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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. I usually try to have my midi track names and midi clip names the same, using "Copy Track name(s) to Clip name(s)" from the Tracks sub-menu at the top. However, in my current project I was using the "Replace Synth" feature to try and find a better Piano patch for a track . . . then, when satisfied I did a "Copy Track name(s) to Clip name(s)" When I freeze the track, the clip name reverts back to a previous clip name . . . for a synth patch that I am no longer using. When I unfreeze, it returns to the correct midi clip name. I've been doing this for many years, and never noticed an issue like this before, and wonder if anyone else who has a similar work flow has noticed this ? (I also wonder if it is related to my old nemesis the Omnisphere (version 1) VST2 synth, which has not played nice with Cakewalk for many years . . . one of the synths I used "Replace Synth" on was Omnisphere)
  2. Classy tune, very accomplished playing . . . real picker-upper to my day ! Thanks for posting it here ! (LOL, Soundblaster never sounded so good . . . as Wookiee alludes to, things may work better if you use the right audio driver, so let us know what you have set up there in Preferences - Audio - Driver Settings)
  3. Do you have the "Mix" module turned on in the Control Bar ? That's where I always access the "Bypass all Audio Effects" button . . . it's still there. Plugin Delay Compensation just got enhanced, with options to engage/disengage for Recording or Playback . . . right there in the same Mix module, below the FX Bypass.
  4. That new subscription is not called Command Center anymore, it's a membership with BandLab Technologies. If you purchased an older Cakewalk version previously, then yes, you should have a password for access . . . did you ever purchase a Cakewalk version ?
  5. noynekker

    Sugar Crash

    @Old Joad . . . yikes, wake the neighbours ! A raw and round sound . . . you actually still have a 1/4" reel to reel ? That in itself is cool enough, but your tune also totally rocks, and sounds great . . . well done everyone involved.
  6. noynekker


    Sounds great, uplifting ! Good blend of synths and piano . . . relaxing and easy to listen to, well done, enjoyed it very much.
  7. @mark skinner @DeeringAmps @bjornpdx @Makke Thanks so much for your listens and comments guys . . . always helpful in the songwriting journey, as you all know !
  8. Curiously, iZotope discontinued their "standalone" versions starting with Ozone 10 . . . so, you have to do an export of your mix, then start a new Cakewalk project with Ozone on the master bus. Then you can turn off DPI awareness, and run Ozone as a full window if needed.
  9. @freddy j thanks Freddy ! . . . my back-up singers were all standing off to the left, glad it worked for you 😉
  10. @jack c. thanks for lending your ears Jack, and feedback...
  11. Thanks for your comments Martin, much appreciated . . . I worked on the drums and put up another mix, getting closer, but still some things . . .
  12. Hey Sonar monkeys . . . here's something I've been mixing for quite a while. Had a lot of trouble mixing this, mostly because I recorded it in a different way. I used an analog mix console, instead of computer in the box, and what can I say, but the ears play tricks when you change the methodology . . . let me know what you think.
  13. Hey Mark . . . I had never heard this song before, and your cover is certainly mesmerizing, laid back and somewhat haunting in your arrangement. Of course, I went online and had to have a listen to the original by CSN. It struck me that the rhythm guitar, which starts out in your version panned left, could be mixed closer to center, and more prominent in the mix. The original version had a very defined rhythmic pulse driven by that part, and you've mixed your fills and improv very upfront panned right, making the end result very loose and jazz based. Either way, always enjoy what you do, and respect your interpretations . . . you always know what you're doing, but I also know you like to hear this type of comment, as another point of view. The vocals are excellent . . . attempting a David Crosby vocal, much respect for that ! (The first few vocal phrases could use some crispening, for clarity I think, in the opening vocal lines)
  14. noynekker

    Late evening

    Markku . . . another great guitar piece. Always enjoy these. The bend up you do in the middle part is exquisite (since your English isn't so good, let's just say it rocks!)
  15. Hi Martin . . . accomplished and clear recording, and I really like the dynamics change when that chorus kicks in ! Also, appreciate the uplifting positive vibe, certainly helped my day along . . . thanks for posting here.
  16. @jack c. . . . I did find this piece fascinating, well done jack ! . . . mostly enjoyed the vocal and lyric, though, the stark organ arrangement really helps paint the picture. I especially enjoyed the last section, you're really having some fun with it, and it shows there.
  17. Nicely done @bjornpdx . . . a bit of a strange juxtaposition with the dialog and the music, but somehow this really worked for me, in a time transportation kind of way, and I'm kind of wondering how you even came up with the idea, nevertheless, you did, and I liked the end result very much !
  18. Can't go wrong with an old classic like this ! (well, maybe some could, but you've done a great job) As others mention, vocal volume a bit shy in places, but a nice full balanced mix overall. Personally, I'm hearing your piano intro and piano outro as a classy tribute to this old song, well done ! The great old songs never get old.
  19. FWIW, my Modo Bass 2 works just fine, but it is not in that exact location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\MODO BASS 2.vst3\Contents\x86_64-win\MODO BASS 2.vst3 Mine is here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\MODO BASS 2.vst3 . . . not sure what those 2 extra folders at the end may be ?
  20. Steve . . . brilliant and upbeat ! Yes, it was a colourful time with a lot of things changing, despite the black & white. You've painted a very positive vibe of how technology unites the world. Musically, your guitars are excellent, mix is very balanced . . . just a great production, and FUN to watch and listen to !
  21. @Noel Borthwick . . . I was just going to send you a crash dump, but was finally able to fix this issue (after five years) using WinDbg and some information in this thread . . . big THANKS to everyone here ! (Turned out to be a duplicate VST3 filename which was created after installing AutoMap software, for my Keyboard Controller)
  22. Likewise . . . I've never been able to run the Fab Filter Pro Q3 VST3 . . . instantly crashes Cakewalk, and has for many years, over many Cakewalk versions. I reached out for some forum help, and it turns out I'm the only one who had the problem, and I was never able to fix it . . . so I just use the VST2 version of Fab Filter Pro Q3. (VST3 version runs just fine in my other DAW) Hope you get it sorted ! . . . the only advice I ever got was to re-install, but that never changed anything for me . . . hope it does for you.
  23. Excuse me ? How is this a deal for those already paying the monthly subscription, are we not included in this deal ? My math says this deal is just slightly more than half of what I'm currently on trajectory to be paying after 1 year . . . please tell me my math is wrong ? Noel, you say you don't want to discuss it here, but you may be losing a 30 year customer . . . I just can't get my head around this: "The offer is catered towards new first-time subscribers of the annual plan. Existing monthly and yearly subscribers cannot take advantage of the offer." It's like you want us to leave.
  24. I totally get what you're saying . . . and this will now be the forum section where you may hear about that "killer" new feature, making you consider to get out your wallet. Any suggestions about what would be an amazing new feature for you ? Or, let's just wait and see what they come up with ?
  25. Maybe a lot of new Cakewalk users will like NEXT, it's MAC, it's PC ! . . . but for any long time Cakewalk Sonar users it's a MEH ! Entry level, I looked, I left.
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