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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Seems to be 2-3db. Each synth varies. Obviously, most don’t. So far it seems the most common (and most difficult to deal with) are drum synths. Session Drummer, Addictive Drums (1&2), and Superior Drummer 3 all show this. Another I am certain of is old, Vsampler3. It shifts ~2db
  2. I sometimes feel as if it’s me, but making records of volume (read via peaks) before and after freeze shows the reality. It is so annoying and the devices showing this each respond differently. What causes this? Not all suffer from this. I wonder if I'll see a solution in my lifetime. Most I've gotten used to and remember how to re-adjust each, but some? Right now I’m struggling with learning this with Superior Drummer 3 and hating it. I don’t think this is true, but it feels like each output varies differently? I’m shocked if that’s true but I've been too miffed to log the values yet. Just using ear...
  3. I 5ink I didn’t explain well. the hardware outputs of the console view. Randomly, change their width from narrow where I leave them to full width. I have no issues with the docking for those who want it. My point here being that it doesn't always remember it's saved state. I was unhappy when silverlight was added as well, but my issues with that was (and is) related to the myriad of display/zoom issues which (for me) have still not been satisfactorily repaired. I know many are more in need of the benefits(?) of Lanes over Layers. As soon as Lanes are involved in my view I suffer the redundant image of the promoted clips as well as the zoom nver following my lasso selected area. In the days before silverlight, it worked fine. I waste more time fidgeting with zooms than I do most other work.
  4. Exactly why I haven’t posted this much. I can't find a recipe for the narrow hardware out situation. I've tried for years but see no repeated action as cause. Now the docked/undocked status remains as long as I keep it open. Closing it, saving the piece, closing the piece, and re-opening always seems to re-dock it.
  5. This is just getting so old.... Items that I have tended to be patient about. It seems they don't get solved that way any more than the items I'm very outspoken on... So Here is a few things I run into for years! Why do some structures such as the width of the hardware outputs in console and the synth rack seem to lose their assigned status? I am constantly resizing the hardware outputs back to narrow. I never change that, but it changes... The synth rack... I always keep it fairly wide and floating yet it constantly, randomly gets itself moved back into the Browser (docked). Is there some hidden keys I might be accidentally hitting that causes this? I haven't found any though I've looked. ...or are the gremlins simply busy having fun keeping me annoyed?
  6. Interesting. As a longtime MIDI user, I’m very familiar with this type of issue and don't often have such a problem. But as it happens, I've experienced this a couple of times now since the EA. I'm still examining the situation in case I overlooked something but....
  7. Thanks scook. Got it and found it. Too bad I don't like this system. I prefer the way AD2 handles it simply with a sample of each cymbal choked! Much cleaner for my eyes but I unhappily, understand their logic.
  8. Sometimes it surprises me the things I think are obvious and missing... Not only are there no Ride Bell Tips, but NO CYMBAL CHOKES? How can this be? Am I overlooking some special way that SupD3 handles such?
  9. Nothing to forgive. You're helping me! I appreciate what I get, not what I don't get.... though I keep looking! ? Wow! Snow while we're buring up! Small planet, lots of places! ? I wish I could send you some of our heat! Yeah, I get it now about the clip source needed to use clipname tag.... So it's not gonna help me... But discovery of the reset tasks to current setting might be another boon but I'm too burnt to try any more tonight... Tomorrow!
  10. Nope... I see track source+ trackname but not clipname etc... So that's not gonna help as I need the clip in it's time location on the track, not the clip isolated... I'll keep looking...
  11. Thanks Noel... I'll look over that aspect too The project is only one track and What little processing I'm doing is in the PC. I might try using the track instead of the master bus as I'm not doing anything there...?
  12. Thanks Noel... I got that. I'm having trouble getting it to pickup the clipname using it's tag. I don't want the project name... {clipname} M I got M Trying again right now... Interesting... It won't let me as it is trying to over write the files named M still ignoring the clipname tag
  13. Now if I can get it to pickup the clipname! I did clear the field prior to selecting my tag, etc.... but the clipname is not inserted. I am about to try the procedure again...
