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Everything posted by Keni

  1. I’m still having trouble. As mentioned during EA. Something changed and went unnoticed? I'm fairly certain it's related to Melodyne in some way too as I’ve been doing extensive multitrack vocal work. Cake has crashed a number of times. The audio engine is repeatedly getting dropouts where none existed before. The audio engine lags at same settings which work fine in the previous releases through 2021.12. I can send a crash dump if you wish. Just say where. Thanks
  2. I think I've found a possible culprit? I think it’s only happening to Melodyne clips.
  3. Nevermind... It was focus moved to edit envelope changing the parent track's clip colors.
  4. I continue to get disappearing clips in Lanes when muted. Very frustrating. I mentioned this during EA... I know there's the option to hide muted clips from the parent track, but I keep running into clips disappearing from displayed Lanes when muted. That's not good!
  5. Hi Max Cool. Mine is sitting in storage for far longer than I want to think about. K2500RS and I never get to use it anymore even though it’s 40’ from my window. Best of luck.
  6. I think I have the 2500 if you need it?
  7. Thanks Noel... I've attempted to isolate the issue but it's still eluding me. I've stripped projects down removing all plugins and the problem remains. I increased the ASIO buffer size to 4 times the size/latency and the problem persists. I didn't try larger as it would be useless for me beyond 1024...
  8. Thanks Noel. I will endeavor to find more info. It is not project specific as I’m seeing it in all my projects. Maybe something I use in all my projects is having trouble with this EA. I will move back to 2021.12 after the update is officially released.
  9. Why is there no problem rolling back to 2021.12? I understand that you didn’t change anything about the loop function, but I believe something in the changes made fir this update is causing this to happen. I guess I may be trapped at 2021.12 for the forseeable?
  10. The dropout is all sound. It works fine in 2021.12 and before. Nothing in the project was changed prior to updating to the EA and rolling back proves it. Something else changed...
  11. While it may appear to be unrelated to this release, the same project (and all my others) are not having this issue through 2021.12 Only in 2022.2 so something is different and maybe through some unusual relationship causing this to happen. As to the dropout code, that is no longer happening but the loop enable dropout is still happening.
  12. The Code was (5), but now not repeating. It's behaving as 23/25/26 . The engine doesn't stop, but sound drops out and continues after a tiny pause. Again I note that this exact project doesn't do this on 2021.12
  13. Good find. That fixed the more serious issue. Melodyne is now performing as I expect. ...but the audio dropouts are now even more severe than in 23/25/26. If I enable or disable Loop during playback, the dropouts are sever enough to stop the audio engine repeatedly. This is on a piece that works fine when reverted to 2021.12.
  14. Thanks. That nailed it for me. I will locate the correct dump. Do I then send it to Noel via attachment to PM? Never mind. Read more of the above.
  15. Thanks David... Nothing changes it but after rolling back to 2021.12, all is well with everything once again. Yes, it happens in projects with Melodyne. I can check without Melodyne if need be, but I would need to re-update to 26 as I am currently back to safe zone with 2021.12
  16. OK but I'm embarrassed... I have never done this before. Are there instructions somewhere so I don't have to bother others? Does this need to be newly created or should it exist from the crashes that happened already? I'm wondering if I need to re-update to 26? I've stayed rolled back to 2021.12 where all is well for me.
  17. Thanks.... I was concerned that it might not install correctly. I actually had a rep make a special download for me to install 4.x even though I bought 5.x Lets see if I get the nerve to try... This one's a biggie for me! As to copying? Yes, though not necessarily best... It's a matter of what's needed... In this case (which I often have) I wish to archive/hide/save my actual work tracks with my existing Melodyne editing so that I can alter edits later if need be. I then copy them to the track I actually use in the mix creating an additional Melodyne track automatically then to render this on the copied track.
  18. BTW... I also verified my so far un-commented upon report of delay/drop outs when clicking to enable/disable Looping... All is well in 2021.12, but not in either 23, 25, or 26. Most uncomfortable...
  19. OK... Problem with 26 All was (mostly) well here with 25, but after updating to 26, Melodyne keeps causing bad crash. Situation... Copying a Melodyne clip from one track to another, then attempting to open the newly copied clip and up pops dialog reporting Melodyne crash and offering emergency save. Now rolled back to 2021.12 and all is well again. I believe I still have the two previous updates (23/25) and will attempt updating to them now. 26 is a show stopper here... Oh... I'm using Melodyne 4.x as I'm trapped with Windows 8.1 due to old hardware...
  20. Why can’t I get the mp3 options back to my previous default? Since 2022.2, nothing I have tried has managed to re-assert those settings This was with the first build (23?). I will try again with build 25 now. Still no success. Nothing I do seems to enable changing the settings that the mp3 Options menu opens with. Other than the name appearing in the Artist filed (mine), all other settings are something I have never used. Maybe some day we'll get the ability to store presets here? Or is the domain of the options application out of reach for Bandlab? I count on this often. Though it's obviously not a game changer, it's a pain to have to repeatedly re-adjust these settings. Please?
  21. Update... Just installed build 25 and this appears cured... Thanks!
  22. Thanks Morten, but it’s not the parent track. I’m used to that. This is the actual clip in the Lane disappearing when muted. Very difficult...
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