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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Noel... Now how do I add them to the registry? I'll go look and see if it's obvious, but I'm getting old.........
  2. OK... Sounds good... The new registry entry? I'm thinking this is to control the export toast? Where do I set this command and what are the acceptable values?
  3. What a wonderful synth. And at an amazing price. ...but it seems to devour resources forcing me to quadruple my latency before it will play without glitches. (Three softsynths eat half as much all together)... Way to slow for performance at that point. I know I can freeze the other synths to reduce demand, but it's so early in this song's development. I do the same config replacing only the Memorymode with essentially any other (non-cherry. The other cherry synths are similar but not as hungry) all is well at my original latency. I get it. I know some demand more than others, but this seems a bit severe. I hope they find a way to lighten their load soon. I love all four of their synths other than this. Hard to use for basics... for me. I have their' 2600 OB SEM 8 Voice Memorymode ...and Voltage Modular. Their' value would go way up if they could find a significant solution. ...just sayin'
  4. I used one for many projects over many years. Back in the 80’s. It became one of my favorite toys very quickly. Music, commercials, etc.... Fab gear!
  5. Flexi are just 4 additional sound slots on a virtual pad. Cowbell, wood block, etc can be loaded there.
  6. Thanks for that reminder Mark... I remember noting that and doing so during the EA, but totally forgot. I guess I realized that my current method eliminates my need to alter the path as well and I could verify what number I’m up to. If I do as you suggest, I must still alter the path as well. Nothing simple, but nothing horrible either. Now that we've been told to expect a check bix regarding the export toast, I'm fine with the system and feel comfortable. The only "bug" for my workflow I posted in a separate message (don’t want to derail op)
  7. I think what he's referring to is that it has the tag in the field requiring the pasting/typing the name if you wish to add/modify the name as in adding a number to the export name. If it placed the actual name that the tag refers to only a quick edit of the number is needed. I would love it that way as well. Currently my system requires clicking the 3 dotd, navigating to the location/previous mix. Selecting this, then entering the filename box to edit the name... over and over all day...
  8. Yes, it does that for a simple wav file, but mp3 has an additional dialog and the name chosen is the project name (cwp) not the individual clip I import (finished mix).
  9. Just came upon this issue. Bug? I have a song project set up to do my mastering. I import songs into it and export the masters. Today I had cause to master 3 songs in a row. I use two tasks to do this. One to create a 16/44.1 wav master for cd and the second task to create mp3 First song all was fine. 2nd & 3rd had this issue. When I update the mp3 task on the 2nd & 3rd, instead of remembering what was there (in the mp3 dialog) the settings are missing or scrambled to different settings.
  10. Just came upon this issue. Bug? I have a song project set up to do my mastering. I import songs into it and export the masters. Today I had cause to master 3 songs in a row. I use two tasks to do this. One to create a 16/44.1 wav master for cd and the second task to create mp3 First song all was fine. 2nd & 3rd had this issue. When I update the mp3 task on the 2nd & 3rd, instead of remembering what was there (in the mp3 dialog) the settings are missing or scrambled to different settings. oops... I guess I should have posted this in the feedback forum ?
  11. Thanks scook. Given that limitation , it makes sense. Funny... Surprised I didn’t notice before but I guess it's something I never thought to automate? BTW, O is bound here! ???
  12. Not much else to say about it... If I click on the letter O to toggle display of offset mode. I just noticed that the velocity offset Always is displayed and doesn't switch. All other tracks/widgets appear OK though I may have missed something...
  13. Still requires extra mousing and clicking. My only salvation for this is now it at least goes away if I open a different project. So it can mostly be ignored by me, but I still find it annoying!
  14. Thanks scook... I had a feeling it might be that but as it appears to have finished the ea we experienced, I expected it. I wonder what's holding that release back? From ea posts I thought it complete. Luckily for me, this time, the BA install of Cake went fast without a hitch of the typical issues so many experience with download and install via BA.
  15. A friend trying to install Cake is being forced to use Bandlab assistant? i thought that no longer necessary?
  16. Thanks mk... Funny, I don’t even remember this post. I have the puigchild installed and working fine. I don’t remember which version. I'll have to look asap...
  17. Thanks for correcting me on the name. I was only referring to the change from layers to lanes etc. that occurred. I have nothing against the overall change but some issues have still not been satisfactorily straightened out. I had no problems with the snap situation prior to the change. Right now, I’m simply requesting a single command that can turn snap on/off in PRV via shortcut. Right now this simple job requires two commands to accomplish.
  18. I use screensets, but not workspaces which is at none... I float the synth rack and the PRV. The PRV has no problem. It consistently opens as I configured it back when Sliverlight was introduced. Synth Rack is driving me batty. It is more convenient for me floating and wider than typical in browser dock. I don’t think it has always behaved this way, but it's possible as it’s origin is so old it's a faded memory for me. If I leave it open when saved, it remains undocked when re-opened. If I close the floating rack and save, it is again docked re-opening the project...
  19. I typically use alt-9 and the problem is as I explained. Minimizing is uncomfortable adding extra clicks to expose it then expand it. Toggle from menu? I doubt I’ve tried that as I avoid as much mousing and menu diving as I can. I'll see what it does, but as clumsy to deal with as undocking every session... I'm hoping it can be fixed so that it remembers it's established state...
  20. I get the same result with HW strip normal. The problem is the next step. After rack is floating. close rack save re-open saved project open synth rack. Where is it? Mine opens up docked in the browser once again!
  21. Just a note of gratitude and acknowledgment... I've had a long standing issue with crashes while changing projects. Seeming to relate to plugins contained, but never confirmed as such. The Team has been following up on it and noted to me to see how this update does regarding this... Excellent! So far with all settings (severity etc.) the same, I am getting essentially none of the previous guaranteed crashes long prior. Great owrk! Many thanks!
  22. I totally agree... or at least a toggle to enable/disable as well as override!
  23. Ahh... That's why... It's not PRV Snap Enable, it's PRV Override.... It changes PRV snap from independent settings to global, but has nothing to do with enable/disable snap itself... Now I remember being miffed first discovering this years ago and it's still here biting my......
  24. Thanks Klaus... I’ll try again. I did that and didn’t find. Then I need to find a way to assign both snaps to one shortcut. Probably impossible? Pita if two shortcuts must be used each time. If they truly were independent it would be easy but prv snap disabled becomes global snap when disabled unless global is disabled as well. Annoying!
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