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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Hi Gang! I’m new to this thread, but I’ve had such a setup running (still do) here using a Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL as primary interface and a very old device, a Soundscape (I forget the model #) 8 i/o interface. No preamps on this puppy only +6 lines so I gotta hit them hard enough (pro vs semi at -10). I have rarely used it this last decade but it runs clean. The VSL interface software makes this really simple as my adat connection simply shows as additional faders after the Presonus 8. Labeled as adat and grouped in general. Displayed in Cake in respective fashion. I found this an easy way to acquire 16 i/o.
  2. Strange occurences Suddenly Appear? I don't know if this is new to the current release, but I've never seen this before. Using Cherry Audio's CA2600 for a simple monophonic line. All was well. Track was frozen. I had need to unfreeze the track for some re-arrangement of the music clips. All was still fine. Everything played correctly. Then I began to freeze my tracks and coming to this synth in turn (last synth to freeze individually) after freezing, the audio track is empty! No sounds have been frozen. So I unfreeze and now discover that the synth is playing, but no sound is arriving at the vst's audio output. I re-traced all i/o and nothing has changed, but now the synth will not emit any sound? So I insert a new instance of same vst and copy the MIDI clips from the previous track, duplicate PC settings and fx rack plugins. Call the same patch and voila! It works! Until I freeze it??? Then it becomes empty once again and the routine can be repeated over again with the exact same responses.... Anyone have any idea what's going on here? I've never had this with any synth. Not even previous uses of this vst! What might have changed to make this one synth behave this way? only now? So at first I thought it's the new update. I don't know, but this is a new situation for me here and the only thing changed is the update (and added Next but I doubt that relates) Thanks for your eyes... Sorry to pester anyone Edit: I see that if I add a new instance and copy all plugins/settings, then freeze, it freezes correctly, but if I unfreeze it and try to re-freeze it, the routine repeats... So I have a workaround for the moment, but something strange is going on here!
  3. Not sure what's going on, but it is pretty constant and only since this new release... CbB is having a lot of trouble opening. Mostly it takes a very long time to open showing the spinner.... Occasionally it will not escape from this attempt and I'm forced to use task manager to shut it down and re-open... What would change this behavior? I have the vst scanner set to manual so it has nothing to do with that...
  4. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. All drum software has sounds assigned to keys. You need/can not do that for the most part. But all products don’t map their' sounds to a specific standard. There are a few standard practices that many adhere to. You need to see if your product's manufacturer opted to add this. Others assign such to an articulation which requires a combination of one key to switch to articulations and another to describe which articulation. So either of these may be used in CbB. You can create or find an articulation created for your need. Then insert that event into any project via their articulation functions. A separate item to learn unto itself. The other method first described is an older method used before articulations were invented/added. It is simply the sound of the cymbal being played, choked. A sample which is tied to choke the cymbal just as hi hat successive event can. ...but the manufacturer has to offer one of these options and most do.
  5. No. Not necessarily. It needs to have a method of doing this. The most popular/common is to have actual sample/event assigned to a specific key. So I would scour the manufacturer’s keymap. It’s easy to miss finding on many maps. I myself constantly lose my place in Superior Drummer’s map which I find I don’t like it’s organization, but you get used to it with time. Often a workaround for most drum software can be to insert a zero-velocity event where desired. Not always effective. Depending on re-trigger settings, one can turn off the previous when overlapped as discussed fir typical high hat setups.
  6. Discord is... well... discord! I find it rather painful to use to begin with... I just did a couple of posts about my first NEXT experiences....
  7. Very sad! I remember long ago making the same decision about not adding iTunes to a pc! I have iTunes on my apple gear only! A bit of a pain for transference of music due to apples proprietary manner of controlling media... but not bad once setup. I share a mac/windows machine and simply boot to mac, then laod songs from the pc partition into itunes... Easy now! How do we do that to discord? Any way to get it to echo to simple browser or some such? Then again, as I'm not a beta tester for Next (Applied but didn't get the call) there's a chance I may never need it anyway as I fully expect I will be buying/installing Sonar immediately upon release but Next? Maybe check it out somewhere down the road if the price is right?
  8. Thanks for the word Glenn! I doubt I would, but now I know I won’t. I've had discord on my iPad for many years where it causes no issues. Especially none related o any music gear! A friend insisted I needed it for more secure communication only to drop it shortly after I got it. Then Cakewalk used it to handle their iPad app communication. It sits there getting updated periodically gut I don’t remember when I last opened it!
  9. I didn't mean to belittle it... I was only commenting on the appearance. Not toy or child-like as the OP had posted, but similar in appearance to the browser... I think I saw something I wasn't supposed to. There was a post a bit earlier (days) that showed the manual and I dared to browse it's contents. I didn't really check too many details as I didn't know the legitimacy of the doc I was seeing though it's content seemed too much for a joke... It seems to offer plenty of power, though I don't think it's for me... I am very happy with Cakewalk/Sonar and always have been. Yes, I have my wishes & complaints, but overall there's not a better DAW in the world for ME!