  14. Thanks Will... Yes, I know where the path gets set, but my issue is with needing an option in tasks that will allow a task to use the currently set path instead of one task-contained, It appears to be able to do this with filenames using tags though... So far, my experiments with tags to pickup filename has not worked, but without the patch changing, I still have to create new tasks every time. Still saves a little time as I can walk away while both wav/mp3 get done... Hmmm... Ah... just found the files. They did get to the correct folder, but the clipname was not inserted. Only the additional space and M which I added beyond the clipname tag. So it didn't pickup the clipname... Just noticed an option to reset tasks to current settings. Is this what I've been searching for???
  15. Hmmm... Different result here. Using the clipname tag plus a space and the letter M path is et to my current needed output I created two new tasks. One for the wav file output and the other for the mp3 output. So far I can't find either. Definitely not in the folder set in the path area. Back to looking for it, then gotta make the outputs the old way as I need it done....
  16. OK... I think I see how to get it to accept the constant filename changes using clip name with an appendage signifying mastered on my machine. Great! Getting closer (if that works for me), But I still see no way of picking up the live output folder. Looks one step closer though! A big step (or two!) ? Thanks Bakers!
  17. Thanks Noel. I did look, but I'll look again. Maybe if I explain my scenario. I have a cwp I use for a large part of my mastering. I import my file to it and create a 16/44.1 wav and mp3. Both with pow-r3 dithering. so I continually need to rename based on imported filename and unique project/output path. I didn’t see a way to make that happen. Now if tasks had an option to read current filename and path, it would be simple enough. Is such ability there and I didn’t see it?
  18. There’s an idea. An option to force tasks to use current filename/path. That would solve my issues too!
  19. That was one of my issues. The tasks pickup filename and path when created. So we must create new tasks each time we need to change these... It's not just the audio settings.
  20. Yeah, but for you to have it stay, I have to do extra work Looks like we need a user option?
  21. Shouldn't the Export Audio toast go away after a timed amount. PITA to ignore and leave it there....
  22. Sorry Noel... No, I didn't see that. I rarely use wma files currently. I didn't notice anything new in the mp3 dialog but I've missed things before... I must say though. I just finished doing my quickie mastering on 6 songs of same project and I found a rhythm. I did rip through that work quickly and easily, so this is helping for sure. Thanks again!
  23. More issues in need of explanation? OK... I finally managed to wangle getting an empty project to have saved my tasks and attempting to use it? Processing goes as expected but files are not in the NEW folder that was selected. To do that it appears I need to create new tasks that contain the folder info? I don't know because I'm not finding the files there either? I'm also wondering how the song name inside the mp3 is going to change from the settings used previously while creating the template...? Sorry to say it, but so far I'm not seeing this helping yet... Not for this situation anyway... In the right direction, but it would require some major changes in my work model to figure this out. I simply use a song project as my mastering template for many songs in need of simple, quickie mastering so one project covers all songs. But this implementation will not allow for that. Folder paths, internal mp3 naming etc.... So it helps a tiny bit as I can create the two tasks I need and walk away not needing to do each separately, but that's all it will do. I must create new tasks for every song mastered this way. I'm feeling a bit deflated...
  24. Thanks Noel. Grateful for all for sure. I understand your pov about tasks, but for me the task of creating an mp3 is almost always the same as is my wav file export from mastering. I rarely use anything else other than my original 24/48 mixdown file. Mp3 presets would be a tremendous saving!
  25. Thanks ms... It's gonna take me a few minutes to wrap my head around this. Yes, handy as is for many things. Already a saver for my mastering template. All that remains in that path are the mp3 dialog settings so in need of presets! ? ...but for building new projects, the ability to use presets including tasks seems an obviously handy tool! ...Please don’t take me wrong. I love the new features and see a few extra elements to make it a more "complete " job? Thanks again for your time explaining. Age is making me more confused than drugs ever did!
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