeless soldiers slowly marching to hell mom and dad made me = in the back seat of an old chevy they were parked behind = my favourite liquor store life goes round and round = sometimes you hit the jackpot sometimes you hit the skids = and take it from behind not their fault the whole world was sliding into the dumpster the fault lies in the way we're all wired as best as i can tell so yeah i live in my parents *****ing 2 bit basement no hope no life might as well just roll another one mom and dad made me, made me, made me
  19. timboalogo


    Really liked the drums on this piece of electronica! The mix leaves so much room for the toms and hats and really works well. Timbo
  20. Now this is a work of art! I'd love to know where you get your ideas from Wookiee cuz I'd pay money to go to that place. A terrific use of delay and space make this an excellent piece. Thanks for sharing, Timbo
  21. Must be some weird combination of VSTs and VSTis that's causing it, since it has never happened except in this song.
  22. At first I thought I just forgot, but now I'm sure that when I edit a MIDI drum track, save the project, exit and go back in and the changes are not there anymore. Very frustrating! Has anyone experienced this and found a workaround? Thanks, Timbo
  23. timboalogo

    Sugar Crash

    That's an excellent recording! Not to mention the playing. Would like to have been in the room to feel the power of a live band, I don't get to do that anymore. Tim
  24. Thanks for listening everyone, I thought it wouldn't get any more plays and disappear into the other side. Hearing a circus carousel sent my brain down the track of writing these particular lyrics - the music came later but it sort of wrote itself. I'd love to know what you mean by different but familiar! Timbo
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