  10. A bit harsh, but to me it looks like a program version of the Bandlab editor...
  11. I understand. A big part of my own "confusion" in this scenario is that it involves the use of two plugins that are unknowns to me. I’ve had Iris 2 but never used it and I just got bias amp 2 yesterday. Interesting though. I knew that VSTs can spit out midi but seeing the option "all external inputs" inferred that there are internal inputs which I believed were such midi outputs from VSTs. External (to me) implies coming from outside the computer. Be it USB-MIDI or 5-pin DIN-MIDI. And I still can’t find any settings in bias amp that relate to midi output routing. Maybe something in Iris 2 is "open" and allowing the interference? Well obviously it's passing midi from my keyboard but some option left open being affected?
  12. Yes, I have 5pin din MIDI with my Audio interface. I use it to connect with my old ger when needed... All Ports are not selected.... All EXTERNAL Ports was selected... That should not include ANY info from an INTERNAL synth! And creating minute audio? What's that all about? I'm sending MIDI from my keyboard. It's a controller and has no audio?
  13. Exactly the things that were confusing me! Guitar is an audio track with Bias amp in the fx bin Pair of tracks MIDI/Audio for the Iris 2 synth Input echo enabled only on the MIDI track. No side chain or other routing I can find in any of the plugins or in my Cake paths... Narrowed it down finally to being somehow midi related. I'm not hearing the actual synth on the guitar track, just a noise enough to even feed the reverb/delay downstream on the guitar track. That's what caught my attention. I went looking to turn off the delay in the Iris patch and found there was none! ? The solution was easy for now though there could be trouble in more complex situations, but somehow, some kind of midi action coming from Bias Amp was looping as if external! That's where I realized my solution. I changed the Iris MIDI input to Exclusively my midi controller/keyboard instead of the ALL External Inputs" selection that it defaults to and has been fine for me until now... But how could the Bias send out midi that Cake reads as External when it is an Internal plugin to begin with?
  14. Just thought I should mention... Likely new with this update based on the number of others with what seem related MIDI issues... I rarely use Iris 2 but as I discovered an update, I started playing with it afterwards... Same here... I'm using Bias Amp on a guitar track which is a first here... While going through the Iris sample library I discovered that somehow, sound of some kind was getting into my guitar track and even triggering sound in the fx sends for the guitar track! I scrutinized every i/o on the page and found if I disable Bias Amp, it goes away! Ao I further scrutinized Bias Amp and found no control related to input... Then after a number of other ideas, I started changing midi inputs to noe and found it went away! Aha! A lead? My MIDI input defaults to All External Inputs... I changed that to include only my MIDI keyboard/controller and... Voila! Problem solved this way. Closer to the root? So... What's going on here somehow through the Bias Amp plugin, it's accepting some lind of input as External which it obviously is not Connected to the Bias Amp plugin as not experienced this anywhere else ever before... MIDI and Audio having cross instrument/track effect on one another?
  15. Yeah, we EA people already got the release version. If I understood the comments here from the Bakers, if you download the link from the download cakewalk button on the bandlab website, you get the full installer, but I don’t know for certain if true or in effect yet?
  16. Thanks Noel... Explanation much appreciated. He's got good internet (though he does live on the gulf coast of Florida) but I was in contact with him while he waited. I have never had more than 10's of seconds delay to activation after an update so I was a little concerned but thinking there may be a huge load on the server in our situation? ? But hey... He's an old guy such as I am so who knows what was going on down there while waiting! ?
  17. Hi Noel... I'm ok here, but I'm a bit confused... When performing an update, an activation is required and the experience by my friend yesterday showed more than a 2 hour delay in activation happening after update. So many people are confused, uncertain and bewildered... You might post a note informing them of such delays and reminding them to be patient even for that long!
  18. Thanks Noel... I understand. I was reporting what a friend was doing as I can’t get him to use the forum. Out of frustration waiting so long fir activation and misleading popups he received, he was grasping at straws. I told him just to wait and be patient, but waiting hours was too much for him. Possibly for me too if I was in that position. He's fine now BTW...
  19. Unless I’m mistaken, the system is just behaving extremely slow. Maybe overwhelmed by the number of simultaneous users requesting the same service?
  20. Incorrect at the moment Will. This was an event that occured while doing an update and re-activation of this release. My friend waited over 2 hours for his re-activation to process and with no feedback from anywhere, was searching to comply with message received citing "please login to bandlab for reactivation"
  21. If you plan on continuing to use CbB you will have to as very soon as all older versions will no longer function due to back end changes...
  22. Am I the only one here? Feels strange. Friend tried to login to bandlab Assistant but was unable. Back end changes? Now 2 hours he's still waiting for activation! What's up? Ahhh! At last! He just texted me that it finally cleared! Wow! Think the server's a bit overloaded?
  23. A friend just tried to update and receives a message to login to bandlab to activate but he can’t find any such. What is he missing? Is the server just overloaded?
  24. Thanks Morten! It appears we of the final EA don't need to run any more updates. The last EA is the final release! Yay! Thanks for all your (and the team's) hard work! Looking forward to the future of the NEW Sonar by Cakewalk soon to appear! Best of luck to all!
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