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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Something in the path of passing info into the task. So the old tasks contain valid instructions, but the new ones are not picking up the data while managing to output... nothing but a filename. Might be a helpful pointer for them?
  2. Wasn’t the case here. I created new tasks in 112 and they export empty.
  3. A setback? Some dot got misplaced in code somewhere in the 111 update and has persisted to the 112...
  4. Verified again... Rollback /forward to 099 and all works well... 111 & 112 Broken. Tasks Not Working Correctly.. No audio in output files....
  5. Nope. Something more fundamental. I created new tasks in 112 and ran them. Resulting fines are again empty. Running export works fine. Something broke for me in 111 & 112 and tasks no longer work. Output files are created with the correct names and destinations but they are empty.....
  6. Sure enough... Rollback to 2021.06 Forward to 2021.09.099 All is well and tasks function as expected. So my issues are in both 111 & 112 Something for tasks running via update to current tasks is my immediate guess. I'm gonna try creating new tasks and see if that isolates it a bit?
  7. Something wrong here for sure... I downloaded a fresh copy of the 112 update (in case my prior was corrupted) and it successfully ran bringing me to 112. The Tasks are exporting empty files using the reset to current settings option. Export manually works fine as expected. I'm gonna rollback to 2021.06 then forward to the 099 which was the last place all was working here.
  8. So far, a few bad things here... First chance to try running tasks with 111 and I get empty files? That's a first. Straight export works fine. Note that I was using the option to update task to current settings for each task as I have been.
  9. Ooops... Somethings wrong. I may try repeating it. I was running build 111 and ran the update to 112. At the end of the update Cakewalk locked up trying to start. I tried to force it shut using task manager, but it would not respond and I proceeded to reboot. That got it out of memory. I ran the rollback though it was labeled release 1 and it successfully brought me all the way back to 2021.06. From here running the updater already downloaded for 111 brought me back to 111... I'm hesitant to try running the 112 installer again? Anyone? Guess I'm gonna rollback again to 2021.06 then forward to the first EA as tasks are not working here in 111
  10. It’s one click repeated 20-40 times a day for me (sometimes). That extra click and being forced to mouse over to it gets old real fast. So all I ask is for an option so that it times out.
  11. BTW... Thanks Bakers! For changing the response dialog windows when updating tasks to current settings. Now I can read them!
  12. Don’t really understand that, but I only wish for us all to get what we want!
  13. That's a bit confusing to me... I thought the whole multidock/windowing environment was all silverlight??? I don't use workspaces at all as I find them too volatile for me. Not sure how this issue would relate to screensets. I'm not changing screensets in this process and my screensets are all, always unlocked.
  14. Not sure I understand. I leave workspaces disabled. I use screensets, but not workspaces or mix recall. Nor arrangements... This is not recent. It has been this way since it's inception with silverlight
  15. Works for me! ....but we've already heard from others who want it to remain for extended time.
  16. You missed an important step I believe. Close the synth rack before saving? Another thought just occurred to me. I continually use alt-9 shortcut to open synth rack.
  17. Did you try closing the synth rack, saving again, close and re-open the song. Then open the synth rack. Where is it?
  18. Thanks Olaf! That was where I strayed. I was under the belief it was from file|export which is what I normally use. I'll check this out tomorrow.
  19. Trying to go from advanced back to basic.... But I could not fins any such option and opening the export dialog from the file menu does not open the old file export for me. It opens the new one which doesn't seem to have any switches I could see to change from/to advanced?
  20. Pretty much. If I leave the synth rack undocked and visible, it's status is saved. If I undock it and place it where I wish it to appear, then close the synth rack and save the song. Re-opening the song and then opening the synth rack finds me seeing it appear docked in the Browser pane. It stays undocked if I open and close it during that session, but once I close the song with the synth rack closed, the problem repeats.
  21. Funny... I don’t get it here. I’ll have to look thinking in reverse?
  22. Please consider adding an option to enable toast timeout. I really don’t need extra tasks forced on me.
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